Gauss Pistol Galore


Night Watchman
Staff member
Seji posted a link at another forum, which I thought might be compelling: If you're interested in having your own Gauss pistol, you should visit William Harriss' site, who promises that he'll be selling "Make-Your-Own-Gauss-Pistol" kits soon:<blockquote>A Gauss Pistol is a specific kind of "Coil Gun". The term "Gauss" is a unit of magnetic field strength (the magnetic field of the earth is around 1 Gauss), named for the great German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss. "Pistol" refers to a gun that can be held and fired with one hand. </blockquote>And this is what an assembled one looks like:<blockquote><center></center></blockquote>

This is probably the most dangerous thing ive ever seen

The pistol weighs over 3 1/2 lbs, so it would be dangerous if hurled it at someone.

When disassembled, many of the plastic parts could pose a choking hazard.

It would not feel good to be hit at close range, especially in the eye.

If you poke your finger around in there you could really get a nasty shock.

causes retinal damage if stared into for an extended period of time.
But think about it. This is perfect for suicides! You can kill yourself in numerous different ways! You can build it yourself, and maybe even take the coroner with you when he pokes the battery! Marvellous!
Homemade Vaporizers
Silencer said:
There is no such Polish proverb, Fris. :>

As if Socrates or Plato said even half the things attributed to them on da Inderned.

And people call this progress. Tchyeah.
Interesting little device... Untill they make one that can shoot through brick walls and comes with a built in Night Vision and FLIR system though.. I dont really need one.
Ellisar's quotation box:

George Bush hates black people. - Plato
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. - Socrates

:rofl: :rofl:
The muzzle speed of the thing looks useless. I know of a few places in Warsaw where you can get far more powerful CO2 guns without a gun license.
lol, I think this guy should be given credit for creating such a weapon. pretty funny if u ask me
If you look at the design and if you watch the videos (especially the second video in which he shoots the beercan) you can clearly see that this Gausspistol isn't well balanced. All the weight is in the front, making it difficult to aim at something without lots of shaking.
He should really, really redesign this pistol before selling kits. Maybe make it into a rifle instead, seems a lot easier to me, plus - I think - it would enhance the muzzle speed.

Apart from that: nice. If I knew anything about electronics, I'd build one myself. It can't be all that difficult.
Lets see...

Russian Gauss Pistol "Pskov 1100"

Great quote conduct guys. Elissar's made me LOL.

As for the weapon...well it may be cumbersome and ineffecient overall, but its a start. Plus you could buy one and just be like "OMG I got teh gauzz piztol 1111".

I suddenly want one now...oh wait thats 80 years in the future when one of my predecessors gets ahold of one. Apparently the best pistol I can get is the Autoloader compact rifle.

The Vault Dweller
I'm not sure why you would waste the time to make a pistol when a rifle would be much more usefull...

very nice though, i wish i had the electronic skills to do something like this, not even this exact project just random stuff in general... oh the tinkering that could be done