FOOL Newsletter #3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The third newsletter for FOOL is here.<blockquote>Ghouls are the first announced playable race in Fallout® Online. Like humans, there are many different types of Ghouls and not all are the sterotypical pacifist or weakling. Ghouls get bonuses to trade and engineering skills. They enjoy fixing broken technology more than most survivors in the wastelands but that doesn't prevent them from being dangerous opponents in combat. Ghouls have high radiation resistance and slightly better than normal Intelligence. Their gear tends to be in better condition than other races, but that's not always true.

Ghouls start with two racial abilities: Complaint Department and Geiger Counted. Ghouls have two unique racial Traits added to the available pool: Radiant One and Tech Wizard.</blockquote>Thanks Ausir.
I don't know why, but I'm hoping Interplay actually succeed with this...even though I hate Herve. :evil:
Elven6 said:
Anyone else notice the footer?

©2Γ¥7 The Arm¬gedÐon Rag - PiratΞs will be sh°t!


If you click the "?" at the top right there's an area that says that there are "known bugs with the text processor" and brings up strange characters. However, who wants to bet that there's a secret message some where in there?
K.C. Cool said:
Elven6 said:
Anyone else notice the footer?

©2Γ¥7 The Arm¬gedÐon Rag - PiratΞs will be sh°t!


If you click the "?" at the top right there's an area that says that there are "known bugs with the text processor" and brings up strange characters. However, who wants to bet that there's a secret message some where in there?

Yeah the font is likely to fit into the theme. But the message itself, perhaps it's an in world joke as well? Like, those who pirate content for the Pip Pad for example.
generalissimofurioso said:
Playable Ghouls.

Crazier and crazier.
What's the problem with playable Ghouls? MMORPGs have races, Fallout has races, it's only natural.
I would not mind playing ghouls as long people dont react to you that youre a ghoul as long youre wearing a power armor for example. I mean how should they know that youre a ...
I love it. But I can only think of three playable races (the third one, obviously, super mutants). The other three that were in Fallout Tactics seem too silly. Well, the Humanoid Robot is possible, but still unikely - how would a robot learn skills and gain HP?

At first I thought it would be too unlikely for them to add a race that's entirely new to the series (or just mentioned). But then I remembered the Draenei in WoW - they were barely mentioned in WarCraft III, don't know about the books. Still seems unlikely that they do that. Besides, WoW has nine other races, so it's just one out of ten races. Imagine how awkward would it be if there were only two races, and the second one being just introduced in the game.

So, there will be traits. And perks, most likely. Add the races, skills and SPECIAL, and we get very unique characters. Of course, most characters will follow a purpose (an unarmed skill character would obviously pick the SPECIAL, traits and perks suitable for an unarmed fighter), but hopefully there will be many different ways to create a character with the same purpose - like you can have a small guns character with Fast Shot or without it.
I love it. But I can only think of three playable races (the third one, obviously, super mutants). The other three that were in Fallout Tactics seem too silly. Well, the Humanoid Robot is possible, but still unikely - how would a robot learn skills and gain HP?

Maybe android? Or robobrain? And I wouldn't be that surprised with intelligent deathclaws, sadly.

But then I remembered the Draenei in WoW - they were barely mentioned in WarCraft III, don't know about the books.

Actually, they (mutated ones, but still) appeared in WC3: The Frozen Throne, and were first mentioned in the WC2 manual.
About the Draenei, I used the wrong words. By "barely mentioned", I meant "I remember they were in a single quest". And I think they were called Draenei then, but it's likely that I'm wrong, because I played it a few years ago.

Anyway, I think my WoW argument is kinda invalid. WoW doesn't put too much into the story, unlike Fallout Online. So nobody cared about the fact that they haven't heard of the Draenei. I don't remember seeing gnomes in Warcraft III either, but still, it's one out of 8 races, and their fanbase isn't one who would care much about RPG elements. I personally don't expect to see playable races who had insignificant/none role in the original games appear in Fallout Online.
By the way, the newsletter was written mostly by Fallout 1 and 2 veteran Mark O'Green.