Game "journalists" are preemptivelly blaming negative receival of Starfield on review bombing.

oh a web archive link. somebody knows whats up. As for the review sabotage, I know when I discus my nefarious deeds I do it in a public forum.
Starfield vs. BG3 is the big debate right now. It's like some kind of joke.
Dude the Codex related groups are actually debating this like it is a debate with gusto. Starfield might not have so much focus on sex and this seems to appeal to some perpetual incels that are offended by gays in their video games and my response is "kill the gay dude then if you are that hate filled" and they just do not respond because they know they do not know how to roleplay.

Issue is Starfield will just be Fallout 4 in space with randomly generated terrain and YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING IN ONE RUN. FACTIONS DO NOT MATTER!!!! THEY ADVERTISED THIS!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA.
Imagine being so pissed off that your platform isn't getting a shitty game that you review bomb the game. If anything any of the platforms that aren't getting Starfield should be happy, they aren't getting sullied by more Bethesda garbage.
Main reason why my expectations about this game's content are low is because I have experience with Bethesda's ideas on game design and campaigns, how 'with the times' this game is is just a bonus on top. I expect a very shallow science fiction setting with a campaign as shallow as an average comic book but that claims to be on the level of quality of the best science fiction writers. I expect little to no originality or good plot twists at all.
Truth be told I have no high expectations for this game either, but since this is a fresh & "original" IP that they've created, I'll give them somewhat of the benefit of the doubt.
Basically if turns out to be great, SWEET! What a W for Bethesda for once. But if not, POINT AND LAUGH! Otherwise this game isn't living rent free in my head, so yeah I just don't care about it whatsoever unless some interesting news comes out of it.

The issue is most people that say they will not play it will end up playing it anyway because they lack dopamine.
The issue is most people that say they will not play it will end up playing it anyway because they lack dopamine.
I'm not going to lie, there aren't that many great games being released out there nowadays, so I do feel inclined to maybe at least pirate this thing and try to have at least a little bit of fun. But damn, does every single piece of news I read about this game make me expect less and less of it. It's ships with infinite fuel here (because playtesters are too retarded to remember refueling before a trip), needless base building there, and resource mining bullshit over there. I even saw some gameplay footage where you actually mine resources from your ship by shooting them with your main gun :seriouslyno:. And then there are all of the retarded references to the worst and most annoying characters that Bethesda has ever created like the adoring fan and preston gravey. The main story of the game has also been leaked and it's some History Channel bullshit about Jesus being an ancient alien and it's probably the most moronic logorrhea that Emil has ever been able to concoct. You just know that it's going be the usual Bethesda game where they take a game idea that is interesting at it's core and then crash it into the ground by making it ultra dumbed-down and retarded.
@Eumesmopo, honestly try some of the indie titles instead as there are still some decent ones. Or wait for Colony Ship. Or emulate some of the classic games if you don't have the hardware and a physical copy of a game is way too expensive for you.

Also, this is the first hint towards the story of Starfield I have heard and I already dislike it. With all the space provided (no pun intended) something so much more interesting could have been done than "Jesus was an alien"/ ancient progenitor aliens. I could imagine a plot about different human factions which different ideas on government and philosophy now that the problem of space travel and resource limitations are solved. Each faction or group believing it has the right idea what should be the next step in not just the development of human civilization but also humanity itself. Should we remain baseline? adapt to alien worlds rather than adapting these to us? embrace the machine? Should we seek out intelligent alien life or isolate/hide ourselves? Should we reach out a hand in peace or show our fists to make clear that we are not to be messed with. Should we remain in a single corner of the galaxy or spread our seed far and wide to ensure that our species' continuation is assured? And add to that a more personal plotline.
@Eumesmopo, honestly try some of the indie titles instead as there are still some decent ones. Or wait for Colony Ship. Or emulate some of the classic games if you don't have the hardware and a physical copy of a game is way too expensive for you.

Also, this is the first hint towards the story of Starfield I have heard and I already dislike it. With all the space provided (no pun intended) something so much more interesting could have been done than "Jesus was an alien"/ ancient progenitor aliens. I could imagine a plot about different human factions which different ideas on government and philosophy now that the problem of space travel and resource limitations are solved. Each faction or group believing it has the right idea what should be the next step in not just the development of human civilization but also humanity itself. Should we remain baseline? adapt to alien worlds rather than adapting these to us? embrace the machine? Should we seek out intelligent alien life or isolate/hide ourselves? Should we reach out a hand in peace or show our fists to make clear that we are not to be messed with. Should we remain in a single corner of the galaxy or spread our seed far and wide to ensure that our species' continuation is assured? And add to that a more personal plotline.

Don't worry, I got hoards of stuff on my backlog before I get around to playing this dumpsterfire and even if I do play it, I'll probably just stop midway through out of sheer frustration with the awful quest design just like I did with Fallout 4. That's why I say that I'll just maybe give it a try.

As for the story, yeah it could have been a lot better judging from the snippets I have saw. I think there are only 3 major factions and 2 of those are generic space pirates. The main story thread revolves around a mystery regarding some kind of ancient alien precursor race who are nowhere to be found but left a bunch of their artifacts behind (the big plot-twist is that they are actually humans who time-traveled from the future, like in Interstellar). I haven't seem any suggestions that it actually ever delves into hard scifi themes like the ones you have suggested and I highly doubt it does.
Hasan is actually retarded.
He stole a video of JayExci for his stream and when EFAP and others called him out on it and forced him to address it he said that he had to leave the stream and leave the video running cause he had to make food. What else was he supposed to do? DIE!? Literally, that's what he said. The idea of putting up a pause screen or playing a compilation of "best of Hasan" moments is incomprehensible to him. The only option he had was to let someone elses youtube video run while he provided zero commentary as he was LITERALLY NOT IN THE CHAIR cause he had to go and eat cause if he didn't eat he would literally have died.

Hasan is an absolute narcissistic sociopathic waterheaded adult child idiot.

Disregard literally everything he says. If he says that the sky is blue you go and double check to make sure cause if he said it it might actually be false.


Also he has his mom literally cook him chicken nuggies.