cratchety ol joe
Mildly Dipped

Lishe said:FPS doesn't bother with such a tedious character creation system, because most FPS fans like jumping right into the action
If you note the current spawn of shooter games, most have customizable characters, I personally cant think how long I've spent tweeking the look of my Rainbow 6 character.
So, YES FO3 can be compared to a shooter... DIRECTLY compared to a shooter.
Can I play FO3 and think to myself;
"oh god I've just been in a 6 hour session of D&D, I don't need any more of this number crunching roleplay..."
"Gee after 6 hours of D&D its nice to kick back with FO3 roam around a bit and blow crap up.."
Please.. bear in mind I'm playing FO3 and ignoring the MQ for the very fact it is so railroad, and my very first experience of unkillable character made me turn the game off.