FOnline third test dated

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Good news from the FOnline website, as a date has been scheduled for the third test of the MMO application.<blockquote>The date of third open test defined - it's 15'th of august. Just to remind - there are no any pre-registration needed - visit this site and download the client archive in target date. This test will last till release with small breaks for updates.</blockquote>Thanks UnidentifiedFlyingTard.
It's just the day where I go on vacation in turkey...
I guess i will have to wait september to play it then. Too bad for me, the begining is the best time to have fun. :cry:

What do you guys think, should we ask the admin to create a fonline section in the forum? I have seen the need expressed once or two in the modding section, and it would be a better place for the quests help thread, the dialogue editor thingie, and maybe a little update on the situation? (the english mod, what's going to be differents, etc, etc)
After all, there is only three month left to prepare to the awesomess that Scypior Lexx and co prepare for us... :D
I'll be there and check out what's new.

I don't think a sub forum would be necessary, since there will be an IRC channel for the game again.
Southpaws said:
I don't think a sub forum would be necessary, since there will be an IRC channel for the game again.

But a sub forum could be usefull for general informations, etc.
Lexx said:
Southpaws said:
I don't think a sub forum would be necessary, since there will be an IRC channel for the game again.

But a sub forum could be usefull for general informations, etc.

I think Fonline had a forum here for about 2 hours before, but then it was removed as excess to need, as the Fonline rep here did not want one.
Dude101 said:
I can't wait! hang on, I don't have to MUHAHAHA. I am a tester [Loads Fonline client].

Lost any apas lately Dude? :wink:

I hope there will be lots of meat to frag. Nothing like old school pk :mrgreen:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
maybe you guys should add one after its finished and open to the public.

The next open test will not get closed, so this would be maybe a good moment.
We'll open one when there's enough interest (there is) and the FOnline dudes agree to it (they don't)
This is a bit complicated now. :)

Now there are two versions of FOnline:

Original vanilla FOnline (russian language) and...

... the Faction Mod that changes a lot stuff and is only developed in english. This is a mod for FOnline and is mostly developed by "us" 6 english speaking dudes. If you can't read any russia, you mostly will play on this server, I bet. We changed and adjusted and added a lot of new stuff - we want to talk about this later.

I know why cvet doesn't wanted to have a forum here the last time - because he only reads on the russian forum but there everything. But for the next open test it would be better to have a own board, I think.. because last time the news thread here got bigger than 50 pages, if I remember correctly. :>

And I'm fine with having one.

I'd just rather have Cvet's ok before I provide it. Mod or no it's still their work. So ask him. I'm not the one you have to convince of anything.
I don't want to convince you to anything, I am just saying. ;)
Uhu, can't wait! I'm very anxious, I've heard they changed the combat system a lot and made it better, more tactical. Unity, let's return with a vengeance!

And about that Factions Mod... please, do tell more!

Also, the FOnline forum needs a international (english-speaking) section, rather than being a sub-sub forum in the test section.
Lexx said:
... the Faction Mod that changes a lot stuff and is only developed in english. This is a mod for FOnline and is mostly developed by "us" 6 english speaking dudes. If you can't read any russia, you mostly will play on this server, I bet. We changed and adjusted and added a lot of new stuff - we want to talk about this later.

I definitely want to explore this rather than being yelled at by russian guys in APAMKII's. ;)

There was a whole lot of confusion for me every time I've played FOnline. Will there be a list of (all, general) features sometime? Is there one?
Hello, Southpaws.

I don't remember you from the last open beta, but it's not that important anyway, since you're already aquainted with game - at least with the game it used to be once.

After a few months of hard work, we've managed to do a few important things, like bringing it closer to English-speaking people, adding new features and limiting or totally scrapping out the old ones. A list of all features should be available in time and you'll be aware of the things you can (not) do in the game.

Just a small hint: the start will be quite easier and there will be more options to advance a few levels early in the game rather than keep slapping a brigade of geckos to death for days.
Will it offer options for less combat heavy characters, like combat medics with high charisma and such? I remember we once had a discussion about the viability of "support characters", who had high CH (to lead big parties) and used their non-combat skills to help the combatants of the party. Anything new for unarmed and melee chars, too? (say, new attacks)

Ahhh, I remember my old gecko extermination campaigns as a noob! It was the trial by fire of any noob - YOU, want to be a badass? Punch the shit outta geckos!
Finally, i can't wait. Good job guys! :clap:

I'm hoping for a more detailed and up-to-date manual this time around, i hated it that last time i took perks that turned out worthless.

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Ahhh, I remember my old gecko extermination campaigns as a noob! It was the trial by fire of any noob - YOU, want to be a badass? Punch the shit outta geckos!

I felt a little more confident and went for mr. Handy :roll: