Gamespot user soapbox

Brother None said:
Man, you're like a bad villain in a bond-flick, Sorrow. No wonder people love quoting you so much :mrgreen:
Damn, now I need to make myself a new avatar XDDDDDDDD.

Vault 69er said:
And now watch as somebody, somewhere quotes it out of context and labels NMA a bunch of Commie Nazis who are out to get the "enemies of Fallout".

VistraNORREZ said:
Well as a new member to the Fallout community, I agree with a lot of their article. There is so much cosmic hate in this forum, it really isn't welcoming.
No. It's not welcoming only to clueless people who don't want to educate themselves about the Fallout setting and design and behave in disrespectful way.

VistraNORREZ said:
It certainly isn't everyone, but the majority here (and at DAC) are hate-filled bullies.
What do you mean by hate-filled? To what degree?

I always thought that people are here because they love Fallout, not because they are hate filled.

VistraNORREZ said:
only prove that article more by trying to deny any responsibility, deflect any criticism and justify the horrendous actions here by spinning conspiracy theories.
Well, maybe there is a hidden section of NMA forum where people really slap their girlfriends?
You can't prove there isn't!
Black said:
Well, maybe there is a hidden section of NMA forum where people really slap their girlfriends?
You can't prove there isn't!
Well, only if they slap them in the eyes or kick them in the crotch. ;)
I think that these are 4 pixels girlfriends. That's why we don't see them. Also, NMA members literally trample them.
Well Sorrow, now not only you have 'villanish' attitude but also villanish avatar! Together we'll make a great team!
Come, let the hate begin!
VistraNORREZ said:
Well as a new member to the Fallout community, I agree with a lot of their article. There is so much cosmic hate in this forum, it really isn't welcoming. It certainly isn't everyone, but the majority here (and at DAC) are hate-filled bullies.

Responses like this:

I smell the Beth marketing machine and sold-out gaming media trying to spin those with objections to Fallout 3 into a myopic straw man

only prove that article more by trying to deny any responsibility, deflect any criticism and justify the horrendous actions here by spinning conspiracy theories.

Bullying isn't good one way or another. You can't justify it.

I think you're confusing rabid hate with (justified) jaded cynicism/sarcasm.

Regarding the murdering, rabid, girlfriend-slapping Fallout fan stereotype, I wonder if people visiting this site base that judgement from looking at the comics (that sometimes show up on the front page)

Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3

Honestly, I find them tasteless myself.

Gamespot said:
Something Awful recently featured No Mutants Allowed, showcasing great examples of humanity such as the guy who slapped his (now ex-) girlfriend for asking what was so special about Fallout ...
"I'll show you what's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. about Fallout!" <smack> Seriously, I don't condone real life violence except in cases of self-defense, but doesn't this sound ridiculously fake? So much so that it sounds hilarious. I could joke that we know it's fake because any gamer that miraculously had a girlfriend would never jeopardize that by hitting her. But that just reinforces other stereotypes. Rather we know it's fake because unlike Red-Bull drinking, steroid infused, Halo fan boys (okay I exaggerate), Fallout fans are the epitome of patient, thoughtful gamers.

If anyone is adding to a Fallout 2 mod right now, a good addition might be an intervention mini-quest starring none other than the fictional girlfriend-slapping weemadando. Someone has to stop him. It may as well be the Chosen One.
Well, it does sound fake to me but hey, what do WE know? We're just bunch of rabid Fallout fanboys sitting on a website where people slap their girlfriends for not knowing what's the deal with Fallout.

You know how it is, say something stupid, even as a joke, and retards like this blogger will find it and use it and then you'll have sweet time explaining "it was only joke"
I don't care if it's only a joke and neither should you. We're allowed to kid about many things here, but joking about domestic violence over a gaming dispute is pushing it, hence why he got a strike.
Feh, I'll bet he didn't even find it. He was just spoonfed by SomethingAwful which picked a bunch of out of context quotes and showed them as representative of NMA.
Conveniently leaving out the rebuttals, usernames and join dates, of course.
iridium_ionizer said:
If anyone is adding to a Fallout 2 mod right now, a good addition might be an intervention mini-quest starring none other than the fictional girlfriend-slapping weemadando.
Yeah, too bad he didn't make it to the Vault Rats, he would be such a character... Oh, wait! If you want to earn the honor to show up in my mod, you have to do better than that!

Zeros can't, sorry.
Brother None said:
SA quotes two huge posts by Rosh, 2 years ago.

C'mon, it's SA, just a joke article. Who cares?

Nobody should. But unfortunately, some do. And then they write blogs about it. 8-)
VistraNORREZ said:
Well as a new member to the Fallout community, I agree with a lot of their article. There is so much cosmic hate in this forum, it really isn't welcoming. It certainly isn't everyone, but the majority here (and at DAC) are hate-filled bullies.

Responses like this:

I smell the Beth marketing machine and sold-out gaming media trying to spin those with objections to Fallout 3 into a myopic straw man

only prove that article more by trying to deny any responsibility, deflect any criticism and justify the horrendous actions here by spinning conspiracy theories.

Bullying isn't good one way or another. You can't justify it.

I am also a 'relatively' new member of the Fallout fan community... and you know what I've seen?
* I have seen *the devs* state how those of us who would like a Fallout that is actually true to Fallout, want a sprite-based game from 1997 (strawman)...
* I have seen 'the other side' call us rabid, closed minded, and trollish, among other things (ad hominem)...
* I have seen journalists wish death upon us (ad hominem)...
* I have seen Bethesda mods close topics because they are anti-change (but close it to some other reason such as flaming... but let the pro-change ones go several more pages worth before locking... however, as unlikely as it might be, I will give them the benefit of the doubt of being mere coincidence)
* I have seen Bethesda mods outright resorting to strawman attacks and flaming, without any repercussion.

Because one member makes an odd post about something not socially agreeable, does not mean we, as a whole, are bullies.

The quote you mentioned is relatively true. Every time a Bethesda mod, Bethesda dev, or journalist has *something* to say about Fallout, there is *always* a dig in about the Fallout fan community about how what we want is "something from 1997", our desires "are unpleasable", and how "rabid/idiotic" we are. And it's been that way from the get-go.

On top of that, there's all the things Brother None mentioned that's happened to NMA. I don't see the lot of us denying Bethesda service. I don't see Fallout fans, as a majority, proclaiming death upon the pro-Beth people. No, there are idiots on both sides of the fence... but the ones on the other side of the fence can and have done far worse damage than what our mere opinions amount to.

No, we do not want something from 1997... we want a well-established style of game, one that its predecessors embraced. We are not unpleasable... we just don't want utter stupidity and nonsense in the game. We are not rabid and idiotic... we simply are not going along with the hype.

No, bullying cannot be justified. But neither can provoking it.
And to think, I used to like SA. :( Seriously, though, while we are (to quote the oft-mentioned phrase) "glittering gems of hatred," we are very fair, especially in comparison to Bethesda, their fans, or countless gaming magazines and sites. And since someone mentioned Rosh: I miss him. :( Rosh was hilarious -- and very quick to dispose of trolls.
I'm a fairly new member around here too, (although I lurked for years prior to signing up) and the reason I chose this forum, instead of the Beth forums or SA, or DAC or any others that would carry Fallout 3 related info, is that NMA has a reputation for actually placing value upon FACT, instead of jumping up and down excitedly over HYPE.

The admins here are FAIR, and REASONABLE, and they generally only ban people who have been repeatedly warned for breaking well posted rules.

considering the amount of traffic that this site has, that is quite amazing.

The users here are KNOWLEDGEABLE and often they are modders and fan fic writers who actually bothered to look into the story and setting of Fallout and define it.

Furthermore, NMA as a whole, has taken the most crap for the longest time, for doing nothing other than loving the same game that I love, for how it really was and what it was really about.

there is no better place on the net to find legitimate information about Fallout and it's setting and style, and anyone who tries to imply otherwise is a liar.

the guy who wrote that blog is a tool, and this is made obvious by the smattering of the all too common beth-PR-speak that has pervaded almost every single half-assed review that this unfinished game has ever gotten.

He is obviously unable to think for himself as his entire posting was a conglomeration of other peoples words that he mistook for gospel, most of which are lies told by pete hines to vilify the legitimate fallout community and release him from any obligation to the fans.

who's tool is he? I can't tell you, but their name probably starts with a B and ends with an "ethesda".