Kikuchad: no need to worry about the recipes, you'll get hang of it after an hour or two of playing. The resources needed for crafting will be easily obtainable (more-less), so once you know what's your favorite set of items, you'll start obtaining resources (you can buy them too) and fixboy-ing in no time.
Sorting the items into subcategories might be added soon, although you'll never get two full pages of recipes. This is not because we have not enough recipes, but rather the inability to have them all at once. Two pages doesn't seem especially hard to master, I guess.
Professions are not needed for crafting, but are quite helpful (and recommended). We are trying not to force players do something, but rather to show him what is possible to do and let him have fun.
Mr. Canon: As always, most of the game concepts in FOnline can be ruined by alts. I hope Cvet will come up with a solution for this, which wouldn't bother players too much, yet cripple the usage of alts at the same time.
Gowegius: see the answer to Kikuchad. The items are already kinda sorted - first armors, then weapons (small, big, energy...), then ammo etc - but all of them are on one list, consisting of 1 or 2 pages. Hopefully this won't bother crafters too much.