GameTrailers Fallout Retrospective

Dionysus said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
They helped drive away with minimal loss of life on both sides of the conflict, so basically, they did not engage supermutant forces.
But they definitely went out to protect people. I remember that the strategy outlined by Vree involved eliminating the source and then waiting for the SMs to die off. They seemed to do the exact opposite. They did little to stop the potential threat to themselves, but then went out to protect people once the Master was gone. I can understand why someone would think that they make the land safe, because they did make the land safe when it was convenient for the plot.

There's nothing suggesting they protected human outposts, there's only mention that they helped to drive the mutants away.

It just doesn't fit with their situation in Fallout 1.
I wonder what everyone's obsession is to make the Brotherhood the heroic defenders of the wasteland.

The closest that ever came to that was the NCR.
I can tell you one thing, it is getting pretty annoying.

In Fallout the best hope for humanity always ended up being the player if he/she decided to try to help people as much as possible.

Now altruistic organizations have to be all over the place, defending the weak and the poor.
Well, they weren't exactly the heroes of the wasteland, but the BOS did contribute to the stabilisation of the wastes as a byproduct of their own enlightened self-interest. They took out many of the remaining raiders, super mutants, centaurs, deathclaws, and other beasties that crossed their patrols on their trade routes between the The Hub, Shady Sands, Vault 13, Junktown, and Necropolis.

To be sure, the NCR eventually eclipsed the BOS in size and scope(they were aiming for a new state/country type of government- with its own militia/army), but the Brotherhood offered a much needed boost until the NCR could get more on its feet. Can't take that away from them.
I'm really happy they discussed Wasteland in that retrospective. I think there are a lot of fans of the original Fallouts that are fairly ignorant of what a fantastic game Wasteland was for its time, as well as the importance of that game to the development of Fallout.

That gets me thinking too that since Bethesda's take on Fallout is almost certainly going to be a let down, maybe Bryan Fargo will eventually come through on his promise to make a new Wasteland. I'm really hoping a new Wasteland will be our savior in terms of giving us a high quality modern post apocalyptic RPG. On the other hand, what he did to the Bard's Tale franchise makes me cry.
Hey, what was that random encounter from FO1 with the blue phone booth or blue outhouse?
I enjoyed that. Really well-made and - except for a few mistakes - a perfect introduction for all those kids who are going: "Fallout 3? What were Fallout and Fallout 2 then?"
One thing I didn't like was that the Fallout part was composed mostly of spoilers, which made it bad for introducing new people to Fallout.
Actually I was surprised at the number of people who after hearing of Fallout3 went and got Fallout1 and sometimes FO2 too :)
The Dutch Ghost said:
Von Drunky said:
Hey, what was that random encounter from FO1 with the blue phone booth or blue outhouse?

You don't know Doctor Who?
Shame on you.

Weird, never got this one or maybe i was just too fucked up to remember. I don't think this justifies another play througth, yet.
Diospyros said:
...maybe Bryan Fargo will eventually come through on his promise to make a new Wasteland. I'm really hoping a new Wasteland will be our savior in terms of giving us a high quality modern post apocalyptic RPG. On the other hand, what he did to the Bard's Tale franchise makes me cry.

That. Wouuld be. AWESOME.