Gaming's Fringe Cults

Great article. Besides the deservedly nice words about NMA, I also enjoyed seeing the bit about HLP, another community I lurk.

Anyway, to the staff and regulars - keep up the good work, it is most appreciated. It's just a shame the recent news are not much to be happy about.
I never really understood why people call Polish people stupid all the time.

Is it because they lost to Germany in WW2?

I mean, surely losing a war doesn't make you retarded?

Anyone care to explain to a clueless newbie? :?
DarkLegacy said:
I never really understood why people call Polish people stupid all the time.

Is it because they lost to Germany in WW2?

I mean, surely losing a war doesn't make you retarded?

Anyone care to explain to a clueless newbie? :?

It's not that we're inherently stupid. We are just dead drunk so often, most people think our brain activity is near zero.
Madbringer said:
DarkLegacy said:
I never really understood why people call Polish people stupid all the time.

Is it because they lost to Germany in WW2?

I mean, surely losing a war doesn't make you retarded?

Anyone care to explain to a clueless newbie? :?

It's not that we're inherently stupid. We are just dead drunk so often, most people think our brain activity is near zero.

Isn't that Irish people? (stereotype)
That was a good read. It's refreshing to see this place featured in a non-demonizing context.

Shine on you glittering gems...

Oh, and Pole-land is indeed a prime exporter of hilarity. Those of us in North America can tune in to one of its funnier broadcasts every evening on the AM dial. It features a rather grim holy man rambling on about global conspiracies run by homosexual communist Freemasons, with some old ladies calling in to pray the rosary.

- A.S.S.R.
Brother None said:
That is a bit of interpretative writing from Blancato, but he had to shorten it somehow. Miroslav *did* initially disappear because of the NATO bombings, and went into the army afterwards. It's accurate enough to me...maybe?

well, that sounds ok ;) just to clarify, bosnian war happened in the middle of the '90.s, and NATO bombs (and plains) droped in 99. , i guess miroslav went to defend the kosovo or something :| i lost contact with him long ago

so we had quite a lot of bombs around here, almost a true falluotish setting, at the time :) one more reason not to like idea of FP fallout
Great article, quite good timing as well. Hopefully it will help some people better understand the community, though doubt it will radically change the general view!

Daft question: Is the original geocities site mirrored anywhere ( Would be amusing to see what it looked like :)
Nim82 said:
Great article, quite good timing as well. Hopefully it will help some people better understand the community, though doubt it will radically change the general view!

Daft question: Is the original geocities site mirrored anywhere ( Would be amusing to see what it looked like :)

Expect an old style HTML website, black background and green Times New Roman lettering.

"No Mutants Allowed". :wink:
DarkLegacy said:
Isn't that Irish people? (stereotype)

Yup, I heard yet another stereotype, that we and Irish are very similar :)

Wow, cool I entered this archive and what was the first news I had read? :

Feargus said:
Sorry guys, but I have to say again that we aren't in a position to say anything about our games yet. I really wish we could, because we have some very cool things to show you. And again I can't give you guys a date as to when I will be able to say anything.

What I can tell you is that I will try to start posting messages more over the next six weeks to keep you all informed on the things that I can talk about.


EDIT: Pope, I've removed pyramid:)
Damn, NMA back then doesn't look anywhere near as bad as I expected.

I guess NMA was always the pinnacle of Fallout fandom, then...

The castle on the hill, overshadowing the world.. :D
DarkLegacy said:
I guess NMA was always the pinnacle of Fallout fandom, then...

Not at all, we've been around longest, but during the development of Fallout: Tactics, when (mostly thanks to Rosh) we were the most negative of all the fansites, DaC was a lot better and probably bigger than us. Dunno about V13.

Most sites collapsed, tho', only DaC and NMA remain.
Brother None said:
DarkLegacy said:
I guess NMA was always the pinnacle of Fallout fandom, then...

Not at all, we've been around longest, but during the development of Fallout: Tactics, when (mostly thanks to Rosh) we were the most negative of all the fansites, DaC was a lot better and probably bigger than us. Dunno about V13.

Most sites collapsed, tho', only DaC and NMA remain.

UV is still around and kicking, but i guess they don't have that much to do with Fallout anymore.
UV is as Fallout-related as TO these days, so nah.

Less than TO, even. And those are the only two Fallout clans around (not sites, clans).
Ah shame, cheers anyway Brother None.

Heh, love the 'No Mages Allowed' poll regarding Arcanum :)
mocnijogurt said:
really good stuff to read

just one thing maybe to clear

"Started on Geocities nearly a decade ago by a Serbian named "Miroslav" (who only left the site due to the Bosnian War), NMA has built a reputation as the definitive, and most vocal (read: kinda mean), Fallout community on the web."

Bosnian War was already ended when Miroslav left, and according to my knowledge miroslav is from Belgrade (Serbia) and he doesn't have anything with Bosnia or with war ;)

Yes, that is correct, something went wrong there.