FOnline second open test started

Ehh yes it seems they changed the basic stats of some creatures for example rats. Me and some level 1 companion were heading to Redding to gain XP by fighting rats and one small rat managed to kill us both. :| It was not the Fallout experience i was seeking. Another funny thing is in Broken Hills, if you enter the mine you`ll enter a death trap, maybe it was just that i happend to be at the wrong place at the wrong time but there were 15 or so ants hitting me to death. I don`t get this new capture game btw. There`s a computer in the Siierra base, so i and two other vaultdwelling individuals were heading to the computer declaring the base to ourselves. We had no problem to get to it, even the turrets didn`t shoot.
In Broken Hills I wouldn't have entered the mines "naked" even with a higher level character in the real game. The air purifier was damaged and you were hurting like hell.

Anyway, drat. I just came back and was expecting to get my ass kicked again, it kinda grows on you. But it seems the servers are down.
Apocalypse. said:
Ehh yes it seems they changed the basic stats of some creatures for example rats. Me and some level 1 companion were heading to Redding to gain XP by fighting rats and one small rat managed to kill us both. :|

ONOZ! MOM! That rat killed me! It was so horrible, this game is stoopid! I won't play it anymore! It's makes me so sad and powerless...

*and he ran away crying...

...a week later at Interplay's reception*

Kid's Mother: My little, poor boy was killed by a rat in Your game! How can this be??!!
I can't log in. I don't even know if I passed registration. Are the servers down again? Any of you guys have the same problem?
Cold Zer0 said:
I can't log in. I don't even know if I passed registration. Are the servers down again? Any of you guys have the same problem?

Yea the servers are down till a announced time
LynkS said:
Grayswandir said:
Ok i made it on the second server

Seems to be less people there. i will hang out a little there and maybe move to the first later when it's stabilized...

Yes, I managed to get on this server too. Any advice on what to do and where to go?

Is it possible to switch language on english in NPC conversations?

Keyboard langueage switch on default: Ctrl + Shift
Master Munk said:
Cold Zer0 said:
I can't log in. I don't even know if I passed registration. Are the servers down again? Any of you guys have the same problem?

Yea the servers are down till a announced time

Ahhh damn. I just have time to try it now :( Thank you for the info. I hope I'll see you people in the game. Do we use server Where are there more English speaking players?
The last time I saw a group of English-speaking people, it was in the Cathedral, they (well, I was there as a part of the group too) managed to hold the cathedral till noon (12am in game), then came the truck with the supplies... It wasn't bad at all. Ammo, weapons, but almost (or none) of the armors.

So, maybe at the Cathedral?
The unity mainly plays on but at the moment the servers are still down. :/

Also a shame that I couldn't finish my cathedral map.
How about we set a NMA frequency on the radio. Same for the both servers so we can find and help each other easier. Still don't know how the radio works though so I'll have to read about it. What do you think?
Hi all!
I have a problem: if I talk "Big Nose Sally" in the Bathhouse, it's sais: "text not found"
"text not found"
"text not found"
"text not found"
"text not found".
What's the problem? Pls help!
Text could not be found. There is no help for this because it is not translated.
How about we use frequency 82 on both servers as NMA frequency so we can locate each other? I'll be on it.

EDIT: Sorry MrBumble. I'll be online a little later and that guy named Butch will pay :D Frequency 82. See ya
You could use the radio putting it in your second weapon slot, then choosing the channel.

Could be a good idea to have a common channel for NMA's english speakers, i'm a bit lost with Russian :(
When you change the frequency on the radio (I suggested 82 for NMA and will be on it most of the time) you just need to type /r and then your message and press enter.

Example: "/r Hello world" [press Enter]

I hope I'll see some you online. I'm on server 2. I met Mr. Bumble there and one our resident lurkers.