
Quaid said:
Are you saying it is dumb I would rather it be this way, or dumb Bethesda didn't address this themselves?

It is dumb that the quality of Bethesda's game necessitates for people to pretend that the game isn't what it is when playing the game.

It is also dumb that people do this.
where the fuck was fallout in those videos?! jeezas christ what a load of green brown shit!

also the lightmap was invented since quake 1 you bethesda programmers!

oh, lookie there, is this an interplay logo? i'm impressed! :clap:

I watched the first two videos....

Oh man, where to begin?

-The textures are still ugly as hell.... Anyone else groan a bit looking at the Capital Building?
-Gibbing and rag-doll physics. Just... shouldn't have been there in the first place; looks terrible.
-The walking animations of the PC are very, very bad.
-The Fatman. I won't even go there again. :falloutonline:
-Ghouls can run, and REALLY look like zombies.
-VATS got boring after the second or third time in the preview clip.

From a broader perspective, these locations feel very dense, almost claustrophobic. Even on the first clip, after the power-armor wearing character gets out of those outside tunnel things (seriously- who's going to take time to make and keep those things in working order?... but I digress), the game still felt cluttered. There was just piles and piles of crap everywhere.

Man, even the *official* videos make this look like a pretty lousy game.
Just watched the BOS (BE WITH YOU) video.

Ugh...nukulear explosions going off left and right.

I really dislike the tick marks on the interface...solid bars or numbers would be easier to read. I suppose they didn't want it to distract from the incredible immershun. Sick of seeing Vault-boy's orgasmic/satisfied smile pop up whenever there's a critical hit. VATS seems like an excuse to give ADD kids the pleasure of seeing MK style fatalities every other minute because it's a FPS otherwise.

I'll assume the squad AI was scripted? Ugh. The comments on GT are depressing also.
Gentlemen said:
Bethesda needs a motion capture expert. It might aid animations. But eh, I am not bought by graphics.

What bethesda really needs is some of that fancy euphoria stuff thats going round. Then they wouldnt have to put any effort into animating and it would still look flash.

Also, rollerblades.
Brother None said:
Quaid said:
Are you saying it is dumb I would rather it be this way, or dumb Bethesda didn't address this themselves?

It is dumb that the quality of Bethesda's game necessitates for people to pretend that the game isn't what it is when playing the game.

It is also dumb that people do this.
I'll agree with your first statement but not your second. If your second statement is meant to say 'Don't buy the game if it isn't what you want it to be, instead of buying it and pretending on certain things' so the game makers will get the message and actually create something that makes coherent sense, then I understand where you're coming from. As I don't care to put words in your mouth or create 'strawmen' for you to set ablaze please elaborate if you mean something different.

I come from PC gaming and PnP RPG gaming, and have been using my imagination in games since the old SSI games and Wasteland, as well as in PnP campaigns. When I used to play the original Wolfenstein 3D I would imagine aspects of the story to fill in any gaps and make it interesting, since the plot was extremely thin compared to solid PC RPGs like Fallout and Torment. I've used this technique with a number of FPS games to give me more of a pseudo-RPG type experience, however nerfed.

As I grow older I am less interested in the action genre and want even more from the RPG genre. Unfortunately the trend is toward action and twich rather than dialogue and a rich story. Therefore I do what I must to survive in this vast gaming wasteland.

Thank god for the hi-res Fallout 1 patch that was created!
Ah, there's also something else I wanted to mention. It's been mentioned before, so I think that's why I sort of edited myself before posting: "Crippled Head" and "Crippled Torso" messages. They don't make any sense. What else can I say? I groaned when I saw that come up on the screen.
I get the feeling that Bethesda simply didn't know what game they wanted to make from the very start. and they didn't come to any conclusions during the whole developement process.

what they're telling us about the game in interviews etc is that it's a deep rpg with choices and consequences, moral dilemmas, nonlinear storylines and stat-dependant combat.

but all they ever show us is pure action. every single video and the majority of screenshots they released are all about the action and the violence. they seem to have put a lot of effort into making the game look like another Gears of War or futuristic Call of Duty.

so what really is the point of the game? what do they think themselves when they watch these videos? it can't be "damn, this will be the best rpg ever!". neither can it be "hell, I didn't think we could make such an awesome fps!". because neither half lends to make the other half better, it seems.

I was hoping to the very end (well, still hoping - the end isn't quite here just yet) that what we'd get would be a good action/rpg with deep storytelling/roleplaying and the occasional intense combat. think Deus Ex but with more emphasis on the rpg and less on the action. but if I were to judge from these videos alone, it looks like a half-decent fps.

if you didn't know beforehand that there are action points in the game and that your character has stats and skills, you wouldn't realize it from watching any of the videos. isn't that a really bad sign for a game supposed to be an rpg? hell, you wouldn't even realize there is dialogue in the game.

the animations look completely retarded. the sounds from the guns are total crap. the ragdoll physics feel way too old. can't really judge the AI from only looking at those videos, but so far there are no signs of good combat AI. so if I were to look at it as a pure fps, it looks like a really bad one and I would rather play Call of Duty 2.

so yeah... I guess I only have to hope that the parts of the game I haven't seen yet will offer something to keep me interested. if there is at least a good storyline, decent dialogue and a lot of quests I'm sure the game can keep me entertained for a couple of weeks.

still, I wonder what Bethesda are trying to achieve. what their goal with the game was. if they even had one.
The combat and animation isn't even as good as quake 3 arena. The quake 3 engine , I thought, was the worst in ice walking...until I saw these videos.

I find myself desperately trying to like the game, but logic dictates that there really isn't much. I find it odd how people are equally desperate to defend the product when logic dictates that they shouldn't.
Long time lurker, making my first post, since I found the first worthwhile thing I could comment on. I've been an optimist for Fallout 3, but one thing that just keeps disappointing me is the voice acting. I'll use the Brotherhood video as my example.

First of all:
I never, ever want to hear "To arms" in anything but a fantasy game. Ever. I realize they want the Brotherhood to seem righteous and all that, but please.

My focal point is going to be the combat voice acting, since that is what irked me the most and is on topic for this post. There isn't enough life in these voice actors. I don't know how someone can record at a volume close to yelling and still have the personality of a wet paper towel.

If they want immersion, they just have to look at most WWII games, really. They seem to be deep in the cinematographic qualities of these moments of intense stress.

I'll use my example from the Relic Entertainment RTS, Company of Heroes. They had at least 3 sets of dialog for each unit. 'Night Ops' in which they spoke quietly and calmly; 'Patrol'; making smalltalk and such "Jesus Conrad, Tie your Fuckin' Laces". And 'In the Shit': Frantic, loud orders and exclamations: "Fire!.. Fuck! Fire!!" "Feed em' fuckin' pineapples!", Etc. I wish just once Bethesda could breathe some life into their voice acting, I'd like to hear some of the following:

"Muties! Shit! *dives for cover*" "Light the fucker's up!" "Keep some fire on that sunnovvabitch!" (I know I'm liberal with the profanities, but it keeps the immersion real, and hell, they already have the rating, why not? Make the people sound real, for Christ's sake)

I have a really hard time believing, unless you're doing some heavy drugs, that you're going to stand there and calmly say "To arms, my brothers, to arms"
Ixyroth said:
Games like CoD, STALKER, and FEAR all have reactive animations, sometimes even realtime physics-generated effects on arms, legs, head, etc.

I especially remember F.E.A.R.'s animations and AI. An enemy could be firing at me, and I could pop him in the shoulder or leg and he'd recoil and either keep firing or recoil too much to keep firing and trip over or stagger. Enemies could also keep moving while this happened (unless they got hit too hard, of course), and it all looked pretty good.

One of the instances that made me like F.E.A.R. so much is when I was facing three regular clone soldiers. Two had assault rifles, the other a shotgun. I fired at the one with the shotgun as he presented the most immediate and dangerous threat, but only managed to catch him in the left leg and abdomen. The other two scrambled for cover while laying down suppressive fire, causing me to duck behind some crates. One of them was tucked behind a half-height wall and the other had pulled over a rack and was hiding behind it. I focused on trying to take them out until I noticed that their shotgun-wielding friend had come around through a hallway to flank me, limping, and was nearly about to give me a buckshot face lift. I managed to finish him off with some twitch-action quick-shooting, and then continued taking potshots at the remaining two.

F.E.A.R. came out in 2006. Bethesda has no good excuse for this lack of polish.
ScarcticCG said:
Gentlemen said:
Bethesda needs a motion capture expert. It might aid animations. But eh, I am not bought by graphics.

What bethesda really needs is some of that fancy euphoria stuff thats going round. Then they wouldnt have to put any effort into animating and it would still look flash.

Also, rollerblades.

You took the words right out of my mouth... err. fingers..

I just finished the new star wars game that used that and having played the new GTA that also uses that, I love the way characters react when that engine is integrated.

You can do so much more with it. I was playing last night and picked a guy up with "the force" and went to throw him off a balcony, but moved him to close to the railing and the bastard grabed the railing and held on for dear life.

Now neither game with euphoria has had perfect character animations, but I think as that technology evolves it will really bring the games to life.
I think your totally right Aenemic about BS not knowing what type of game to make, and I think this damaged both the FPS and the RPG aspects of the game. FO3 seems like a mediocre FPS and a horrible RPG to me.
raleigh_565656 said:
I think your totally right Aenemic about BS not knowing what type of game to make, and I think this damaged both the FPS and the RPG aspects of the game. FO3 seems like a mediocre FPS and a horrible RPG to me.
Well, comparing apples to apples, if you've played Vampire: Bloodlines or System Shock 2, how would you compare Fallout 3 to those (obviously we haven't played it yet, but from the parts you can compare)?
A few choice proverbs by the ever-venerable cavalcade of Fallout liturgists--

'Black-Arrow' steps out from the clouds above to put forth this resounding declaration:

"That mini nuclear Bomb is awesome!!

That's a Gun Duke Nukem would use!! xD"

'zombie-fanatic' is a god among men, his grand display of rationalism piercing through the heart of mere mortals.

"Im concered about the gameplay ive never seen the vat system in the game miss and if its so effective that playing normaly is wasteful it may make the game boring and slow paced"

Finally, last but certainly not least, 'jaboma' takes up the impossible responsibility of a prophetic messiah. Bless his heart, for he will assuage any and all trepidation and free us from servitude.

"dumbass, the game is supposed to be a fps with rpg elements. thats why vats is a secondary option while real time shooting is first. im a fallout fan since the first game. dont fuck with me."