Didn't hear any comentary on the videos linked nor their HD counter parts.
Also, I can take screencaps, just need to know where to post/upload them. Should I just upload them to a seperate image host and let you guys take them from there?
Trench Warfare:
I like the look of the rocket launcher and it's explosion, though I still don't like enemies not gibbing and don't know why they changed what the rocket launcher looks like.
Combat music isn't the right tempo for the combat and certainly not Fallout.
Saw the first super mutant that looked like an orc (never saw the resemblance before), one in full armor with a helmet.
I think the trenches are supposed to be the sewer but I don't see it, it really looks like combat trenches.
VATS shows that it lasts too long when he shotguns the ghoul in the face and has the second one reach him as the animation finishes up (lasts longer than the interval between shots).
Ghouls move really damn fast.
Plasma pistol looks very steampunk and the green beam with lumps looks odd. The death animation would make much more sense if the plasma stuck to enemies before they died (or at least just turned the spot hit to goo when it kills them), as is it looks incredibly unnatural.
Liked the recording in the starroom (know it has a name but I can't think of it) but it was way too quiet so I'm not sure how good it was.
Plasma rifle is super steampunk looking.
Glad to see an enemy get a crippled limb without dying.
Plasma death for the supermutant with the green goo looked really bad in VATS, again because it looks entirely unnatural (like the gun had a super shot).
First I heard Lyon's voice, thought it was alright, not so sure it sounds like a military leader.
Rollerskates is right, that's just terrible. It's like they only have walking strafing animations and use it for every speed
BoS AI looks terrible.
We already know that the Laser Rifle looks steampunk but I thought I'd mention it again (though it's not nearly as bad as the Plasma weapons).
Suprised the Laser doesn't have a more dramatic killing animation (like making a hole/going through the enemy).
The "On my mark. Go!" was alright except that there was no pause.
The pathfinding makes the movement animations look even worse (noticed when the BoS ran around the corner and out the door).
The "To arms brothers! To arms!" was terrible. Whoever said it only belongs in fantasy was dead on but at the very least, it only makes sense when they are getting ambushed or actually need to get their weapons (attack on a base). In the middle of combat it just sounds bad, I'd argue in any context.
The voice acting was pretty bad throughout.
Mid air explosion for the Fat Man looks terrible.
kikomiko said:
Wow, I've been talking to people over at Gametrailers, and we all pretty much think this is a contender for Game of the Year. It's a pretty stark contrast from what is being said here.
What about it excels? What about it falls short? Added together, where does this land in comparison to other games (make comparisons)?
taag said:
radnan said:
- enemies standing in exposed spaces or charging forward
- ancient 'barrel' cars that don't provide cover but explode
I don't think it would be possible to have a highly advanced shooter-like AI and RPG gamesystem rules rolled into a single, satisfiable experience. If the enemy was "too smart" you would never get the chance to employ your character's skills, but would instead have to resort to your own skills at FPS combat.
I think the way to do it is have skill requirements to use certain weapons (kind of like stat requirements in a lot of rougelike [Diablo] RPGs) but otherwise have standard combat. I still like the idea of VATS only combat though (make it turnbased or RTwP).
Rorschach said:
And the environment, it seems as if it was bombed to bits yesterday. Berlin 1945 comes to mind.
Yep and it's been a noted problem in many of the prerelease screenshots and videos.
Ausir said:
oh, lookie there, is this an interplay logo? i'm impressed!
In-universe, it's also
Galaxy News logo.
I like it! Nice nod to Fallout.
LowComDenom said:
I really dislike the tick marks on the interface...solid bars or numbers would be easier to read.
Indeed. Personally I prefer numbers but the ticks really aren't the best for health, especially when they are the same colour as the rest of the interface.
raunchy said:
"Im concered about the gameplay ive never seen the vat system in the game miss and if its so effective that playing normaly is wasteful it may make the game boring and slow paced"
I've also noticed that VATS never seems to miss but I really need to watch more of the unedited footage to be sure.
Leon said:
Dionysus said:
In terms of combat, what are the advantages of Bloodlines and SS2?
They require skill and a modicum of strategy.
Too be fair, it looks like it has better combat than VtM:B but that's like saying that someone can move better than Steven Hawkings.
Casual Gamer said:
Leon said:
Dionysus said:
In terms of combat, what are the advantages of Bloodlines and SS2?
They require skill and a modicum of strategy.
How many more strategic considerations did Fallout have than Fallout 3? I'm thinking back and all I can remember are:
Get good equipment.
Make sure your party members don't burst you in the back.
Target shots at specific body parts.
What am I missing, and which of these does F3 lack?
As much as it's touted here, Fallout's combat (while fun) wasn't really Kasparov vs. Deep Blue. The most "strategic" fight I ever had in any of the Fallout's was killing Metzger without an NPC, and that felt less like strategy than quick-save/re-load grind.
Fallout's combat left a lot of room for strategic improvement (Tactics did decently improving in this areas) but I'd add in that cover was significantly more useful (step out, shoot, step back).
Dionysus said:
Moving Target said:
Dionysus, I REALLY disagree with your assessment that area-specific damage makes Fallout 3's combat better than SS2 or Bloodines. It looks to be implemented very poorly- I mean, come on, "Crippled torso?" "Crippled head?" These things don't make any sense, and it would have made more sense if Bethsoft hadn't included them at all.
I don't think any of these games are particularly helped by an appeal to realism. If they have some sort of interesting status effect tied to a torso or head injury, then that makes for solid gameplay IMO. It's not like we are talking about a huge abstraction anyway. Your head
could get crippled, right?
It's a bit rediculous and the previous games handled it better with different areas having different effects and only certain areas being cripplable.
Dionysus said:
Moving Target said:
Besides, the only reason that stuff is there in the first place is for VATS- which itself was only there as an attempted bone-throw to the old fans "Look, it's turn-based. It stops and you can aim and it's got percentages and everything!" Nope. Real-time with Pause.
Well, you can do area-specific damage without VATS. But even so, I don't think that VATS detracts from the strategy in FO3. In fact, the ability to pause time and select a specific body part from a specific target seems to enhance the strategic nature of combat.
The point was simply that the only reason that area specific damage is in is because they felt it was a needed bone to throw to old fans (which I'd agree with). That said, he seems to be going off topic to ramble about it being RTwP and not TB (to be fair, it's constantly refered to wrong). I'd agree that it's better than not having area specific damage but the first two games had better and more strategic area specific damage.