FOnline third test dated

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Will it offer options for less combat heavy characters, like combat medics with high charisma and such?
zag said:
I'm hoping for a more detailed and up-to-date manual this time around, i hated it that last time i took perks that turned out worthless.
I'll give an answer to both questions in one word: yes.

There is a certain system of professions currently being worked on, and some less used perks/skills/stats are now somewhat combined with other requirements in order to provide them more sense and usability. This is still early to talk about, but it will be fully implemented in a few weeks (testers probably already know something about it, or they're very close to experience it for the first time).

Other than that, there's better way for players to organize themselves now. Factions, be it as "big" as NCR or as small as the Tanker Vagrants, should bring more value to the game-play/role-play (at least we hope so).

All other features are still early to talk about, but if you're interested, I can mention a few more...
Ah good, been waiting for this to come back.

I for one would like to hear more details, trawling through bablefished Russian only reveals so much y'know ;)
lisac, these things you're telling us sound great. I can't wait to see it myself!

I've been playing the beta tests since the first one, by the way. Just never too much. Maybe, all together, for five or six hours. I have never been very supportive (posting in your forum for example) either, so that might be why I went unnoticed. Greyswandir or Manslaught might remember me though.

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Will it offer options for less combat heavy characters, like combat medics with high charisma and such? I remember we once had a discussion about the viability of "support characters", who had high CH (to lead big parties) and used their non-combat skills to help the combatants of the party.

Shouldn't this come naturally among the players though? The classes are there. The only thing needed is a high enough level/skills to be proficient with it. And perhaps a more MMO-like system for the skills (cool down times instead of percentages/dice rolls).
Southpaws said:
Shouldn't this come naturally among the players though? The classes are there. The only thing needed is a high enough level/skills to be proficient with it. And perhaps a more MMO-like system for the skills (cool down times instead of percentages/dice rolls).
Actually, it is very hard to predict how players are going to act. We were starting with a hypothesis that during the last open test there wasn't enough for players to keep them distracted from the two main issues: combat and acquiring the resources (which, again, considers acquiring mostly by force, therefore - combat).

We tried to put emphasis on the world, not on the single points (like bases, where the classical "capture-the-base" concept was applied). The world consists of "factions" now, which are labeled that way for game design purposes only. In fact, those can be considered as "groups following the same/similar ideology/agenda", trying to find their place under the Sun in the scorched, irradiated California. For example, Vault City is not very interested in the outer world, while the BoS, on the other hand, sniffs around even there where they don't belong. You can choose whom you want to join and start role-playing.

Other than that, there are "custom factions", which can be considered gangs at its best. Everyone can found such gang, if not already member of another "faction" (group) and if finding a proper place to settle down (or paying a trapper to find you one). This should bring a better feeling of belonging somewhere, rather than just teaming up with the people who might leave after 10 minutes of playing.

Some towns act like one faction/group (Modoc), others are quite divided and contain more groups/factions, which may or may not live together in peace (New Reno, Hub...)

This is, again, just a small part of the whole concept, which will be presented soon (August 2009).

No matter how hard we are working on the factions, we still try not to make it hard for the lone wolfs / freelancers. There's still much to be balanced, but we keep in mind there are different players and ways of playing.

AD: Still looking for the writers/proofreaders and 2D/3D artists.
Do the different factions turn the various player models different colours? (Like red vault suits for the enclave, green for BoS, etc)

I saw something about it in one of the threads, but couldn't make much sense of it.
No new critters. This would be a lot work and also it would make the size (mb) of the client explode.
I've been playing the beta tests since the first one, by the way. Just never too much. Maybe, all together, for five or six hours. I have never been very supportive (posting in your forum for example) either, so that might be why I went unnoticed. Greyswandir or Manslaught might remember me though.

Yep! I remember you, mainly from the first beta, you were there for the great Modoc Expedition right? where we all ended soaking in our blood...

The Unity will probably be there in the next beta, like always althought I don't know exactly under which form. And since I won't be there at the beginning of the test, well maybe you will discover it before me!
Anyway, I encourage all the old initiates and nightkins squads to contact the nearest priest to join again and save Mankind of its terrible fate...

Do the different factions turn the various player models different colours? (Like red vault suits for the enclave, green for BoS, etc)

I saw something about it in one of the threads, but couldn't make much sense of it.

Arf, it was one of my suggestion actually, (and I wrote it in english!! what was so senseless in it :=) ). Too bad it can't make it, I would have prefered a black vault suit to the tactic PA, but yeah, it's 300 mo more. Ain't that important thought, and it prevents the rainbow effect.

Did someone talked to Cvet about the section? Otherwise I can do it...
I already talked to cvet. When third test started, we can make "our own forums" for it. There is no problem with this because third test will not end after a few weeks.

If we really need a board here or not or if nobody wants it, etc. this is up to NMA. ;)
By all means, I'm for it. The one downside to the last couple of tests was the complete lack of communication happening with the english speaking community.

Although there was a certain charm of traveling with Niko, Jack and Ghost to god forsaken hellholes and never know who to expect as the residential power-that-be ;)
Grayswandir said:
Arf, it was one of my suggestion actually, (and I wrote it in english!! what was so senseless in it :=) ). Too bad it can't make it, I would have prefered a black vault suit to the tactic PA, but yeah, it's 300 mo more. Ain't that important thought, and it prevents the rainbow effect.

Did someone talked to Cvet about the section? Otherwise I can do it...

I think I saw it in the middle of a Russian thread about new models where someone had made all the vault suits in different colours and suggested they could be used for all the factions. Of course it could have been in english originally because when you look at english through the translator there are loads of of's inserted into it, so you'd never know, heh.

Any word on the changes to combat? Sounds interesting
coliphorbs said:
By all means, I'm for it. The one downside to the last couple of tests was the complete lack of communication happening with the english speaking community.

Although there was a certain charm of traveling with Niko, Jack and Ghost to god forsaken hellholes and never know who to expect as the residential power-that-be ;)

There was a lack of communication, true, but even that didn't stop a lot of members. I remember I saw some Brazilians from Vault BR tagging together, I think I even introduced Knox and others to you guys.

That's true. We were the best! We need to gather everyone again! THE UNITY WILL RISE!!

Fellow Unity Members: Can someone send the adress of the Unity forum to me? I kinda forgot it. Also, we need a secret "Unity personel only" invisible-to-normals sub-forum for us to discuss plans and tactics. There's a idea I need to discuss with the Unity.
Meooow. I Can't wait! I Still have Lexx report in my favourites ]:-3
Fonline forum on NMA is a good point. I'm looking forward into it.

By the way, Enclave will be playable faction? B)
coliphorbs said:
Although there was a certain charm of traveling with Niko, Jack and Ghost to god forsaken hellholes and never know who to expect as the residential power-that-be ;)

Holy shit! You were with those guys too? Jack Daniels was such a cool guy. A shame I don't know what name he goes by on here. Tell him that Frank says hello.

Sorry for getting the Den so mad at us...
I think I saw it in the middle of a Russian thread about new models where someone had made all the vault suits in different colours and suggested they could be used for all the factions. Of course it could have been in english originally because when you look at english through the translator there are loads of of's inserted into it, so you'd never know, heh.
yeah, probably was me, Morpheus, twas a few month ago, when all the dev were russian, since I am the one who made the vault suits in different colors. But whatever, its old news now:D

That's true. We were the best! We need to gather everyone again! THE UNITY WILL RISE!!

Fellow Unity Members: Can someone send the adress of the Unity forum to me? I kinda forgot it. Also, we need a secret "Unity personel only" invisible-to-normals sub-forum for us to discuss plans and tactics. There's a idea I need to discuss with the Unity.

The Unity forum? Is it still activ now?
Mmm, I don't think so... to give the Idea blunt, Scypior (Lasher) is one of the dev of the english faction mod now, so, I think Unity, as the historic "english nma roleplay Klan" (or as the children of the cathedral ) is going to play a part in fonline, but we need to keep in mind the global interest of the game, not only ours. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun. We need to have roleplay ennemies, like the Brotherhood, the NCR and such... i know for sure there are going to be strong polish, french(cajun :twisted: ), maybe german faction, based on the original national forum...
Like always, the Unity is based on people who want to have fun taking over the role of the Children of the cathedral, whatever the nationality.
Maybe the Unity could ask a private forum in nma (I am not fond of diversification, it is already reeeaaly hard to be present here in this forum, at least for me), with you (slaughter), Scyp (definitly), Maniac, the old team ( I know you read this!), and anyone who wants to create a roleplay Unity Faction in a roleplay world.... But like always, it is just an idea, I don't even know if i want Nma to host a private "MMO" private "guild" faction. (if it wouldn't be for a online fallout mod, I would be the first to call it lame). But this is something we have to talk about beween/about ourselves, you are right.
The main motto : to have fun, for or against us. At leat it is how I see it...
Anyway, i d like to hear of the Unity members and about your Idea Slaughter. :D
My idea is not really my idea, just a interesting concept someone passed to us in the old Unity forum. It involves some organization and tactics and I want it to be covert, otherwise it will hamper the Unity. That, and we need to make a official "Shoot-on Sight" list for know outlaws and dangerous PKers, like Oleg and others.

I think a small Unity forum would be the best for us, just set up a forum and give mod powers to Unity leaders and make a group for UNITY ELITES (You, me, Lexx, Scypior, Ghost... you know, the guys who have been with us for a long time and aren't going to turncoat anytime) and give them acess to the SEKRIT UNITY SUB-BOARD. I can make one, but I think others can do better than me. I think the old forum still exists, look for it. Otherwise, you can make one.

Germans? Aren't they Lexx's pals from FalloutNow? If they are, that's good, Lexx can act as a intermediator between us and the other Krauts, which means that its less people with a big "UNITY" on their "shoot-on-sight list." I dunno about the Polish and the French, though, do we got anyone from those nationalities in the Unity? Its good to have a link to other factions. I know a lot of Brazilians from Vault BR, so anyone who speaks Camões' tongue is probrably going to be friendly to us, I'll make sure of it.

I wonder how faction support is going to be. I remember you could change base suppliers with the computer, wonder if that's going to play a part...

The main motto : to have fun, for or against us. At leat it is how I see it...

Hahahaha, so good, so true! Fun is always good, and oponents are always a good challenge. Can't wait to see the new combat system.
You guys can make your own factions too. It costs a bit money, but it has some other pros too. :)
Germans? Aren't they Lexx's pals from FalloutNow? If they are, that's good, Lexx can act as a intermediator between us and the other Krauts, which means that its less people with a big "UNITY" on their "shoot-on-sight list." I dunno about the Polish and the French, though, do we got anyone from those nationalities in the Unity? Its good to have a link to other factions. I know a lot of Brazilians from Vault BR, so anyone who speaks Camões' tongue is probrably going to be friendly to us, I'll make sure of it.
Polish? Me, Scyp, Eevee, Diablo were Polish. And there was more of us, but later on everyone split up into smaller groups ("Rotators" and such)
And French? Herbert and Blady (:* guys!) was French. I have no idea about other dudes.

Can someone answer my question? ;_; What about Enclave? Is it joinable faction? I'm looking forward into roleplaying some enclave commando B)