For LucasArts slaves


Vault Senior Citizen
Here you go, enjoy.
The first round of releases will hit Steam on July 8 and includes these titles:

• Armed and Dangerous
• Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
• Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
• LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventure
• Star Wars Battlefront II
• Star Wars Republic Commando
• Star Wars Starfighter
• The Dig
• Thrillville: Off the Rails
If you haven't yet, play Armed and Dangerous, because all of you are so new to gaming it hurts me physically.
Armed and Dangerous is a fantastically funny game. Shallow gameplay but is fun.
It's the jokes, man. The jokes. "You're uhhhh uhm. You're both French." "We surrender!" Classic.
Jonesy is probably the coolest of the bunch though.
Is that the game with The Shark gun and Romano-British Robot?

Never played it....but it sounds familier.
I'd played stuff like Transport Tycoon and Doom 2 and so on previously, but Fate of Atlantis is what got me into real gaming in the first place.
The only thing 'amazing' about this news is how long it took LucasArts to support digital distribution.

I'll probably check out 'The Dig' first out of all the titles. I had the demo when it was released but never picked up the full game.
Gods are affronted by the conspicuous absence of Full Throttle, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion/DOTT and Grim Fandango.

Seriously, they are. From my Inbox:

From: Gods
Sent: tue 7.7.2009 13:58
To: Scorpius

Dear Scorpius,

We are affronted by the conspicuous absence of Full Throttle, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion/DOTT and Grim Fandango.


PS: You are awesome. Please join our Pantheon.
Scorpius said:
Gods are affronted by the conspicuous absence of Full Throttle, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion/DOTT and Grim Fandango.

Seriously, they are. From my Inbox:

From: Gods
Sent: tue 7.7.2009 13:58
To: Scorpius

Dear Scorpius,

We are affronted by the conspicuous absence of Full Throttle, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion/DOTT and Grim Fandango.


PS: You are awesome. Please join our Pantheon.
Pfft, that's so obviously fake.
The Gods would never forget Sam & Max Hit The Road on a list like that.
Oh my god. Loom. Freaking LOOM. That game is like, permanently etched into my memory for some reason.

Anyway, yeah, it is about time LucasArts got with it and started re-releasing some of those old adventure games. They must re-release Grim Fandango, though. I never got the chance to play that one.

They realised that releasing old games could bringt some money even today! Strange that they really needed that long to see this... I mean, it is not that abandonware-websites exists since a few months and have no visitors.
Nice to see some of the products of the Lucasarts cleverness division (before it was fired due to being too clever and not releasing wave after wave of crappy star wars games) but there is a distinct lack of the famous point and clickies, though now I can finally play Fate of Atlantis.

Saying that the remastered Monkey Island is coming out on the 15th of this month. :D
The remastered Monkey Island is the only LucasArts game I'm interested in.

I own the majority of the LucasArts adventure catalog already (even an original CD version of Loom) and the two games I'm missing the most are unlikely to appear on Steam (Maniac Mansion and Zak MacKracken).

On a related note, Armed & Dangerous has been sitting on my shelf here for 4+ years, gathering dust. Are you telling me it's actually worth playing?
I_eat_supermutants said:
The jokes. "You're uhhhh uhm. You're both French." "We surrender!" Classic.
Uhh. Man, that's so classic it's become cliche and boring. Yeah, the French surrendered in WW2, ha-ha, we get it. I'm sure there were better jokes. I can't remember any, though I remember finding that game fun.

Kyuu said:
Anyway, yeah, it is about time LucasArts got with it and started re-releasing some of those old adventure games.
How about making, hm?
Kilus said:
I'll probably check out 'The Dig' first out of all the titles. I had the demo when it was released but never picked up the full game.

The Dig is great. I played it a couple of times somewhere in the late nineties and still have fond memories of it. There are some nasty puzzles, though, and the style of the game is a little... weird at times (graphically), but it's a sweet experience.
That damn reactor puzzle in The Dig, argh. Funny, they make a joke about it in Vampyre Story too, heh. I still have pretty much every LucasArts game, but it's nice to have them available again.

I wonder how a Full Throttle 2 would be, with no Gone Jackals and no Ben.
alec said:
Kilus said:
I'll probably check out 'The Dig' first out of all the titles. I had the demo when it was released but never picked up the full game.

The Dig is great. I played it a couple of times somewhere in the late nineties and still have fond memories of it. There are some nasty puzzles, though, and the style of the game is a little... weird at times (graphically), but it's a sweet experience.

I concur! The Dig is great but tough. Definitely a title everyone should get through.
Heh, when it was noted that LA would be "announcing stuff" on Monday, I immediately thought "new Star Wars game". Fortunately that was not the case.

I already own the Disk Versions of most of these games, but I'll probably grab them again to avoid the hassle of having to run them in XP.

The's been ages since I last played it. Good memories...