FOnline third test dated

SmartCheetah said:
Can someone answer my question? ;_; What about Enclave? Is it joinable faction? I'm looking forward into roleplaying some enclave commando B)

BoS and Enclave are not joinable factions. You can do some work for the Enclave but you will not get a PA or APA from them.
I believe if Enclave was joinable, a majority of folks would be Enclave just so they could get APA, plasma weaponry, etc. I might join up with the Wright family up in New Reno.
insanepipe said:
I believe if Enclave was joinable, a majority of folks would be Enclave just so they could get APA, plasma weaponry, etc. I might join up with the Wright family up in New Reno.

Very true. They're the guys with flying vehicles, big guns and armor, so who would want to join, say, a bunch of mobster hicks who make booze? See where I'm going? Without the Enclave and the BOS, I can see a lot of people joining raider gangs, Reno Families or NCR for more than simply rule of cool.

"sides, BOS and Enclave not being joinable make sense. Both are elitist factions who keep to themselves. They would probrably get some outsider agents to do some of their dirty job (like the Chosen One in Fallout 2), but you're not going to be a full-fledged member, with a rank and everything. Hell, they may even send you on a mission without telling you who they truly are, so that Guy A who gave you a mission to kill that Guy B may actually be a Enclave secret agent who just used you to shoot a BOS knight on his trail.
You will be able to join Enclave and BoS. But joining doesn't mean just milking out the faction to death. In fact you have to understand the way the faction works, their plans and actions and sacrifice yourself for a greater cause to get something, if anything, out of it.

My bet is that the most people will play custom factions, which somehow makes most sense. In a world like Fallout, most survivors would probably try to find a group similar to themselves and stick to them.
I hope that most people will play custom factions. It gives best style too and a few things players wouldn't get from one of the fixed factions.
SmartCheetah said:
Polish? Me, Scyp, Eevee, Diablo were Polish. And there was more of us, but later on everyone split up into smaller groups ("Rotators" and such)
And French? Herbert and Blady (:* guys!) was French. I have no idea about other dudes.

Herbert speaking !

Good memories with you guys of the Rotators. See ya (with Blady) on 15th of August !
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Germans? Aren't they Lexx's pals from FalloutNow? If they are, that's good, Lexx can act as a intermediator between us and the other Krauts, which means that its less people with a big "UNITY" on their "shoot-on-sight list."

Yepp, we from FalloutNow were Unity Member too. :) My nick was Ralex. :D Great times ... I can remember when I had to take the supplies at the cathedral and everyone was shouting "hurry!!!" And yeah, Jack Daniels was great, he gave me money and a APA .. can't wait for the 3. test and the new english FOnline.
Hah, the length of time is necessary, I believe, to ensure that a location isn't being rushed every five minutes by mobs.

Also, I like taking a while to reach a destination. Makes it feel so much better to be there, and feels as though you've actually gone somewhere else.
Any news yet on all the new changes to come in?
Nothing official, but if you're interested in something particular, feel free to ask.
My only question is: Is travel time shorter?
See the Snowguy's answer. Other than that, you can always get somewhere fast with a good car.
Great news!
I really enjoyed the first beta test and now just can't wait till August. And although I travelled mostly alone, I can't forget the Unity, let the Master shine in His glory, who helped me a few times saving my ass from some hostile local barbaric tribes or criminals and gave me a lift a couple of times in their magnificent car.

There's one thing I'm really curious about, though: is there any information about what happens after your character dies? In the first test I remember being replicated for free in a scientific lab not so far from Den, but I heard that this time if you don't have enough money for replication, you'll find yourself in Hell, and the only way to get out of there would be to ask someone else to pay your debts.
For our game, we deleted "the Hell". So if you die, you will respawn on special "hospital"-maps. The maps are placed over the world and at the moment, the player spawns randomly on them.

In vanilla FOnline it is still there, if I remember correctly.
lisac2k said:
Any news yet on all the new changes to come in?
Nothing official, but if you're interested in something particular, feel free to ask.
My only question is: Is travel time shorter?
See the Snowguy's answer. Other than that, you can always get somewhere fast with a good car.

I was mostly thinking of finding out about the changes to combat that were mentioned earlier, but if theres been any advancements in the crafting of items, that would be interesting too.
ralexand said:
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Germans? Aren't they Lexx's pals from FalloutNow? If they are, that's good, Lexx can act as a intermediator between us and the other Krauts, which means that its less people with a big "UNITY" on their "shoot-on-sight list."

Yepp, we from FalloutNow were Unity Member too. :) My nick was Ralex. :D Great times ... I can remember when I had to take the supplies at the cathedral and everyone was shouting "hurry!!!" And yeah, Jack Daniels was great, he gave me money and a APA .. can't wait for the 3. test and the new english FOnline.

Relex! I remember you!
I think the supplies were a great element to the game. I liked how the supplies forced people to form groups that would secure the area, and then share between themselves. I remember we patrolled the outer Cathedral area, armed and on constant radio communication. Anyone unknown was stopped and had to identify itself. People know to us would be allowed, while unkown people would usually be sent away. Or shot, if we were in a bad mood. The paranoia was almost palpable.

Yo Lexx, can you share something about the combat changes? I've heard its very tactical now.
Well, it is now - as example - possible to run in combat. With this, it is easier to escape an attack from others.

Also AP costs are changed for a lot weapons. Some weapons need 2 APs to reload, some 3, etc. Target-Shots need different APs now too. I think, shot on the head needs 2 APs (I am not sure at the moment) and on the eyes 3 APs. Beside this, we highered the chance to cripple someones limbs.

We have done this because right now it was always that people just make target shots on the head. It was always the same: One kill-shot on eyes or head or nothing.

With the possibility of running away in combat and the highered chance to cripple limbs, it is now possible to make a target shot on the legs as example (well, it was possible before too but most people didn't used it, because it wasn't effective). If you are good or lucky, you cripple the leg and your target can not run away anymore, but you can still run. Or if you see some big weapons dude: Try to cripple one of his arms and he can not use his weapon anymore. This gives you a big jump in combat.

A lot weapons are rebalanced too, but we are not 100% sure if this is good how it is now, etc... here it is now: We wait until next test and will adjust weapon stats when players are playing. With a lot people running around and "testing", we can balance better/ we can see what weapons need to get some more attention and what weapons not, etc.

Keep in mind, in the next open test, it is still not a 100% working game. We are still in alpha stage with our added content and I don't think that this will change in the next 2 months.
Lexx said:
Well, it is now - as example - possible to run in combat. With this, it is easier to escape an attack from others.

Also AP costs are changed for a lot weapons. Some weapons need 2 APs to reload, some 3, etc. Target-Shots need different APs now too. I think, shot on the head needs 2 APs (I am not sure at the moment) and on the eyes 3 APs. Beside this, we highered the chance to cripple someones limbs.

We have done this because right now it was always that people just make target shots on the head. It was always the same: One kill-shot on eyes or head or nothing.

With the possibility of running away in combat and the highered chance to cripple limbs, it is now possible to make a target shot on the legs as example (well, it was possible before too but most people didn't used it, because it wasn't effective). If you are good or lucky, you cripple the leg and your target can not run away anymore, but you can still run. Or if you see some big weapons dude: Try to cripple one of his arms and he can not use his weapon anymore. This gives you a big jump in combat.

A lot weapons are rebalanced too, but we are not 100% sure if this is good how it is now, etc... here it is now: We wait until next test and will adjust weapon stats when players are playing. With a lot people running around and "testing", we can balance better/ we can see what weapons need to get some more attention and what weapons not, etc.

Keep in mind, in the next open test, it is still not a 100% working game. We are still in alpha stage with our added content and I don't think that this will change in the next 2 months.

Change on reloading time makes sense. No way reloading different weapons (pistol, revolver, rocket launcher, assault rifle) take the same time. Besides, different AP and reload rates could emulate some guns better. EX:

Revolvers = High damage, slow reloading time, higher ST requirement and higher durability. Uses less bullets than the pistol. A bit more accurate. Also cooler. :wastelandgunslinger:

Autopistols = Less damage, fast reloading and shooting, lower ST requirement and lower durability. Uses more bullets.

Flintlock firearm = Normal damage, slow reloading, slow shooting, higher ST requirement, higher durability. More bullets available for cheap. Easy to make.

Assault Rifle = High powered ammo, fast reloading and shooting, higher ST requirement (lower than the flintlock, a bit more than the pistol depending on the rifle), durability depends on the gun (AK 47 vs M15 comes to mind). Ammo is expensive.

Rocket Launcher: Absurd firepower (kills anything except tanks, robots, soldiers in Powered Armor, armored Super Mutants or lucky deathclaws), slow reloading, high ST requirement. Ammo is EXPENSIVE.

But aside from leg-shooting, is there any other restriction on running? Does it has any relation with Agility? Example: I can run with less recovery-time needed if I'm using a small pistol, but it takes me more recovery-time until I can run if I have something heavy on my hands, like a rocket launcher.

Limb-shooting seems to be very interesting now. Makes sense, too, the prey can't run without its legs. Arm shooting seems even more interesting now, brings balance. Carrying a sidearm makes more sense (if they cripple one of your hands, just draw that old revolver...). People with big guns (rocket launchers, machineguns, miniguns, big energy weapons) can be defeated by the swift use of a accurate shot. Are all two-handed weapons affected in the same way or there's a difference between heavy weaponry and lighter weaponry (rifles, shotguns, big SMGs)?
The problem with the supply drop system was it reinforced success and meant you had to be part of the group to benefit.

I remember being part of an early group who were round the cathedral ... me, Slaughter, Bobsaget and someone else iirc ... yet despite being there many times I'd get nothing or stuff so pointless it wasn't even worth going there.

It was because I didn't really want to be part of a group, so once it expanded out I knew hardly anyone there and ended up at the back of the queue constantly.

In the end it served to create powerful groups who could keep reinforcing their power with the drops (at least while they were the only source of APA), though running round farming random encounters turned out to be vastly more productive anyway.

If it turns into some sort of groups raiding each others bases and independants can do jobs for the BoS/Enclave, while random encounters stop providing quite so much money, then it sounds very promising.

Re: The combat changes

Does that mean that the critical tables have been changed?

Will there be a full list of changes somewhere when the final test begins?