GameSpot interviews Todd Howard

Kyuu said:
Well lets see, I do remember one of the members of Team Podd saying that there's somewhere around 300 NPCs in the world (can't remember exactly... I'll have to go and find that article), so that's a good indication of the population and size of the towns.

Presumably that's not including generic townspeople, which Fo1 and Fo2 had a bunch of. Of course, since Fo3 will be real and not just a compressed abstraction of the wasteland, they'll need to have a lot more of these, including children. Killable children. Explodable children.

Kyuu said:
Oh, and it's etc., not ect.

While we're fixing things, it's "voilà", not "viola". :wink:
Per said:
While we're fixing things, it's "voilà", not "viola". :wink:
Cheap shot! :P I know that, actually, but I haven't memorized the alt+whatevernumber commands for special characters. Unless there's another (not troublesome) way to get those letters with accents that I'm not aware of on Windows. On my Mac laptop it's easy.
Ausir said:
To any fan that's actually seen the game, like many of the press guys, the feedback's been great…far better than any game we've ever shown.

Including all the fansite people they invited to the press event. Oh, wait...

Yeah, "oh wait"...
Briosafreak said:
Ausir said:
To any fan that's actually seen the game, like many of the press guys, the feedback's been great…far better than any game we've ever shown.

Including all the fansite people they invited to the press event. Oh, wait...

Yeah, "oh wait"...

You guys aren't next gen! That's why you don't go to all the cool parties and get bobbleheads. :revolution:
All that will be left of Megaton after you blow it upwill be its immortal children.
Ausir said:
All that will be left of Megaton after you blow it upwill be its immortal children.

Ugh, this is the kind of thing Bethesda didn't think about. I bet you there were no children in the little sideshow they had at E3... at this point, it's all just a facade.
There were no children in the E3 demo they showed.

I would prefer if there were no children in the game. Blame the ESBR, but it's the best way out
It seems similar to what Bioshock is doing.

The "Little Sisters" cannot be killed directly, but apparently, it's implied they are killed when you harvest Adam from them.

Not sure if that's the case though, as Ken Levine has been a bit vague about it.
Uncle None said:
There were no children in the E3 demo they showed.

I would prefer if there were no children in the game. Blame the ESBR, but it's the best way out

Haha, figures.

I got the mental image of 10 or so children being ragdolled out of the area in the initial blast, and then getting up 2 minutes later.
I recall only one rape seen in a game, and that was Phantasmagoria.

Possessed husband raped wife.
Bernard Bumner said:
Very realistic murder would probably be quite unacceptable, for same reason.
Why? So, everything has to be cartoonish and ridiculous? I never treated murder in all games as cartoonish and ridiculous.
I just have a feeling that neither is going to be included. They're going to try to avoid an AO rating.

But does killing kids constitute that rating?
Pope Viper said:
But does killing kids constitute that rating?

Based on precident, no.
Based on present-day obnoxious panick-mongering... maybe.
Still, I think Bethesda could get away with it if they really wanted to. But I don't believe they do.
I wonder if anyone complained if the kids in Fallout all look like boys.

More importantly I wonder how unique each character will look - the amount of permutations of clothes variation, heads, tatoos. The faces in Oblivion got old reaally fast. I always had the problem with new, explorable 3D games trying to be "realistic and lifelike" - which stifled your imagination. You walk through oblivion and there is very little imagination you can apply to the environment or the characters you interact with. With the old school approach of fallout I seem to be in the perfect place to make believe and percieve.
I think that skinning people alive in slow motion would be more appropriate for Fallout 3.
After all, violence is hilarious :D .

It would be cool if after defeating the enemy in RT, one could use V.A.T.S. to perform a Fatality. PC would gain additional Fatalities on every level-up. Actually, Fatalities would replace Perks for greater immersion :) .
How about unlockable fatalaties with xbox credits? that would be a true test of public. who would pay for that extra slice of immersive virtual reality? How about a game thats about 2000 seperate plugins, and each adds some different twist to the game? Create your own experience, buy it and get put on FBI watch list. mm immersive.
Fatalities should be a major feature :D . Actually, Fatalities should replace all skills :D ! Effects would wary depending on skill level - for example a 35% headshot Fatality, would be just a fast headshot with an ordinary hole in character's head :D . A 100% headshot would result in character's head being blown apart with a 2x slow motion.
A 200% headshot would result in result in character's head being blown apart with a 10x slow motion for better immersion and replays from 10 angles, with bullet being actually visible and skull and brain fragments slowly falling off the character's head and splattering on the ground and the camera following eyeballs rolling away and away and away :D !
500 Creds will get you

1) Grenade Jamming - Slam a grenade into your enemies innards with your bare hands and watch as they run around screaming until they get blow into gibs


2) Dragon Morph - Using the power of radiation, temporarily morph into a mighty dragon and unleash flaming hell onto the Mutant Scourge!


3) Dog Armor - Upgrade your loyal companion with a suit of metal armor to protect him as he rips the throats out of those raiders!