FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #2

Jinxed - yes (as a part of total combat conversion which is implemented using reversed fo2 alg)
Chem reliant - not yet, but it may be soon, as drugs are being worked on now.
scypior said:
Jinxed - yes (as a part of total combat conversion which is implemented using reversed fo2 alg)
Chem reliant - not yet, but it may be soon, as drugs are being worked on now.


In case any of you fonline fans have missed - there is a new poll on the blog. Decide what there will be in the new video!
Ezekial said:
scypior said:
Jinxed - yes (as a part of total combat conversion which is implemented using reversed fo2 alg)
Chem reliant - not yet, but it may be soon, as drugs are being worked on now.


In case any of you fonline fans have missed - there is a new poll on the blog. Decide what there will be in the new video!

I wanna see the combat, its about time to see the all-new combat system. I want to know how they balanced the combat to fit a CTB multiplayer RPG.
Ezekial said:
SmartCheetah said:
As a professional suicide bomber (Certified by Allah) I can tell you that with only one TNT there was a big possibility to kill even PA armored guy (OBT2)

I wish I could see that!


Second one was hurted as hell. And I've learned that it's smarter to use few TNT's at the same time ]:>
SmartCheetah said:
Second one was hurted as hell. And I've learned that it's smarter to use few TNT's at the same time ]:>

lolz, sweeeet!

god, can't wait till the beta!

/crossed out another day on the calendar with a big red X