Forging the Steel

Looking at this from the perspective of a FPS gamer I wouldn't say that this looks that particular spectacular, more like a rip off from Half Life 2.

When looking from the point of an RPG fan, hearing about the new enemies and weapons my reaction would be "Who cares?"
What about the quests? What about an involving experience?

We get to make a new gun, how great.

We get to attack a new stronghold of the enemy, how special.
Wow, I didn't know that a lack of melanin could lead to greater strength and abilities. I thought it would mean that you were more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. You learn something new every day.
Yeah, we should recruit more albinos in our armed forces, they would be like the Terminator in battlefields such as Afghanistan and Iraq.
Forgot to mention: pls add pygmy albino behemoths. They can do triple the damage as a normal behemoth.. also feral ghoul babies. I also want radroach kings (they stand upright and are human sized and can direct their roach legion assault like a music conductor). I'd like to see them wearing a robe of some sort as well + a crown. Also hairless, albino water beggers.
Umm Patton; The Game already gave you 60 (58 for barter) free skill points for each skill... Sure if you had a Minimum Int character you wouldn't be able to maximize all skills without some perks but a 7-8 int character could fill up everything with some explorations...
well, i played as int 4 last time and i avoided certain perks.
And its not like i could be bothered to explore and level to max , the game was too bloody boring already without meaningless exploring and leveling.
But before that, as int 10, it was insane. I tested the leveling and skill points with the int 4 one.

I havent played fallout in months...kinda hard to remember the details.

Been playing actually good games.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Looking at this from the perspective of a FPS gamer I wouldn't say that this looks that particular spectacular, more like a rip off from Half Life 2.

When looking from the point of an RPG fan, hearing about the new enemies and weapons my reaction would be "Who cares?"
What about the quests? What about an involving experience?

We get to make a new gun, how great.

We get to attack a new stronghold of the enemy, how special.

Oh, come on. It's not that bad. You should be thankful that they didn't make BoS 2.
K. We will. But first, promise that the next time you go to a new restaurant, and aren't satisfied with your dish, don't complain. Be grateful that the entire staff didn't shit diahrrea all over your face.
Apparently, “the bigger, the better”, is Bethesda’s approach to excitement.
It reminds me of my teenage years.

Are you a female?

It could only be better if it had tits and was ON FIRE!

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one :P

Oddly the damage the shurikens and lightning do is pants compared to the other guns.

Who cares?! It shoots shurikens and lightning!
Enemies are retarded anyway :P

Well, at least it's better than BoS.
Looking at this from the perspective of a FPS gamer I wouldn't say that this looks that particular spectacular, more like a rip off from Half Life 2.

When looking from the point of an RPG fan, hearing about the new enemies and weapons my reaction would be "Who cares?"
What about the quests? What about an involving experience?

That's what I was thinking. If they call this a Role Playing Game, then give us some info about the RPG side in the game, not the FPS crap!

I mean, I am a FPS and RPG gamer. When it comes to RPGs, I want to hear about the dialogue, character creation, choices and consequences, the story, etc. When it comes to FPSs, I care mostly about "Do you shoot shurikens and lightning?" :D

Albino looks weird.

Weird is powerful.

Bethesda logic.

That made me laugh today, thanks a lot :beer:

Well, at least it's better than BoS.

At least BoS was made to be an action, shoot out game, but with Fallout 3, they told us is going to be a faithful sequel to the previous games.
the screenshots look wonderfull...all fallout 3 needs now is another DLC featuring david hasselhoff and K.I.T.T from knight rider...