scypior said:MrBumble said:The Unity failed tonight...We tried to ambush some Russians while they resupplied in front of the Cathedral...It went terribly wrong. God I love this game !
Yes, It was very nice, because it was kind of fair-play. Not usual playerkilling. We just tried to take over supplies.
And later, most of our team member spread out through wastelands to start over again, but I came back to cathedral, as a diplomate. They were standing there, 7 men in Advanced Power Armors (ours too :/ ), but they had no plans to kill me again. (In the end they did it, but it was probably some stupid behavior of one of them, not deciding about they overall attitude).
Nonethless, I came back again. There was one of them standing there, and keeping an eye of some stuff they left for us. (Not our most important stuff, but some basic items that would help us to start again). They even were willing to keep others from looting it.
That is why even we loose terribly, I'm not even pissed off, it was fun.
PS. Seeing cvet entering Hell and killing turret with one unarmed shot was kinda cool, too
PS2. But even in such moments there is time to...
So this was on the second Server?