jarekfall said:
What text editor do you use? Some text editors change data encoding type.
I use plain old notepad.
jarekfall said:
Please send me an archive with your files: BOS.exe and FT Tools.exe. You may have different compilations of executable files.
FT Tools.exe is v.1.26 and BOS.exe v.1.27, still haven't tried running the game with improver, so far I have just tested the editor. If you want I can send you the exe files so you can check them.
jarekfall said:
What spread type would you like to have for solid slugs? Spread type: straight? The patch from the third suggestion may be difficult or easy to create, but at this moment my knowledge, about hardcoded special meaning of ammo types is little.
Yes, solid slugs should use the straight spread type and should have longer range than shot. I figured this is one of those things which may not be possible but who knows, you might find a more convenient way around it than having so many fire modes or separating slugs and solids into different ammo types.
jarekfall said:
You can make more suggestions, I would like to know them all, I will choose at first these easiest to create.
Awesome, I didn't want to be rude and pester you with too many unrealistic suggestions but here are some more:
- This first one ties in a bit with the third suggestion regarding shot vs solid. Some weapons like grenade / rocket launchers, tank guns use a blast radius; like the spread thing this is a setting which should be defined in the ammo variant used. Say for example if you want to have buckshot rounds for your 40mm launcher or anti-personnel canister rounds for your tank gun; every shot that gets scattered in the cone is going to have a blast radius equal to the explosive round, I am sure you can see the flaw in this. Can you make certain ammo types disable the blast radius of the weapon?
- Second, impact sounds on weapon fire mode. Not sure if this has already been done but can you make it possible to add new impact sounds?
- Vehicle passenger capacity, I think the maximum passengers a vehicle can take is 7 (8 inc driver and 9 if vehicle has a gunner).
Any chance this limit could be increased or removed?
And last (for the moment) removing the recruitmaster limit of 6, I really hate limitations on games, specially hardcoded ones.
Ok, I got some more; some may not be possible at all but you may find a way around them, here they go:
- Ammo variants: give you the ability to add new types of variants, and control over their damage and penetration values. How about making it possible to give some of these ammo variants (rather than types as I mentioned previously on this post) the ability to disable or better still override the weapons default blast radius settings, spread type; and give points or percentile bonuses / penalties to range, accuracy, etc. with values you can specify. For example, a new ammo variant defined as 'shot', would be set to use the cone spread, reset the blast radius (if the weapon has one) to 0 and modify the range of the weapon reducing it by a percentage you can specify (this means shotguns could have by default the spread set to 'straight' and a bit more range, that is the range of the solid shot which would be reduced when loaded with buckshot). Same for explosive rounds, you could have ammo types that modify the blast radius giving some ammo variants more 'bang' than others when fired through the same weapon.
This means you could set the blast radius on some weapons like launchers to 0 so they can fire other types of projectiles that do not do splash damage such as non-lethal rubber batons, buckshot, etc. or armour piercing sabot rounds for some rocket launchers and the tank gun.
-Weapons: some items give you bonuses to stats and skills when equipped on one of your hands, this is not the case with weapons. This would be handy to give scoped rifles bonuses to perception if you like to have weapons with ranges greater than 50 squares. I usually set the range of sniper rifles between 60 and over 100 depending on the caliber used by the weapon, unfortunately my guys can't take advantage of this long range as they are limited by their perception.
-Items and armors that give bonus perks (overriding level requirements) if carried on your inventory or your hand, for example, night vision goggles could give you the night vision perk as a bonus when carried or some armors could give you this perk or another when worn.
-Death animations: lasers and plasma both do energy damage but randomize the death animation from cutinhalf to melt. How about give you an external setting where you can select which death animation you want a weapon to use overriding the one set by the ammo?
This would be useful to have new energy weapons that use the common energy cell but trigger different death animations. Another setting that lets your weapon override the default ammo damage type would too be useful.
-New Death animations: there are two already which could be added and exist in most sprites, the electrify and fire death could be used as new animations if their respective electric and fire overlays could be disabled by some external setting.
- UniqueHumanoid and UniqueOther races: not sure if this is already done but how about a patch to set animation sound used by different sprites on walk / run / stand, for example cyborg general uses its default animation sounds for its attacks but its walk, run, stand sounds seem to default to the one defined by uniquehumanoid race. How about another setting that lets you specify their target zar?
-Portable containers: any way of changing containers so some can be carried in your inventory like an item? would be cool to be able to store things in backpacks, bags, etc like in the original fallout. How about lights with visible sprites you can carry, switch on and off and face the direction you face? would be useful to have torches with directional lights or flares, break-lights, and other stuff you can carry in dark places without having to resort to map triggers. On the subject of lights how about giving some vehicles headlights?
- Campaign triggers: any way to set some external trigger system that allows you to move tagged npcs or units not in your team from one map to another, allow you to change their player index settings etc? This would be handy to leave team members in maps and have them meet you in other maps later and rejoin keeping their current level, skills, kill counts, etc which you would lose if you just set another entity of the same npc in another map.
-Poison / Radiation damage: weapons and ammo entities let you give your weapon these extra damages, any way to let you also control the poison points / rad count and damage it does per second or turn?
-Explosives and traps blast arc: all seem to be set to use a blast radius by default, could you give some an arc which you can specify on degrees (like directional lights) which faces on the direction you are facing when placing the trap? This would be useful for claymores so you can place them in a specific facing and have them do directional cone spread damage.
-Chemical and smoke rounds: any way to make ammo that causes damage on its target area for a specific amount of time? How about have a delayed light / fog effect you can select to linger where the round exploded for that specific amount of time or reduce visibility in that specific area? The later would be great to have smoke rounds you can use for cover.
-On the possibility of some dialog option trigger system: how about some basic dialog options that let your main dude talk to your squad members and have them leave or rejoin your team at any location any time?
-Rank: on single missions, your main dude's rank is always changed to initiate, and in campaigns I don't think you can have any squad members with civilian rank which is lower than initiate. Any way to make the game not change the rank specified on the entity without affecting rank progression?
Ok, That's it for now. Sorry to bug you so much!