Gamespot user soapbox

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Gamespot has a blogpost up on the frontpage, under user soapbox, fulminating against internet tough guys that bully those that don´t agree with them. Fallout 3 makes a good example:<blockquote>Its been a pretty nasty time of late for anyone who has dared to speak out in support of Bethseda having the Fallout license. The rabid Fallout fans are coming out from their dank warrens and clogging the tubes with their proselytising. Something Awful recently featured No Mutants Allowed, showcasing great examples of humanity such as the guy who slapped his (now ex-) girlfriend for asking what was so special about Fallout and the multiple cases of people threatening suicide if the game is released and threating others who dare to speak out about the game in a manner other than: "It's going to totally suck! It's not turn based, isometric or sprite based! THIS ISN'T REALLY FALLOUT!" [interestingly, the editorial fails to mention the poster was told off by two other posters and given a warning for his behaviour - NMA]. Game journalists have apparently been receiving mountains of abuse any time they dare to preview the game or say something positive about it.
Is it wrong of me to say that the East Coast could make a great setting for a game that has previously inhabited the area West of Chicago? Or how about to say that the V.A.T.S. combat concept has great potential not just for Fallout, but as a potential system for returning that level of detail to the RPG genre when it is travelling down the first-person path? How about getting those lynch mobs ready - because I think that the First Person perspective offers us a great opportunity to see the world of Fallout as we never have before? Now - this is where you guys at NMA can threaten to slit my throat, because damnit, its a Fallout game, and if it just so happens to reinvigorate interest in that IP, then that's good, even though it might mean that you guys have to suddenly cope with a new group of people experiencing the source of a decade's worth of your wet dreams.</blockquote>Wait? So it's just "you guys at NMA" who've been upset? DaC, the Codex, international Fallout sites, forums with negative reactions like GameFAQS/Bethesda Forums...are all NMA? Wow, I had no idea we were that big...

As for the article, I do not recall weemadando ever posting here. If his research is limited to a joke article by Something Awful, no matter how funny it is, I'm having a hard time taking him seriously.

Wait, I forgot, I'm an internet tough guy..."Braaah, different opinion bad, NMA smash!" There, I've reinforced your stereotype for ya, hope that satisfies. Interesting, tho', it seems to me like weemadando is vilifying a group of people for not agreeing with him. He's calling us all internet tough guys, based only on a difference of opinion. Isn't that the behaviour he's advocating against?

Link: Internets, the land of stupid. on Gamespot.

Thanks Black and Starwars.
Good reply here:

Hate to crash your little straw man party, but I've got news for you good sir. But the entire Weekend Web feature is in no way indicative of No Mutants Allowed or the Fallout fanbase. Not that anyone will probably care, but SomethingAwful seems to have some mad vendetta against NMA, for reasons I'm not sure why. If you had "tenbux", you could go to their forum and watch any thread about Fallout 3 slowly turn into a vicious NMA hate session where anyone who objects to Fallout 3 is given the title of an "NMA troll" or possibly with more....colorful language.

As for the girlfriend slapping example, you can believe everything you see on the internet. For starters, it was in a thread discussing the choice quote of Allen "Delsyn" Rausch, an editor on GameSpy, where he wished Fallout fans, who he called "stupid, ignorant, and arrogant", to "get a horrible disease and die". Not to mention after that was posted three people called him out on it and a moderator of the forums warned him for it, after which he admitted it wasn't true. So go figure, it was a quote taken completely out of context to just smear an entire community.

And for one thing, there are a lot more things "wrong" with Fallout 3, to the old guard, than the fact it isn't an isometric, turn-based game. I fact those are usually the last arguments. It's the fact that a series is being reinvented as opposed to being continued. Sure, Fallout 3 by any other name than Fallout would be nice, but when it takes on the moniker of Fallout 3, people have expectations. People want a game with choices and consequences, a gritty, post-apocalyptic setting (no talking animals and no nuclear catapults for one), interesting character development, gameplay that makes character skill paramount, and great dialogue writing. So doesn't look that is happening.

I know there are a few bad apples in the Fallout community, but you are using a straw man argument to just lambaste and vilify the entire fanbase. Fallout fans are people too, they have reasons.

But hate on if you wish. If it makes you feel better.....
Weemadando? I know of someone with that same exact username at
Their gaming forum is full of people who are intrinsically biased against NMA, believe anything SomethingAwful have to say about this forum and have a large number of people who think Oblivion-with-guns = good and anybody who disagrees is a raving lunatic married to sprites.
Could be a coincidence, but it is a rather uncommon sounding name.

Edit: No it's not, since the guy there admits writing it.
Therefore it's not really Gamespot, but some guy's blog on Gamespot.
"Its been a pretty nasty time of late for anyone who has dared to speak out in support of Bethseda having the Fallout license."

More like, ...Bethesda having grabbed the F license right from under the noses of the original developers who where also trying to get it. That´s what´s the problem here. Why didn´t Beth people just let the license fall in the rightful hands... The arrogance.
Yeah, fixed, it was on the frontpage under user soapbox.

Not that relevant then, but it's still on gamespot's frontpage, thus promulgating the stereotype.

It's funny that they're essentially bullying us for having a different opinion. We refuse to accept Oblivion with Guns as a fun game, thus we're crazy, insane, evil people.

Wow. Good internet tough guying.
I smell the Beth marketing machine and sold-out gaming media trying to spin those with objections to Fallout 3 into a myopic straw man -- as Pete Hines likes to put it , "If you are of the opinion that any Fallout RPG has to be exactly like the games that came out in 1997 and 1998 down to every feature and detail, that’s definitely not the game we are making".

I already know what Beth is NOT making, my concern is with just what they ARE making, I could list the elements of concern, but lets just say every time someone picks up a copy of FO 1/2 it seems a good chance that they'll see some concern as well, and it's not all ISO/TB, despite what the spin-o-matic is claiming.

The silver lining here...
To quote Oscar Wilde “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. "
ivpiter said:
The silver lining here...
To quote Oscar Wilde “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. "

Heh, true. If the "any publicity is good publicity" adage holds true (though I don't believe it always does), this is all great publicity for us.

I wonder what a neutral reader will think. It's easy to get caught up in vilifying NMA, but a neutral, attentive reader will soon note something else. Like I said on the BethSoft forum:

lol yes because NMA is known for completely attacking people!?!?!

We've had our site DOSd by SA. We've had attempts to have our user's computer hacked because we refused to play nice with Bethesda developers. I have been personally called anything from a lunatic to a psychopath for having a different opinion.

And yet we're the bad guys. We're the slavering lunatics.

We don't encourage cross-site trolling. We don't allow any threads or posts on NMA which encourage to troll on other sites, we barely allow people to discuss the idiocy of others (note how there are almost no threads on SA on NMA, we just don't like sitting on a forum and going "lol, those guys are stupid").

We're being vilified and internet-bullied here simply for refusing to accept Oblivion with Guns (or something close to it, whatever) makes a good Fallout game. Anyone who expresses such an opinion on certain forums will be flamed away as an NMA goon or extremist.

And yet...we're the bad guys.

Yeah, I totally see it.
It's pretty sweet and by looking at comments there you can already tell who's brainlessly believing stupid s**t.
But whatever, it seems articles like these make oblivionites on TES forums happy and they have their own hero now.
So, Todd didn't forgot about the bribe. GameSpot - the land of stupids.
Did you see comments, from those "truly gamers"?
Weemadando: You are truly my new personal hero!
Yeah, I agree
Lol, so the fallout boys fell into some kind of coma, got real lives (one even got himself a girl) and now when Bethesda makes a sequel they all wake up from their dream lives to wreak havoc and destruction to all who oppose them.
Уёбки, ей бо.
Enemies of Fallout feel need to vilify NMA, because it's the most rational and learned Fallout community.
Sorrow said:
Enemies of Fallout feel need to vilify NMA, because it's the most rational and learned Fallout community.


Ok, sorry, even I found that remark hilarious, and I'm not even an "enemy of Fallout" (wtf?)

Man, you're like a bad villain in a bond-flick, Sorrow. No wonder people love quoting you so much :mrgreen:
Brother None said:
Sorrow said:
Enemies of Fallout feel need to vilify NMA, because it's the most rational and learned Fallout community.


Ok, sorry, even I found that remark hilarious, and I'm not even an "enemy of Fallout" (wtf?)

Man, you're like a bad villain in a bond-flick, Sorrow. No wonder people love quoting you so much :mrgreen:

And now watch as somebody, somewhere quotes it out of context and labels NMA a bunch of Commie Nazis who are out to get the "enemies of Fallout".
You've really got to love the comments which read like:
"Finally, someone has the temerity to speak out against these people! What courage!"

Give me a break. It's terrible, people can make anything into a clique. If anyone noticed in the comments, the people applauding the guy stopped posting once rational people did...Hmm...
Hey BN, you're the one who posted this guy's article, you're teh villain!
He will now "feel the wrath of Fallout fans", eh?
I wonder if the world has place for people like miketron-z or whatever.
Well as a new member to the Fallout community, I agree with a lot of their article. There is so much cosmic hate in this forum, it really isn't welcoming. It certainly isn't everyone, but the majority here (and at DAC) are hate-filled bullies.

Responses like this:

I smell the Beth marketing machine and sold-out gaming media trying to spin those with objections to Fallout 3 into a myopic straw man

only prove that article more by trying to deny any responsibility, deflect any criticism and justify the horrendous actions here by spinning conspiracy theories.

Bullying isn't good one way or another. You can't justify it.[/quote]
VistraNORREZ said:
Well as a new member to the Fallout community, I agree with a lot of their article. There is so much cosmic hate in this forum, it really isn't welcoming. It certainly isn't everyone, but the majority here (and at DAC) are hate-filled bullies.

What? I've never seen anyone here get flamed down just for having an opinion. Yet on the Bethesda forums and certain other sites, anybody voicing their distaste at what Bethesda's doing is immediately barraged by name calling and strawmen.
NMA doesn't bullly people. Bullying implies doing something which is unjust. If there's ever been a real example of bullying here which has gone unchallenged, please post it.
Vault 69er said:
What? I've never seen anyone here get flamed down just for having an opinion. Yet on the Bethesda forums and certain other sites, anybody voicing their distaste at what Bethesda's doing is immediately barraged by name calling and strawmen.

The line can be thin. Because in the end, a lot of people come here without lurking first, don't know our way of posting, don't care, don't bother to read the rules and then post an opinion. They will get burned and probably banned, and to them it'll seem as if they're being burned for posting an opinion, even though there are plenty of older and newer members with different opinions who can post here just fine.

I dunno, but if you register here set on "Ah, I heard those NMA guys are really bad, I'm going to see if they are," you are predefining us as bad, and your post'll probably reflect that, and thus will probably troll itself into negative reactions, reinforcing the stereotype.

Pretty hopeless, in a way