Games your Looking Forward To, 2011

Indeed, Metro was pretty consoly. Autoheal, some button mashing, extreme linearity...
Still fun, though. At least it was a good port.
PainlessDocM said:
Yeah I 'forgot' the STALKER games, I don't associate them with traditional FPS games.
The first game yeah. But that has been for quite some time now. I mean hell ... people have to think hard D: !
Huh? CoP was released hardly more than a year ago. Unless you mean that only SoC isn't consoley, but I don't see how that'd make any sense.

But overall hey, at least there's still a distinction between real FPS and consoley FPS. I really wouldn't mind if it stayed that way rather than dumbing everything down to the projected console crowd's standards. Plus, IMO the FPS genre is the one that probably benefits the most from having a precise controller like the mouse. It's playable with a game controller, but the feeling is just not the same.
Ausdoerrt said:
Huh? CoP was released hardly more than a year ago. Unless you mean that only SoC isn't consoley, but I don't see how that'd make any sense.
I only played shadow of tchernobyle the rest of those clear sky, call of pripjat etc. are for me more or less "addons", some are quite good for sure but still they fit in the "part of tchernobyle" part. Only now is a "true" sequel in the make and thats what counts for me ;).

But considering how many sequels, prequels, harlequins, seamen etc. are out while strange enough almost no one wants to really start "new" franchises or games that is not really any surprise. Not to mention the many re-boot of old games (hey what happend with that x-com shooter :crazy: ? )
Crni Vuk said:
I only played shadow of tchernobyle the rest of those clear sky, call of pripjat etc. are for me more or less "addons", some are quite good for sure but still they fit in the "part of tchernobyle" part. Only now is a "true" sequel in the make and thats what counts for me ;).

Sorry man, but you're talking just like those silly reviewers calling FO:NV an "addon" or "big DLC". They're not, they're different friggin' games.
have I talked about Vegas ? Vegas is a game for it self as its at least telling its own story, and is from a different company while from what I know (havnt followed in detail) any of the Stalker games is from the original stalker makers capitalizing on the Stalker story (arent you playing Strelok all the time ?). Hey, I never said my oppinion is correct just what I personaly think about the stalker games. Letz not make a political war out of it when its not necessary. Neither of the "new" Stalker games is a full game in my eyes, not like Shadow of Tschernobyle hence why people are talking about a sequel now about Stalker 2 not Stalker 3 or Stalker 2.5 or what ever. But as said thats my oppinion.
Neither of the "new" Stalker games is a full game in my eyes

Well, you're wrong :wink: Part of it, I think, is because you haven't even bothered to play the games. You play as a different character every time, the story is new, the game mechanics change and even the engine gets updated. So yeah, they're full-fledged games. Sure, CS rehashed a few locations, but it usually gets bashed for that anyway. Saying that Stalker CS and COP is just devs capitalizing on the Stalker SoC and thus they aren't really full games is like saying Fallout 2 is just devs capitalizing on Fallout 1 and thus it isn't a full game. *shrug* It just doesn't work like that.

As for the numbering, they're numbering trilogies not separate games, as far as I know.
To be really quite honest, CoP feels like a downgrade in some ways even compared to infamous Clear Sky. Sure, there were improvements, but I was left with a weird taste in my mouth after playing it. If I had to put my finger on it I'd say it was more consolized than SoC or CS, despite not even being available for consoles. There's no real specific faults with it, but it's no doubt the easiest STALKER game.

Clear Sky is still my favourite. Fuck the haters. Despite being way more linear than the other two, and the faction wars being broken beyond belief once you get past the Cordon, it really made a lasting impression on me.
Clear Sky is still my favourite. Fuck the haters. Despite being way more linear than the other two, and the faction wars being broken beyond belief once you get past the Cordon, it really made a lasting impression on me.

I couldn't get much past the Garbage. Loved all the improvements over SoC but fighting random encounters every 5 minutes got old quickly. So I rushed through the main story, and eventually found myself sorely underequipped for what was coming. That's when I gave up.

I'm not sure why you say CoP was consolized. The general mechanics didn't differ much from CS. Also didn't feel all that easy to me *shrug*. Bloodsuckers consistently kicked my ass.
Ausdoerrt said:
I'm not sure why you say CoP was consolized. The general mechanics didn't differ much from CS. Also didn't feel all that easy to me *shrug*. Bloodsuckers consistently kicked my ass.
I guess after playing through the final parts of Clear Sky on veteran can make anything easy in comparison. My Exoskeleton had almost no durability left by the time I finished the game.
*shrug* I've never appreciated overboard difficulty, so I usually play most games on Normal. And the three STALKER games felt roughly the same on normal. Just that the fights came more often in CS because it's more combat-oriented.
- King Arthur The Role Playing Wargame 2
- Shogun 2 Total War, though I'll probably not be buying it at release day since lately CA has developed a habit of releasing games with major bugs and crippled AI (I've learned my lesson with Empire: TW)
- Age of Decadence (Thursday draws near! :D)
So I've watched a bunch of trailers for Crysis 2. Still looks like Crysis, but...

I find it indescribably lame that the trailers make it look like a large portion of the game we'll be facing humanoid aliens. Reminds me of Halo a little too much *shudder*. TBH, I hate the concept of humanoid aliens in sci-fi in general, and I loved Crysis for making us fight extremely powerful and weird-looking alien creatures when we're ready for it.
Someone brought up homefront in this thread as a game that will treat war maturly.

Then I saw this trailer:


Yes, when pigs fly. This trailer should stay as a prime example for how to get politics wrong.

Man,.... seriously. They propose that north and south Korea unite for some non existant reason after Kim Jong-il dies and his son takes over.


I seriously don't know if they were just drunk when they wrote that or didn't do any research regarding the conflict.

Also, as always, the rest of the worlds nations are cannon fodder. :roll:
^ Shooter developers are running out of badass commies to take over the world <___< Geez, a little imagination?
OK, that trailer was really lame.

My problem with this stuff is that the suspension of disbelief is immediately broken by the improbable stuff happening. Korea uniting in a year? Under the impoverished, barely holding together side, even? And the world just goes 'lol, k'? Yeah right. Anybody who went to high school and didn't sleep in class could tell you what's wrong with the idea, let alone a person interested or educated in politics.

It's just some excuse to have to fight evil dirty yellow commie bastards in pristine home sweet home America. I imagine the game will have a bazillion war crime scenes to show us just how eeeeeeevil the evil guys are and wave the American flag at every occasion. Bah. No purchase here.

Anyway, the subject of war and war crimes in a video game cannot be treated 'maturely' so long as the very purpose of the game is to immediately disembowel anything that ain't flagged as a friend without taking any prisoners. It's impossible to treat any potential anti-war message seriously after that (I am looking at you, Call of Duty).
The antagonists in Homefront were originally intended to be Chinese, but were later replaced by North Koreans for two reasons: a possible backlash by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the reality of economic interdependence between America and China that made the Chinese "not that scary.".[8] Said Tae Kim, a former CIA field agent on the game's backstory, and a consultant: "we went to a very rigorous, academic research process to make sure to not only look at North Korea's current state but to look at historical examples how things could parallel and turn events. History repeats itself. From today to the day the invasion starts in the game, if you combine everything, the odds are very very slim this becomes true. But when you look at the storyline step by step, every step is a coin flip but a plausible step. So once you get there, it's plausible. And from there the next step is plausible as well. Even though the whole thing is fictional, it comes with plausible baby steps



Team America is really just a documentary isn't it?