Gamespot user soapbox

I think a lot of us like SA, but that doesn't really matter. Once their community has chosen something to hate, they will hate it unquestioningly until they find something else to hate. I think they know that they're being unreasonable and ignorant.

The blog thing that this thread was created for...that's something else entirely. Read the responses from the Xboxers below for an even more amusing perspective on what your average gamer thinks of us, despite knowing absolutely nothing about us...or Fallout for that matter. While amusing, it's also worrying. These are the types of people that buy games today. If they keep speaking up, cRPGs as we know them will cease to exist (if they haven't already).

Responses of oblivionites are awesome... Somehow it's Fallout fans that are glittering gems of hatred but it seems that they are buying everything this lil' blogger will feed them and on top of that, there was even some guy who hasn't played FOs but will buy FO3 just to 'spite' Fallout fans.

If I'd be such a retard as that blogger, I would write an article how oblivionites and console players hate everything, things they don't even know, that they're idiots etc. - all this thanks to this guy who decided to hate Fallout fans without knowing Fallout.
Fortunately, I see the difference between MANY PEOPLE and ONE PERSON.

@Whirlingdervish- you must've mixed something up, the only thing one can find here is flame and hate.
When I see some response on the news or forums when someone called the fans with bad names, it's not in my eyes good for the cause. People will only think "they're so ignorant they can't even accept it, why should I listen to them".

You people should take the generic worn-out insults as an compliments and with pride - you've obviously made an impact since almost every preview and Fallout related article nowadays has an mandatory fan bashing section on the first lines.
Paste few quotes next to the mutie in front page or something and let them waste their time creating new misfortunes to the fans. This fad loses its point when the "hardcore fans" recognize themselves as an non-satisfied useless rabid scumbags, in a more or less humorous way. Make them your perks. Stereotype yourselves. No need to be defensive.
slamelov said:
Is there any law which says that we must love Fallout 3?.

No, but it is a requirement to be a true fan and not a rabid monster, according to the gospel of the Todd, the Pete and the Holy Beth.

After all, if you don't like Fallout 3 all you want is an exact copy of Fallout 2 in 640x480.

AlteredEgo said:
I think Chuck Norris should settle this once and for all.

I ate Chuck Norris yesterday. He tasted like beef.
Vault 69er said:
After all, if you don't like Fallout 3 all you want is an exact copy of Fallout 2 in 640x480.


Dude 1: I have my doubts about the whole first-person thing.
Dude 101: What the hell? you just want 4-pixel chairs!?
1: 4-pixel chairs, how does that even make sense?
101: it wouldn't to an EXTREMIST LIKE YOU
1: Extremist? I don't know, I just think gameplay features are important in a ga...
1: But I just...
1: Uh,, what about the weird cars exploding leaving radiation even though they were fusion-driven and didn't explode in Fallout 1, can I comment on that?
101: sure you can comment on that, if you're a nazi. Are you a nazi?!
1: No, but I don't think that has anything to do with this...
101: Yeah, I've heard of your types, with your "logic" and your "post replies" and your "quote function." You think you know it all just because you have your facts straight. Well guess what, I don't need facts, because I have violent stereotyping!!!
1: I'll go over here now...
I wish i had a little live conversation with the little guy. Fucking retard. HE is the one who is playing the internet tough guy role. I bet he'd be a LOT smoother in person, even for me, a stupid little guy with an asshole face. At least my voice is relatively nice, but at least from what i know, people are usually a lot less arrogant in person. So, when it comes down to it, the little prick is probably just some outcast fuck with no life OR sex (hey mommy! I'm still a virgin!) that has nothing else to do than bashing those he actually envies for having a brain that speaks of itself rather than going the easy and stupid mainstream way just for the sake of it.
Are we done attacking him as a person? That's really pointless behaviour. Attack his opinion all you want, but him as a person? No need.
I think it's a bit stupid to insult people using the same stereotypical insults as they did...
True, while the constant barrage of ad hominem makes you want to respond in kind, it's always better to stay above that level and let the hypocrisy speak for itself.
Please say something that gives me a reason to post the lyrics to "Sister Christian".

Especially with guys like this, the best course of action is to keep it professional. Then, you can get to slapping your girlfriend, or maybe you can slap his girlfriend.
You guys sitting around trying to pretend that this forum hasn't been filled with rabid, vitriolic, and intolerant posts filled with ad hominem attacks on anyone who even says "wait and see" is really kind of sad.
Sisay, I don't believe it would normally be worth mentioning. However, in this case, the particular blog post is featured on the front-page of GameSpot, which according to my good friend Tor, receives over a million hits a day.
Matt Helm said:
You guys sitting around trying to pretend that this forum hasn't been filled with rabid, vitriolic, and intolerant posts filled with ad hominem attacks on anyone who even says "wait and see" is really kind of sad.
"Wait and see" posts, while it's obvious that F3 will not be a real Fallout since 2004, aren't a good and respectable thing to post.
Sorrow said:
Matt Helm said:
You guys sitting around trying to pretend that this forum hasn't been filled with rabid, vitriolic, and intolerant posts filled with ad hominem attacks on anyone who even says "wait and see" is really kind of sad.
"Wait and see" posts, while it's obvious that F3 will not be a real Fallout since 2004, aren't a good and respectable thing to post.

Thanks for proving my point, to post here without taking flak one must participate in the local groupthink.
You're missing the point. The "wait and see" statement when all the data necessary to make judgement is in place is irrational.
Certain degree of intellectual discipline is necessary for a learned discussion. When using logical fallacies and untrue statements is accepted, a proper debate is impossible.
Matt Helm said:
You guys sitting around trying to pretend that this forum hasn't been filled with rabid, vitriolic, and intolerant posts filled with ad hominem attacks on anyone who even says "wait and see" is really kind of sad.

Heh, amusing, where were you during the months when NMA had a rule in place that enforced a no speculation-type posting. Wait and see was the rule, speculation was vatted.

But, y'know, I bet your stereotype is true, too.
Matt Helm said:
You guys sitting around trying to pretend that this forum hasn't been filled with rabid, vitriolic, and intolerant posts filled with ad hominem attacks on anyone who even says "wait and see" is really kind of sad.

I waited, and saw Quest64 was absolute crap.

I waited, and saw MoO3 was absolute crap.

I waited, and saw LotR3 was absolute crap.

I waited, and saw WoW was absolute crap.

I waited, and saw SW:G turn into absolute crap.

How much more need I "wait and see", when past experiences has told me that "when I am expecting X, and instead, I'm getting banana nut bread, it turns out to be a bad game that either I regret to have wasted my money on, or am glad I did not buy it".

I am expecting a certain amount of things, none of which will be met, and instead, I am getting the equivalent of banana nut bread... something other people enjoy, looks nice when presented, but in my opinion, tastes like crap.

I do not "wait and see" anymore, for sub-par games. I wait and see on games that I am, at very least curious, and at very most anxious, to play.

So, to prove you wrong...

I shall "wait and see" for Age of Decadence.

*cricket chirping in the background*.
Matt Helm said:
Thanks for proving my point, to post here without taking flak one must participate in the local groupthink.
It's not about thoughts and dogmas, it's about tools.
The valid tools to use on NMA is reason and logic. One uses them to discover the truth.
A lot of people dislike using reason in discussion because a reasonable discussion means that some people are obliged to lose, when they are proven to be wrong.
Which means that to be a successful NMA member one must be prepared to actually lose debates and to replace some of his/her beliefs.
For example, I used to believe that RT combat is better than Turn Based for Fallout, but I changed my belief after learning about the Fallout's core design.

When people don't want to learn and don't want to be reasonable, they are a problem.

Ironically the people that I dislike the most are some of the people that I respect for their knowledge about Fallout.
So, no groupthink here. There's no cohesive group to begin with. It's just reason. But reason isn't designed to be nice, reason is a sword that separates true from false.