UncannyGarlic said:
I tried to dig up both of the old threads but I couldn't find them. Still, two high level employees from BS (I believe Emil and Pete or Todd, maybe Matt Gradstaff [not high level]) have stopped by and created intro threads but never posted outside of them. They were treated extremely well and greeted politely by the community yet gave NMA no more attention than that.
NMA's registered Bethesda devs include
Emil Pagliarulo (lead dev),
Joel Burgess (lead level designer) and
Steve Meister (lead programmer). None of them were ever flamed while posting on NMA.
Emil's opening message still makes me smile:
Seriously, though, you guys are awesome. In the few months I've been visiting these forums I've seen more spirited, passionate, intelligent game design discussion than I have on a lot of other game forums in the past few years.
Oooohoooh, where has the love gone?
The Thief fans, like you guys, were left for a long time to reminisce about the "good old days" while wondering if they'd ever get a new title in the series worth a damn. Some were very happy with Thief: Deadly Shadows. Others...not so happy. But hey, at least the Thief fans didn't get a watered down, "Thief: Brotherhood of Hammers" that was only vaguely even set in the same universe...