Gaminator Promises a Mutant's Return to F3, Et Cetera

If the review ain't bogus, I sincerely hope it's going to be Harold and not Marcus.
I don't want to meet one of them next-gen Shrek-lookalikes who will try to convince me he's Marcus.

As for the hidden passageway out: sorry guys, but that actually makes a lot of sense to me. A single entrance/exit can easily become a trapdoor over time.
alec said:
A single entrance/exit can easily become a trapdoor over time.
to quote Sun Tzu: If you make sure your enemy can't get in, you won't be able to get out.

common sense really :P
d2duke said:
The Vault is not a military's just an antirad bunker
i know it's not built to be a fort... but it is designed to keep people safe inside and keep potential troublemakers out.

it's not as if you can keep the location secret, so you have to be equiped to keep the people who arent meant to be in the vault outside.
Mord_Sith said:
It REALLY worked for both the enclave and the bad ending of the super mutants...

The Enclave had the access code for all Vaults, as for the bad ending of Fallout 1.
If the player had joined the Unity he or she would probably have helped the Super Mutants to get access.
Mord_Sith said:
... what about vault 15, raiders if I recall correctly...

Its actually never made clear how that Vault got destroyed, don't forget that some of the raider groups actually originated from Vault 15 itself.

That wouldn't make it that far fetched that one of their leaders remembered the old access code, or perhaps got it from someone who used to live there.
The vault door was blasted off for crissakes, makes it pretty obvious how they got in, and it wasn't by knocking politely on the door neither.
Er... when you go to Vault 15 in the original Fallout, the place is already trashed. I don't think the raiders had to do much breaking and entering. They excavated all the collapsed rock (or did the squatters do that?), but they didn't somehow manage to blow the vault door off or anything.

And the "secret entrance" thing could work, long as it's handled well. It would make sense for there to be an alternate entrance/exit (of course, I doubt the overseer would be oblivious to its existence and I'm sure it'd be monitored), although such a thing was never hinted at in the originals. I don't know where the previewer gets off saying that the whole thing is "superior" to the originals in the choices of how to get out of the vault thing, even if the whole article isn't bogus.
Not if you pack the area behind the gear between the door and the wall with plastic explosives...

Plus when you get the story out of the lady in shady sands, my memory fails me at the moment as to her name, she's right by the front door, she tells you about the raiders attacking the vault after many of the vault denizens had already left for one reason or another.

If they had the key codes the door would not have needed to be blown off is kinda my point, and even if it had blown inwards, it still does not lend itself well to the explanation that the vaults were designed to keep riff raff out as they were obviously defeated by something...
The Dutch Ghost said:
I can be wrong but shouldn't the door be pushed into the Vault if they had destroyed it from the outside?
no, the door design doesnt allow it.

go look at the movies, or ingame.

Looking at it, you can see how the "cogs" of the door would've prevented it from being blasted inwards.

Still, it does make one wonder just how the door got blasted off. The girl at the entrance to Shady Sands mentioned that the Vault got attacked after a fair number of them had already left (due to the Vault being overcrowded). Seems to me that whoever attacked them must have had at least an element of that departed group, as a raider group out of the wasteland wouldn't have the equipment to breach a door like that, I don't think.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay, so how much explosives do you think it would take to get the door open?
i aint no SF demoman. :P

why do you need a quantification anyway?
is everyone forgetting that the vaults were intended to be self-sufficient and sealed?

The entire reason you left the vault in FO is that the water purifying/recycling machinery was not working, and they had no alternate source of water. (a spring or aquifer)

Doesn't it follow that maybe they were recycling the air as well, as any air from the outside could bring harmful contaminants into the vault and negate its purpose?
(think star trekish life support systems)