Lexx said:
Well, it is now - as example - possible to run in combat. With this, it is easier to escape an attack from others.
Also AP costs are changed for a lot weapons. Some weapons need 2 APs to reload, some 3, etc. Target-Shots need different APs now too. I think, shot on the head needs 2 APs (I am not sure at the moment) and on the eyes 3 APs. Beside this, we highered the chance to cripple someones limbs.
We have done this because right now it was always that people just make target shots on the head. It was always the same: One kill-shot on eyes or head or nothing.
With the possibility of running away in combat and the highered chance to cripple limbs, it is now possible to make a target shot on the legs as example (well, it was possible before too but most people didn't used it, because it wasn't effective). If you are good or lucky, you cripple the leg and your target can not run away anymore, but you can still run. Or if you see some big weapons dude: Try to cripple one of his arms and he can not use his weapon anymore. This gives you a big jump in combat.
A lot weapons are rebalanced too, but we are not 100% sure if this is good how it is now, etc... here it is now: We wait until next test and will adjust weapon stats when players are playing. With a lot people running around and "testing", we can balance better/ we can see what weapons need to get some more attention and what weapons not, etc.
Keep in mind, in the next open test, it is still not a 100% working game. We are still in alpha stage with our added content and I don't think that this will change in the next 2 months.
Change on reloading time makes sense. No way reloading different weapons (pistol, revolver, rocket launcher, assault rifle) take the same time. Besides, different AP and reload rates could emulate some guns better. EX:
Revolvers = High damage, slow reloading time, higher ST requirement and higher durability. Uses less bullets than the pistol. A bit more accurate. Also cooler. :wastelandgunslinger:
Autopistols = Less damage, fast reloading and shooting, lower ST requirement and lower durability. Uses more bullets.
Flintlock firearm = Normal damage, slow reloading, slow shooting, higher ST requirement, higher durability. More bullets available for cheap. Easy to make.
Assault Rifle = High powered ammo, fast reloading and shooting, higher ST requirement (lower than the flintlock, a bit more than the pistol depending on the rifle), durability depends on the gun (AK 47 vs M15 comes to mind). Ammo is expensive.
Rocket Launcher: Absurd firepower (kills anything except tanks, robots, soldiers in Powered Armor, armored Super Mutants or lucky deathclaws), slow reloading, high ST requirement. Ammo is EXPENSIVE.
But aside from leg-shooting, is there any other restriction on running? Does it has any relation with Agility? Example: I can run with less recovery-time needed if I'm using a small pistol, but it takes me more recovery-time until I can run if I have something heavy on my hands, like a rocket launcher.
Limb-shooting seems to be very interesting now. Makes sense, too, the prey can't run without its legs. Arm shooting seems even more interesting now, brings balance. Carrying a sidearm makes more sense (if they cripple one of your hands, just draw that old revolver...). People with big guns (rocket launchers, machineguns, miniguns, big energy weapons) can be defeated by the swift use of a accurate shot. Are all two-handed weapons affected in the same way or there's a difference between heavy weaponry and lighter weaponry (rifles, shotguns, big SMGs)?