Gamespot doesn't get it!

StillLife said:
I understand you and the reviewers at Gamespot have to remain as objective as possible when dealing with the products you review. That is journalistic integrity after all. Good to hear you do aknowledge the correlation between the death of FO3, and BOS on a personal level though.

Excuse me? Gamespot is a gaming reviewing and news site, it's supposed to offer its opinion on things, that's what people come there for.

Neutrality, by the way, lies not predominantly in how you cover things, but in what you choose to cover. Gamespot chose not to cover the whole "VB gets fucked over for Fo:PoS part 2" thing. Is that journalistic integrity? I think not. Journalistic integrity would have it that you cover that, no matter how embarassing it is for Interplay to see the outrage of all the Fallout fans posted blunty on a major gaming news site.
No sweat spadger!

The whole reason for this news bit is to show that gamespot, like alot of other gaming sites around ,do grease up to the developers, because they don't want to get on their bad side. It makes perfect sence.

Of course they can write good articles, but at times they're not critical enough to investigate and write about what's really going on.

What makes a good journalist is one who stands up and write stuff like this, we all know it..

For me this news bit on Gamespot was a spit in the face of Fallout 3 and the Bis developers, and I do take that seriously. People lost their jobs here, that's not something to just disregard and just write a little snipplet about.

Investigate it, like we have, and find out why the hell things got to where it is now..

Small tip for Tor, Herve got a raise..... and they also grabbed around $5 million from IPLY, which could have brought Fallout 3 to life and to maintain the Bis developers jobs..

Does it make sense to drop a title that's 50% finished? Does it make sense to shift the focus to consoles ? Why have it come to this?

Hell Tor, contact me on email and I'll give you the scoop if you dare to write about it.. (and get it printed...)
By the way i wouldn't give up hope completely on fallout 3 to be ever made if i were u guys. Remember the demise of looking glass? Now a new game called Thief 3 is in production. I wont be suprise if Fallout 3 is release in a couple of years time. In the mean time lets focus our energy constructively. By the way no i can't begin to understand what you have been through Odin and i shouldnt have said what i said.
Wooz69 said:
Saying fallout fans are comforted with POS is like saying Kurt Kobain is comforted by a shotgun shell.

I think what they are saying is that it is comforting that the whole world hasn't gone to hell with BIS being shut down. They made the subtle comment that it is still playing like expected... ie Crap!

If the Leather Goddess of FOBoS was playing good, then we'd know the laws of physics had been revoked, the sky would fall in, cats and dogs would be lying together, lawyers would be nice people and the world would be about to end in a horrible way. So it is comforting to know that aint gunna happen.
A bit slow aren't you? I said a lot of people. As in people that don't visit the fansites and were hearing the news for the first time.

Umm no I think i have been here a long time ago before you still life that i am sure
Hello Thor, i`m just here to say that saying FOBOS 1 and 2 are Fallout games isn`t really acurate, Cuevas himself talks of the setting of the game as an alternate world, and you`ve seen it by now, it`s not that Falloutish.

I`m sure Odin and Kharn can enlighten you and Greg a bit more on the issue, but we have pretty strong views against people siding up with FOBOS because that`s like being friendly with one of the killers of something you`ve loved.

I`ll let someone that was directly involved to explain:
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but the "good"
folks at Interplay have laid off everyone at BIS. Van
Buren has been "shelved," as tha geniuses at IPLY have
put it. Console only is the word of the day now. Even
though Van Buren was half-way finished, the 'tards in
charge have decided they want to do Exalted console
and FOBOS 2. The simple fact they are making FOBOS2
even when FOBOS hasn't shipped and is hated by the
Fallout community says a lot about their intelligence.
So, BIS is no longer. Anytime you see the BIS logo on
a future product, know that no one who was associated
w/ BIS actually worked on it. BIS is nothing more than
a sticker that IPLY slaps on their future product.

What you and Greg couldn`t know is that we knew that this could happen for months, a few individuals from Interplay were dying to kick BIS out and allow their pet project FOBOS to get the limelight.

Please understand that we are the ones that have received so many mails and messages of fans and people directly involved that were in disbelief, enraged, we tend to be a bit more passionate , but with good reasons for it.

All the best, hope you make Herve squill a bit more.
Kharn said:
StillLife said:
I understand you and the reviewers at Gamespot have to remain as objective as possible when dealing with the products you review. That is journalistic integrity after all. Good to hear you do aknowledge the correlation between the death of FO3, and BOS on a personal level though.

Excuse me? Gamespot is a gaming reviewing and news site, it's supposed to offer its opinion on things, that's what people come there for.

Neutrality, by the way, lies not predominantly in how you cover things, but in what you choose to cover. Gamespot chose not to cover the whole "VB gets fucked over for Fo:PoS part 2" thing. Is that journalistic integrity? I think not. Journalistic integrity would have it that you cover that, no matter how embarassing it is for Interplay to see the outrage of all the Fallout fans posted blunty on a major gaming news site.

Journalistic integrity to me is presenting a news story without any influence of your own personal biases. Most of the Gamespot articles I've read have been successful at that. If they were saying it's a good thing Fallout 3 was cancelled for FO:BOS that would be biased. (Note: I'm talking about the most recent article, I already gave my opinions on the one this topic was about.) I'd love to see them tell the truth about the bullshit Interplay has pulled over the years, but they're not gonna take that strong of a stance on something, they're just a mainstream game review site.

Spadger: Umm no I think i have been here a long time ago before you still life that i am sure

Like I give a fuck, what does that have to do with you misunderstanding me?
I just hope we see a "real" review of FO bos when the final review comes out.

Previews shed every game in a good light.

Look at gamespots preview of Terminator, pretty positve, but the final review was a 2/10.

I HOPE, that the final review of FO bos, is truthful.

IS it a good fallout game?

Has it stuck to the fallout setting and story?

Is it worth my time as a fallout fan?

Not some crap about...."The game definitely captures the style of Fallout"

WHAT?? It better capture a lot more of the style than I am seeing, or else this preview is worthless to me.

I can forgive some in a preview, but the final review better layout what this game realy is, or else gamespot will no longer be worth crap. The reason people don't just look at the box is because it tells you what you want to hear, and if game reviews start to do that then.........whats the point.
Like I give a fuck, what does that have to do with you misunderstandin me?

Misunderstanding you? care to explain?

Journalistic integrity to me is presenting a news story without any influence of your own personal biases. Most of the Gamespot articles I've read have been successful at that. If they were saying it's a good thing Fallout 3 was cancelled for FO:BOS that would be biased. (Note: I'm talking about the most recent article, I already gave my opinions on the one this topic was about.) I'd love to see them tell the truth about the bullshit Interplay has pulled over the years, but they're not gonna take that strong of a stance on something, they're just a mainstream game review site

Very good point!
Spadger do as you`ve been told.

Stillife, let me thank you again for the work you`ve made into the FAQ, i`ll give you a new rank now.
First off, as clearly noted in the rank I am a hideous freak of nature who has been reading these boards off and on for a while now.
I have thus far refrained from posting because by the time I read a subject under discussion some nice person usually states an opinion that I agree with. I have little desire to be a "yes man" so I normally keep quite.

Formalities out of the way....

I would like to thank Mr. Thorsen (Hopefully on behalf of the fallout community, although I can only speak for myself, not for them.) for stopping by this neck of the woods. While some members of the community may not agree with your views others might. Either way it is good to read a new voice every now and then. I would ask that you continue to brave your detractors and visit as often as possible.


P.S.: I tried not to make this post sound too kiss assish, however it is hard to thank someone without using a formal tone. I tried other approaches but I ended up sound like a moron (which is still up for debate). Hope this works.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
- Sir Winston Churchill
thorsen-ink said:
I totally agree, but that doesn't change the fact it looks like a good action RPG like BG: Dark Allaince.

Whuh? My hemmorhoid infested sphinctor looks more pristine than Fallout Enforcer looks.

How good can it possibly be when Interplay decided to chop the game in half just to sell it as two games instead of one? Just that alone should disqualify it from "looks like a good" anything. Well, I stand corrected, it "looks like a good" trainwreck waiting to happen.

I think what Greg was trying to say was that FO fans can take some comfort in knowing the franchise isn't totally dead. Granted, at this stage, that's some pretty cold comfort....

It's dead, and Fallout Enforcer is corpse rape.

And that thing Greg wrote sounds to me more like, Don't hurt us for this, IPLY! PLZ SEND MOER FREE GAEMZ 4 US 2 REVIOUS WIF LOTZ OF GOOD PRIZES N STUPH rather than anything else. After all, I'm sure that's right up Interplay's marketting strategy, You can't have Fallout 3, so buy more FALLOUT ENFORCER!
Dan said:
Still need proof that Fo:BoS is a piece of shit that does not belong to the Fallout universe in any way?

Check this out.

I hadn't seen this before, now after reading it all I can say is I've gone from neutral on the subject to loathing all things FOPOS :?

Whoever got this POS ball rolling has a seriously screwed up thought process. :evil:
Darque said:
Dan said:
Still need proof that Fo:BoS is a piece of shit that does not belong to the Fallout universe in any way?

Check this out.

I hadn't seen this before, now after reading it all I can say is I've gone from neutral on the subject to loathing all things FOPOS :?

Whoever got this POS ball rolling has a seriously screwed up thought process. :evil:

Here, kiddies, is a good example of what happens when you do your reasearch. Not being harsh at all to you, Darque, but you did things right. While you didn't know detailed information, you were neutral and didn't tell people to take it on blind faith. When you saw that a cow dropped a pie in middle of the buffet, the response is understandable. It shows the difference between knowing what to do when you have substantial facts and knowing what to do when you don't. I really don't see how anyone with a familiarity with game design could look at the easily verified facts on that page and not cringe.

Actually, this should be in the other thread for the chuckleheads there. :?
Yep, that's right! The Brotherhood of Steel are waging battle against "mutant raiders and pirates"!!

Holy ****! What a load of crap!
I could only read until there, what a torture!

I'm already imagining a pirate ship with laser cannons! :seriouslyno:

It's so frustrating that the name "Fallout" is being used for that crap!