FOnline second open test started

Note: While im typing this i`m actually playing FOnline.

I don`t want to sound too disrespectful, it`s good work what they are doing and i fully support it. Have to agree with pretty much all of your points dhomochevsky. The radio feature is basically a chatroom and i think everyone agrees that they don`t want to have two programs open just to chat with their friends. Just let me add some things to the list:

-Unarmed combat is a clickfest if you aren`t good skilled: The solution is pretty simple. While holding leftclick on your mouse you should automatically execute punches/kicks/maybe shots. Shortcuts for bodyparts would help, too.

-Friendlist: Adding friends by writing their nickname /Maybe per PiP-boy
The problem is that the entire experience for most, so far, seems to be the struggle of actually "getting on your feet", as it were. This mostly consists of watching the russians in metal armor shoot each other for kicks and seeing who manages to scavenge their corpses first.

.. And then get shot.

Well, I'm waiting at the Den gates (Gareth) if anybody who speaks english wants to team up. I have a few crowbars and spiked knuckles to spare :p

G'dammit guys, use radio channel 2.

Southpaws, I spotted you earlier, but as karma would have it my modem just went out of sync.
I spotted some people, but they said follow me and dissaperead in the red grid, so I followed them but didnt saw them :/
Well, the thing is, once you get killed for the very first time, you lose your radio. Is there a way to get it back once you are replicated?
Ok, I'm on my way. Is there any way to get quests? I mean, there's got to be some method to get you equipment and stuff.
dhomochevsky said:
Well, so far I can say that the following need some tweaking:

The NPC dialogue is mostly in Russian (hell, EVERY NPC I encountered spoke in Russian, with the exception of those who had "text not found" errors. This makes it very difficult for non-russian speaking people to get quests or whatever.

I asked thousand times for translators and proof readers.

dhomochevsky said:
The overland map traveling is too damn slow. you have to spend a whole lot of time to get from point A to point B.

It is now 30% faster then on first open test.

dhomochevsky said:
Since I don't speak Russian, I wouldn't know how to use the banking system (or maybe the NPCs that own banks speak English and I have yet to find one).

I know that the bank in Den is 100% english. The terminals also should be english everywhere.

I just can say, post your stuff in this forum. There it will be 100% read by the devs and this is important.

radiatedheinz said:
I spotted some people, but they said follow me and dissaperead in the red grid, so I followed them but didnt saw them :/

You are sure that you have tagged Helios? Also you don't have to go into the grid. If you tagged the leader and he leaves, a popup comes up where you click "follow".
This happens with me too. I tried to use a different server and it worked, try the one offered a few pages back, but you might have to create a new character as my old one did not work on the new server.
OK, so if anyone here have problems with "standing on own feet" then we should definitely join in the Master's name:)

It's even more important since the game is now about defensing a bases, and getting supplies from either BOS or Enclave, so It'd be good to have few teams wandering around/keepong an eye on the Cathedral.

As for the radio channel 2, yes it's a good idea, I'll try to use it as soon as I buy myself a radio :]

For further info you can join #TheUnity channel on the IRC server
I can't get FO2 to run in XP 64. I've put it in all the compatibility modes and I really don't want to install a virtual machine just to play. Is there anything else I can do?
That was fun, although the ending - 11 people getting their asses handed over to them by a Mr. Handy - was hilariously tragic.
both servers say "it was not possible to be connected to a server of game" when trying to enter