FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #2


Vault Consort
Staff member
The first FOnline video was reasonably popular, so the second one is sure to raise the roof with its riveting account of blowing up lizards with explosions... adding together two small lizards to make a bigger lizard... adding together some fibre to make a rope?

Thanks Ezekial.
This is crazy...

And the funny thing is that it's way more complex than the lame repair system from Fallout 3.

The profession system is great too.

Congrats, once again. :clap:
I tried it at one of the testings. Was impressed by the idea to be honest.

Good job for improving the old Fallouts.
I'm scared it'll be too much "complicated". Too many things to craft to get before have the thing you wanted to craft.

Having skills (repair, science, weapons skills), profession (which seems to cost), tools, workbench, and several differents and specific material...

I'm a bit affraid.
Kikuchad said:
I'm scared it'll be too much "complicated". Too many things to craft to get before have the thing you wanted to craft.

Having skills (repair, science, weapons skills), profession (which seems to cost), tools, workbench, and several differents and specific material...

I'm a bit affraid.

Then we'll make stuff even more scarce so that players who put their time and resources into that should be rewarded. Be even more scared ;)

I've never been a fan of stuff that can be obtained by a mean of simple farming (spending few minutes/hours) in the wasteland...
Kikuchad said:
I'm scared it'll be too much "complicated". Too many things to craft to get before have the thing you wanted to craft.

Having skills (repair, science, weapons skills), profession (which seems to cost), tools, workbench, and several differents and specific material...
It's obvious most people will have an alt with those perfect stats so they can craft hardcore.

The craft menu is nice though.
You should add categories for gun types, ammo, drugs, materials, etc.
To be honest I am very impressed. I think adding more details and possibilities into the original FO is an excellent idea indeed! It will be great to replay good old Fallout, or even better this new classical FO after FO3.

Thanks for the time to make these improvements and for your dedication to old Fallout.

I am really looking forward to it! :clap:
Hoot said:
To be honest I am very impressed. I think adding more details and possibilities into the original FO is an excellent idea indeed! It will be great to replay good old Fallout, or even better this new classical FO after FO3.


I'm scared it'll be too much "complicated". Too many things to craft to get before have the thing you wanted to craft.
I see only the good sides of it - promotes interaction and bartering and scares off the type of players I wouldn't like to see in the game in the first place.

God, can't wait till 15th!
Ezekial said:
I see only the good sides of it - promotes interaction and bartering and scares off the type of players I wouldn't like to see in the game in the first place.

God, can't wait till 15th!

My man! Can't wait to see you too, heh:)
I agree that crafting menu should be broken up a bit more, start with guns, ammo etc. (then click one and open up a list of such things)

I sure hope I can get in on the test
when does the registration start for that? And how many people can get in?

PS: this crafting and clans and groups of people working together is reminding me of the later bits from that book 'Island in the Sea of Time'
Kikuchad: no need to worry about the recipes, you'll get hang of it after an hour or two of playing. The resources needed for crafting will be easily obtainable (more-less), so once you know what's your favorite set of items, you'll start obtaining resources (you can buy them too) and fixboy-ing in no time.

Sorting the items into subcategories might be added soon, although you'll never get two full pages of recipes. This is not because we have not enough recipes, but rather the inability to have them all at once. Two pages doesn't seem especially hard to master, I guess.

Professions are not needed for crafting, but are quite helpful (and recommended). We are trying not to force players do something, but rather to show him what is possible to do and let him have fun.

Mr. Canon: As always, most of the game concepts in FOnline can be ruined by alts. I hope Cvet will come up with a solution for this, which wouldn't bother players too much, yet cripple the usage of alts at the same time.

Gowegius: see the answer to Kikuchad. The items are already kinda sorted - first armors, then weapons (small, big, energy...), then ammo etc - but all of them are on one list, consisting of 1 or 2 pages. Hopefully this won't bother crafters too much.
I kind of think in its current system the crafting is too complex to be practical.

It's an example I've used before, but in order to build a knife - one of the most basic and crappy melee weapons in the game, worth about $20 I'd guess - I need to buy a sledgehammer to hammer some ore, manufacture that ore into metal parts and then combine with flint. I can't even manufacture those metal parts without science tagged on my 9 intelligence character. It only gets more complex when it comes to guns. I know you're trying to make crafting an involving system, but it strikes me as too convoluted for people to want to bother with. Why not just punch a gecko to death and buy one?

I don't want to have to tag science in order to build one of the most basic parts that ends up in pretty much every weapon. More stuff should be universal - don't put large skill requirements on stuff that's only useful to low levels; let people build spears even if they haven't tagged melee. By the time I'm level 3 and skilled enough to finally build a 10mm pistol I'm probably strong enough to just kill people to get weapons instead - it's faster and undoubtedly more lucrative. It's more risky, but it's also more fun.

A crafting system ought to be an easier alternative to just killing people for their stuff, yet if I kill one raider I'll probably get about 10 caps, a 10mm pistol, maybe a stimpak.
I'm continuously amazed how FOnline and derived projects mimic Fallout's graphics engine with such precision.

It almost seems like Fallout's renderer code was completely reversely engineered to accomplish that, even though it seems like a monumental task.
Well, we have some talented persons who are working on reverse engineering a lot from Fallout 1 and 2. :)
This looks great! But I have a question. I read that you need the Fallout 2 disc to play it, but I don't have the Fallout 2 disc. I only have the collection that recently came out, so am I outta luck?
Rufus Luccarelli said:
This looks great! But I have a question. I read that you need the Fallout 2 disc to play it, but I don't have the Fallout 2 disc. I only have the collection that recently came out, so am I outta luck?

I think they meant that you need Fallout 2 installed just like in the previous OB because FOnline 2238 uses F2's art. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I also got Fallout Collection and I think there should be no problem with it.

On topic: Great video and I really like Mr Fix It interface. I played MegaMod with it and it was really fun. I'm sure you'll be able to balance production so we don't get flooded with too many items in a day or too. Keep up the good work. August 15th seems farther and farther away with every new piece of info :)