Game to Movie adaptations


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I would like to open a discussion about video game adaptations.

Do you guys think they should keep "trying" to adapt games into movies?

Recently I've heard rumours that Peter Jackson is going to make a Halo movie ( :x ). Also Warcraft might be taken by Sam Raimi.

Weird thing is, they have those two bad examples of games, which could be adapted into a movie. When they had for example Max Payne (very movie-like game and interesting), and they gave it to some mediacore and unexperienced director John Moore (The Omen remake, Behind Enemy Lines).

Maybe Hollywood is starting to think and decides to adapt games with better directors?
The same thing was with comic books adaptations.

Not mentioning Uwe Boll who's fucking all his adaptations up.
Personally I think they should stop.

How much a game reserves itself for a movie adaption like say an adventure game, it never can truly be made into a movie because of various reasons.

One thing I also hate is how script writers always try to put their own spin on the game storyline, perhaps feeling that they need to improve it.

Take Doom for example, a game that already makes a bad movie, but now replace the demons and damned souls with some virus that turns people into monsters or angels based on their character?
What is this bullshit?
how many books are truthfully transcribed to a screenplay? not much, i can tell you that.

so should they stop making movies out of books?

The Dutch Ghost said:
Take Doom for example, a game that already makes a bad movie, but now replace the demons and damned souls with some virus that turns people into monsters or angels based on their character?
What is this bullshit?
it was an extra chromosome, no? a genetic modification. don't think it classifies as a virus (though i must admit i wasn't exactly paying much attention when watching the movie)
viruses can interact with DNA, bacteria cannot.

for modern gene therapy, they use an influenza wrapper that injects the new DNA strands into cells AFAIK
SuAside said:
how many books are truthfully transcribed to a screenplay? not much, i can tell you that.

so should they stop making movies out of books?
It doesn't have to be "truthfully transcribed", it has to be a good movie in the end. There are many great movies made out of books. I doubt there's even one great movie made out of a game.
Buxbaum666 said:
I doubt there's even one great movie made out of a game.
It spawned those phenomenal novels by Kevin Anderson too!

Been waiting forever for Dune 2, RTS on the big screen! Maybe they can get a decent director this time.
Has anyone ever seen a video game adaptation that was actually good and worth seeing?

If Hollywood really sees the need to make movies from video games, how about a video game with a good freakin' story! I mean come on, Doom, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Bros., those games barely have a story. Why not make an adaptation of video game that boasts having a great story.

Or, you know what, here's a better idea: How about some original good stories from the movie industry. Enough of making remake after remake. If I want to see King Kong, I'd watch King Kong. I don't need some CGI fest to enjoy a classic movie. And remakes of Hitchcock films.... why??? Who in the right mind would make a remake of Psycho and expect it to be as good or better than the original? :| I'm also sick of the super hero movies, and now Hollywood is delving into the realm of turning toy lines into movies (no offense to G.I. Joe fans). So, is Barbie going to have a feature length film now? How about Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots?

I don't know why I'm ranting. It's not like I actually go to see movies. :lol:
Why not make an adaptation of video game that boasts having a great story.

Which games you think have a good enough story to work for a movie adaptation?

One thing I also hate is how script writers always try to put their own spin on the game storyline, perhaps feeling that they need to improve it.

I heard once a theory. Hollywood have lots of unused scripts which they leave on the shelf and decide to use them for things like video-game adaptations. They kinda are similar to the game's story, so they change a bit, and have most of the job done.

I think that's what happened with a Max Payne movie. They just put some names there :)

I want a Grim Fandango movie, by Tim Burton.

What's the story behind it? I never played it.

I'm waiting for the Neverhood movie. It will not fail.

Why not?

Been waiting forever for Dune 2, RTS on the big screen! Maybe they can get a decent director this time.

You're kidding, right?

how many books are truthfully transcribed to a screenplay? not much, i can tell you that.

so should they stop making movies out of books?

Nope. They should keep doing them untill they'll get it right. Or at least make a nice movie out not truthfull screenplay.
The thing is- they can't transcribe it exactly word by word. But at least they can try.

it was an extra chromosome, no? a genetic modification. don't think it classifies as a virus (though i must admit i wasn't exactly paying much attention when watching the movie)

It was an extra chromosome as you said. It changes some people into a perfect human beings, and others into monsters. That also caused, as it was said in the film, most of the population on Mars to be wiped out. So they built this Ark, that transports people from the base on Mars to some place on Earth.
That's how they got on Earth and started our civilization. Although...I wonder why they didn't bring any high-tech stuff from there. Maybe they forgot or they thought to start everything all over again. #
Thousands of years, trying to get to the same point they left from. Now we know why we're so stupid these days :P

viruses can interact with DNA, bacteria cannot.

for modern gene therapy, they use an influenza wrapper that injects the new DNA strands into cells AFAIK

Yeah. It was like some sort of a mutagen.

Or, you know what, here's a better idea: How about some original good stories from the movie industry.

It's cheaper to use something that already has some-sort-of-a-story in it, rather than hiring a good writer to do the job ;)

Welcome to capitalism!

Public said:
Which games you think have a good enough story to work for a movie adaptation?

Well, judging from the tripe that has been movies lately, I guess a lot. :lol:
Public said:
I would like to open a discussion about video game adaptations.

Do you guys think they should keep "trying" to adapt games into movies?

Actualy, usualy I am against adaptions of games as movies in general, same with "books". It many times ends if the game/book have been great in a rather mediocre experience as movie if you dont have a really skilled director and actors in it (see for example Perfume).

Of course today a few movies managed to be really "good" (what ever that means) and it seems that with every new one sometimes there is one with really good quality and plot even. But maybe 1 from 10 ?

I would rather much more like to see stories made as movies that have been directly written as such. Cammeron was used to write many scripts and also do the direction for the movies later, as seen with Aliens and a lot more. Same with Ridley Scott. Alien the movie for example was written by Dan O’Bannon and slightly based on the idea of his short movie dark start (a lonley crew in space and such). It wasnt always so much about "which movie/game/comic" can we make as movie next. They also used scripts which I miss a lot these days. Stories written with the originalities of the "television/cinmea" in mind. But thats just my humble oppinion

Public said:
It was an extra chromosome as you said. It changes some people into a perfect human beings, and others into monsters. That also caused, as it was said in the film, most of the population on Mars to be wiped out. So they built this Ark, that transports people from the base on Mars to some place on Earth.
That's how they got on Earth and started our civilization. Although...I wonder why they didn't bring any high-tech stuff from there. Maybe they forgot or they thought to start everything all over again. #
Thousands of years, trying to get to the same point they left from. Now we know why we're so stupid these days :P
I really have NO clue why they did not just keeped the original "they are deamons from hell" story doom always had and was liked for (at least by me). I mean its a lot more fun then this oh-crazy-virus-mutagenum changes people in strange creatures. Would have loved to see a Cyberdeamon from hell! Or even a short trips by the marines in to hell! Not this garbage they came up with. I dont know. I guess the director wanted somewhat his "own" flavour in the movie.

Public said:
Not mentioning Uwe Boll who's fucking all his adaptations up.
I think we should leave Uwe Boll completely out of anything as I dont see him as "serious" movie maker anyway, leave alone a "professional one". He has almost nothing to do with Hollywood (did he ever got a "serious" offer to do a usual movie? Never)

I believe he made his movies only to cheat money from the German gouvernement in a "legal" way. Ffor example almost never any one of his movies ever made some earnings. And in the past it was possible to get money from gouvernement in Germany as support if you have been either a German movie maker or did a movie in Germany. Now most of the time Boll did not even filmed in Germany or gave anything from the money he received to German enterprises making movie effects and such. So people naturaly at some point put the question why he (and others) even have still the right to get any support at all?

Its kinda interesting that things around Boll have beomce pretty quiet lately since the gouvernement stoped any kind of money support to such projects.
DexterMorgan said:
Syraxith said:
DexterMorgan said:
I actually liked Resident Evil the movie.

Which one? The live action titles or the CGI movie?

The first live action one. Is the CGI one any good? First time I hear of it.

It's okay but nothing really special, rates higher than the third live action movie in my book anyway.
When the first Mortal Kombat came out, I thought it was freaking awesome. I know it's corny as hell now but back then it was pretty decent as far as movies of its kind go. The storyline was just loyal enough to the game and it had some amazing special effects for its time. Also, I was like 14 when it came out so I really liked it.

Anyways, it depends on a game whether I want a movie based on it. The game's universe has to be fleshed out enough but it should not be very story-driven. Story driven games like Fallout or Max Payne are already excellent in that department so how would a movie possibly improve. The best case scenario is it would try to match the game.

Regarding the Halo movie, I heard it was either canceled or delayed indefinitely. Too bad, it would have been a great action flick, if done right.
Super Mario Bros? I loved that movie when I was really little. Hehe. I also liked Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat the movie. But then again - these were KIDs movies. Now that the gaming community has grown up - I don't know if we have the capacity to get good video game movies made.

I don't see a problem with trying though. DOOM could have been really cool. Instead it was a lame as horror movie. I mean - couldn't we get some more demon slaughter? Why did I have to wait for an hour before i got to see some first person killing?

There are lots of cool games that have the potential to be awesome movies - the only problem is they need to be done right. Is that possible? dunno.
Street Fighter is an awesome movie because it manages to be so bad it's good. The problem with adoptions in general is that they usually have bad writing and either try to stay too true to the source material or the changes to the source material are just plain stupid (Max Paine is this way from what I understand). Most games are really too long and don't have good enough writing to directly adapt into a movie anyway so it's a tough proposition.

I think that some games seem ready to be adapted into (generally animated) series (Xenosaga is a game that comes to mind immediately) but movies... I donno.