Gay marriage

Gay Marriages should be allowed-

  • No- Marriage is something gays should not be allowed to enjoy. Gays are unfit for the purpose of mar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes- Marriage is more than a sacrament, but a civil right of family that everyone is entitled too re

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes- Marriage is about love and the right to love who you want, and therefore is an expression of th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? Frankly, marriage is an out-dated concept anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? Frankly I don't care what you suck as long as I don't have to smell your breath

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
First of all I’m very disturbed by the comparisons and approaches made here of pedophillia, bestiality, rape with homosexually.

Pedophillia is, as refered by Montez: a “sexual attraction, by an adult, toward human beings who are not physically, mentally, or sexually mature – children” this is and should always be: a crime.

Bestiality, sexual act with animals should be a crime also since a sexual act should be with two consenting parties, it’s simple and pure abuse of an animal (a being capable of feelings) and should be condemned. Also is mentally disturbing the need to have sex with an animal…

Rape is a crime and should always be since is the imposing someone wills into another. It’s forcing and breaking the other person’s freedom.

Homosexually shouldn’t be in the same line of thinking as the above! It is only a sexual preference and should not be discriminated in any way. Homosexual couples should be allowed a homosexual marriage (not a religious one) and should be allowed to have children if capable of raising and sustaining probably the child (has do heterosexual couples) The problem is, as referred, a problem of normality and the fear that the majority has for everything that doesn’t exactly fits into the “normal” category, and since all attacks are a defence mechanism reacted on fear, the ones who are afraid of gay marriage are basically afraid to be personally affected by this… this leads of course to homophobia.

And another thing that caught my attention of the thread: majority and democracy!
Not everything should be done democraly (does this word exist? Who can read Portuguese, I mean: democraticamente), you know? This political system is flawed, immensely, sadly, there seems not to be one better than this, but still, democracy is based on the opinions and vote of the majority of people. Well, in some countries the majority believes that women should be stoned to death only by choosing to divorce their husband.
Basically what I’m trying to say is, if a country is a democracy but its entire people are idiots, the country is ruled by idiots and it’s an idiot democracy…

Anyway, it’s 3 a.m and I’m reading and writing in a language not my own.. I’m sleepy.

But interesting discussion and thread..
ACcording to NPR-

Feb. 24, 2004 -- President Bush calls for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, saying he wants to stop activist judges from changing the definition of the institution. His remarks come as court decisions in Massachusetts and city officials in San Francisco have opened the door to gay marriages.

hear it and more here-

Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled House and Senate take up President Bush's challenge to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says a federal marriage amendment may come before the Senate by the summer. But many warn the process of amending the Constitution will be lengthy.
I'll honestly be surprised if they can get the 2/3rds necessary to push the Amendment through the first stage of passage.

What gets me more is the way the Attorney General in California is sitting on his hands about this. Until Proposition 22 (I think it was 22) is challenged he should do his job and enforce the state's laws. The main reason he isn't has to do with his own political aspirations, being one of the Gubernator's challengers when his term comes to end.

Proposition 22 was voted on in California during the 2000 elections, defining a marriage as the legal union between one man and one woman.

Personally, I don't care - I think marriage is outdated.
Because mopst people will not care to read the previous pages here, I'll repost a question that is of considerable weight:

What is more important to you, majority vote, or human equality and basic rights?

THis stems from the fact that if such amendments to the constitution were to be passed, then the following will have happened:
-The majority will have agreed with the decision.
However, there is also this:
-Human equality has just been violated, because according to every modern western teaching, everyone is equal, including males and females. This makes it immoral for the law to differentiate between males and females, and therefore, there should be no distiinction between gay and straight marriages for the law.(Note that this says nothing about churches).
In other words, the basic human rights(those of equal treatment in front of the law) and equality will have been violated.

So, what is more important to you, majority, or equality?
My guess, Mr. Marcus, is that the AG isn't quite certain and doesn't want to press the issue.

The reason why the uncertainty has to do with the review of the court's on the constitutionality of the thing. The argument is that defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is probably on it's face, a form of gender discrimination.

I know that some might scream "activist judges!" but then what the fuck is the judiciary supposed to do besides interpret the constitution of their state or the federal government? They are an independent branch that is supposed to be above the political fray.

In addition state constitutions are often more liberal than the federal constitution. State constitutions have been more relaxed on gay rights than the feds for years, and it's not just those bleeding heart liberal types (Mass) but other more conservative states as well.
Personally, I think there should be a law that prevents religious persons from becoming president.

They just dont know what the fuck they are doing.
Sander: Very interesting question... I would probably say equality. Personally I tend to think that the concept of equality could be seen as mayhaps the most important override to majority in a democratic system. That is because it's a powerful tool to, in at least some slight way, right one of the more serious flaws of democracy, that is, the opression of the minority by majority.
Llama-God said:
Personally, I think there should be a law that prevents religious persons from becoming president.

They just dont know what the fuck they are doing.

What? That's like what I thought about gay marriages (banning them) before I saw this retard holding a sign saying

God hates queers

All-of-the-sudden, this made me think, why do I think the way I do? And I had a change of heart on many subjects, like gay marriages. But now, I don't care if a law is passed saying they can or can't, let them or not, what pisses me off is the judges in my country. Back to my point, a law to prevent a religious person from becoming president will never pass, in our lifetime at least, since that can and will be viewed as an infringement on our constitutional rights. The people must decide who leads us. Not religion. But then again, Americans don't actually pick their leader do we?
Llama-God said:
Personally, I think there should be a law that prevents religious persons from becoming president.
No, but there should be a law preventing them from acting for their religion, rather than their county/citizens.
Llama-God said:
Personally, I think there should be a law that prevents religious persons from becoming president.

That would be tough, since the majority of the world is religious, and the point of a democracy is for the government to be representative of the people.

Turkey does that, tho'. They have strict laws pertaining to splitting religion from governing. Seems to work, but not well
This whole thing about gay marriage is just to sidetrack the political debate from the important issues.
NIce one revolver-

"SO AT last it is official: George Bush is in favour of unequal rights, big-government intrusiveness and federal power rather than devolution to the states. That is the implication of his announcement this week that he will support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment in America banning gay marriage. Some have sought to explain this action away simply as cynical for a constitutional amendment is such a difficult, drastic and draconian move that cynicism is too weak an explanation. No, it must be worse than that: Mr Bush must actually believe in what he is doing."

That's the problem with George Bush- he believes he's right and that justifies his action.

"Mr Bush says that he is acting to protect “the most fundamental institution of civilisation” from what he sees as “activist judges” who in Massachusetts early this month confirmed an earlier ruling that banning gay marriage is contrary to their state constitution.....And those “activist judges”, who, by the way, gave Mr Bush his job in 2000, might well take the same view of the federal constitution as their Massachusetts equivalents did of their state code: that the constitution demands equality of treatment. Last June, in Lawrence v Texas, they ruled that state anti-sodomy laws violated the constitutional right of adults to choose how to conduct their private lives with regard to sex, saying further that “the Court's obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate its own moral code”.

"The case for allowing gays to marry begins with equality, pure and simple. Why should one set of loving, consenting adults be denied a right that other such adults have and which, if exercised, will do no damage to anyone else? Not just because they have always lacked that right in the past, for sure: until the late 1960s, in some American states it was illegal for black adults to marry white ones, but precious few would defend that ban now on grounds that it was “traditional”. ....."

"The case for allowing gays to marry begins with equality, pure and simple. Why should one set of loving, consenting adults be denied a right that other such adults have and which, if exercised, will do no damage to anyone else? Not just because they have always lacked that right in the past, for sure: until the late 1960s, in some American states it was illegal for black adults to marry white ones, but precious few would defend that ban now on grounds that it was “traditional”. "
In central Sydney we have such a large Gay community that we have a surplus of single women (too many gay guys).

We believe in equality and tolerance. At my high school we have two transvestites, several guy people and a wide variety of ethnic groups (eg. I was the only non-chinese person in my mathematics class).

I only know three people with gay parents/guardians and they are not gay themselves. Although one of them is screwed up and depressed I doubt it has much to do with his mum's girlfriend. They are more open-minded and actually have a supportive family unlike half the school who have single parents or live alone for various reasons. Calling someone "gay" is an offensive comment at school but does not really have any meaning because people do not discriminate against the gay kids (although some of them are strongly disliked because they are annoying).

Concerning gay marriage, of course they should have the same legal rights as any other dedicated couple and should be able to call it marriage. Politicians should stop practising divergionary tactics and quickly solve this problem and concentrate on more important issues. If a church doesn't want to marry someone then they shouldn't have to but the couple should be able to be married in some ceremony.

My family is not religious but did get married traditionally at a church. Marriage is a vital, final symbol of commitment and love and should be available to all people. Gay people still have the same cultural background, thoughts and ideas as everyone else and should be treated equally.
THe notion that gay marriage is a threat to civilization is ridiculas.

Nuclear weapons- that is a threat against civilization. The creation of a virus that could wipe us out, yes that too.

Two gays standing before a judge and getting married doesn't seem to have the same kind of reprecussions as global thermonuclear war.

But maybe it's just me.

ANd for the record, almost all l marriage is same sex. It's the same sex with the same person.

In fact if marriage is supposed to be the killer of sex, than maybe if you want to fight homosexual sodomy, perhaps we should promote gay marriage and not forbid it.
What really interests me about Bush's motives is that he apparently feels it necessary to appease the small conservative christian sect of his party at the offense to gays, progressives and liberals. I find it hard to believe that Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and the ilk are so powerful so as require such asinine proposals on the part of the Repulican Party.

Its not like this will ever become law either! The day that happens is the day I take up arms. Its purely a political move, one designed to derail argument from important things like, well almost anything else and retake momentum from Kerry and the Democrats.

And sorry to cotinue to ignore the actual topic Sander, this debate is just more imprtant, IMO.
welsh said:
THe notion that gay marriage is a threat to civilization is ridiculas.

Nuclear weapons- that is a threat against civilization. The creation of a virus that could wipe us out, yes that too.

Two gays standing before a judge and getting married doesn't seem to have the same kind of reprecussions as global thermonuclear war.

That depends...

Is civilization the existence of our current society in the way it is? Then thermonuclear war is the biggest threat?

Or is civilization the constant movement forward of more "civilized" standards of living (which is in essence a ridiculous notion, because in that case we're always most civilized right now, by our own standards)?

Anyway, a lot of progressive people would hold it that we have a long way to go to be civilized. One of the main points of becoming civilized is not forbidding gay marriage
Here is the funny thing.

Kerry is against gay marrige, and he is labeled a hero for his stance on civil unions.

Bush is for civil unions, yet for a constitutional amendment-the only possible way to get rid of gay marrige-and he is the reactionary Nazi.

This is the shittiest thing to happen in the progression of gay rights ever. This will tear the nation apart, and Gays will be more outside of regular American society then they have been in decades. This is bad, this is a stupid reactionary, offensive movement by a bunch of plutocratic judges and a militantly Unitarian mayor.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Kerry is against gay marrige, and he is labeled a hero for his stance on civil unions.

Bush is for civil unions, yet for a constitutional amendment-the only possible way to get rid of gay marrige-and he is the reactionary Nazi.

This is the typical kind of labelling that makes me feel the American democratic form needs some serious reviewing.

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
This is the shittiest thing to happen in the progression of gay rights ever. This will tear the nation apart, and Gays will be more outside of regular American society then they have been in decades. This is bad, this is a stupid reactionary, offensive movement by a bunch of plutocratic judges and a militantly Unitarian mayor.

Wait...the gay marriages are the shittiest thing to happen?

You don't think changing the constitution to make people of a certain sexual persuasion legally inferior to those of another sexual persuasion shitty?
Well, one thing for sure. If the constitutional amendment is passed, and hopefully in the process of getting it passed, there will be a large debate about the issue of individual rights, sexual identity and the institution of marriage. Perhaps that would be a good thing.

But the notion of civil unions is bullshit. If you look at the language of what is trying to be passed, even civil unions would be suspect and probably outlawed.

Again, the Economist has done a nice job on this, rather incisive on the consitutional issues.

Gay marriage
New fuel for the culture wars
Feb 26th 2004 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition

The proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage adds thorny legal and political questions to a troublesome moral debate

AT A speech to the Republican Governors' Association on February 23rd, George Bush argued that voters face a stark choice between “two visions of government”: one (his) that encourages individual freedom, the other (the Democrats') that “takes your money and makes your choices”. Twelve hours later, he presented Americans with an equally stark question: do you want a constitutional ban on gay marriage? By any measure, this would take away gay Americans' choice. By supporting the proposed ban, President Bush has re-ignited the culture wars, given a new, possibly nastier character to the presidential race and committed America to a long, maybe unresolvable, debate about fundamental mores.

It is ironic that most of the constitutional amendments have been about expanding the franchise of rights rather than limiting it - the exception being prohibition.

Why does Bush contradict himself? Well there's more and it makes more sense when you consider the constitutional issues-

America's culture wars have the virtue of ventilating profound questions of personal behaviour and responsibility. Their drawback is that they are sometimes poisoned by majoritarian actions. So it may be this time. The underlying issue of gay marriage turns on basic attitudes towards sexuality, on the extent to which marriage should be buttressed by law, and on whether gay marriage would undermine the institution itself. But the particular form in which the issue is now being presented—as a proposed amendment to the federal constitution—raises questions about who should make decisions like this and what is the proper role of the state and federal governments.

Supporters of a constitutional ban want to stop gay marriages everywhere, of course. But in practice they focus on a slightly different issue: how to stop gay marriage spreading from state to state through a clause in the constitution that says “full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state.” The fear is that, as the president put it, “some activist judges and local officials” will permit gay marriage in one place. Gays from all over the country will then rush to marry, return home and sue in their home state's courts to have their marriage contract recognised. In support of this view, proponents of the ban point out that, in practice, states always recognise each other's marriage laws. Gay marriage would be no exception.

ANd therein lies the problem. This becomes an issue of constitutional rights. One could argue against this before both state or federal constitution. If you lose in federal you could still win in state court because states are empowered to give more rights than the feds, but not less.

However, if you win in federal, the states can't deny you federally protected rights. So the feds would have the power to define the right of gays to marry. While gays are not considered a "subject classification" entitled to greater protection under The Equal Protection Clause, argueing this case based on gender discrimination- why should a man and a woman have more right to marry than two men- says that you are making a patently gender based classification. That gets you under the Gender classification for Equal Protection.

They point out that the federal government has twice stepped in to strike down marriage laws deemed acceptable in one state but not elsewhere. In both cases, this involved polygamy among Mormons, first when Lincoln banned bigamy in 1862 (the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act) and again in 1890 when the federal government insisted Utah outlaw polygamy as a condition of becoming a state. If the feds can ban polygamy, why not gay marriage too?

ANd that opens up an interesting issue. Why shouldn't a man be able to marry multiple women? Why should a woman be denied multiple spouses- I see more of a decline in western civilization there- sorry to the Muslim readers, but realy, why in the hell would you want 4 wives? One is headache enough!

Regardless this is an issue that the feds have stepped into before, they will again.

Lastly, they argue, a constitutional ban would stop only marriage among homosexuals, not civil unions. States could still, they claim, write their own laws granting gays some legal rights short of marriage, as Vermont has done.

The civil union stuff is bullshit. See below-

Opponents of the ban reject these arguments one by one. Most important, they say, proponents are factually and legally wrong about the constitution's “full faith and credit” clause. It has long been established in law that if an issue comes within the purview of states, and if states have their own public policy on that issue, then they do not have to recognise another state's law. This exception is essential to the operation of the federal system itself, which would otherwise be rendered meaningless.

Indeed. But that still opens the door to making this a federal issue.

If the Court recognizes the right to gay marriage as a denial under gender or even gives gays greater power to sue under equal protection by labelling them a suspect class- then we have some interesting issue.

Now imagine a democratic president, who nominates democratic justices to replace those conservatives that are planning to retire soon. We might see that happen.

At which point this becomes a federal issue and the court could override the states.

There is no doubt that marriage is a matter for the states, not the federal government. It has been so for centuries. There is no doubt that many states have their own policy, since 38 have passed “defence of marriage acts” defining marriage as the union of a man and woman. It is true, opponents concede, that states have always recognised each other's marriage laws. But that was because there was consensus. Now that the consensus is fraying, Texas (say) will not be required to recognise a gay marriage made in Massachusetts. The result will be messy, but that is the price of federalism.

Indeed, this is the also part of the problem of dual sovereignty. Incidently, for the EU this is worth paying attention too. These types of issues will accrue within any system in which there are
heirarchical distinctions of soveriegn power.

Moreover, opponents of a ban point out, the “full faith and credit” clause gives Congress a role in deciding “the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be provided”. Congress made clear its view by passing, in 1996, its own Defence of Marriage Act. In sum, opponents say, the constitutional defences against extending gay marriage by judicial activism are strong.

Indeed, but making a constitutional amendment makes the issue one of status quo. It is easier to make a wall than to break it down, so to speak. if the constitutional amendment is passed the status quo is established. It will be upon those advocating gay marriage (a small if vocal minority) to contest the issue. I seriously doubt they could win it.

What about civil unions?

Lastly, they claim, proponents of a constitutional ban are plain wrong—or lying—when they say their amendment would permit civil unions. As it stands, the proposal before Congress would prevent “marital status or the legal incidents thereof [being] conferred upon unmarried couples or groups”. If the phrase “legal incidents thereof” means anything, it must refer to civil unions. These would be banned.

And there lies the bullshit. ALso why so many gays are actively trying to marry before the feds or the states close the door.

Could such an amendment pass? Since the Bill of Rights, there have been only 16 amendments in 200 years. Most guarantee or extend the operation of democracy (such as women's suffrage), rather than defend social norms (such as Prohibition). Any amendment requires the approval of three-quarters of the states, plus a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress.

And this is an election year. So yes, it's very important who wins- probably not just the white house but the congress as well.

This looks hard, but is not out of the question. Three-quarters of the states have passed laws banning gay marriage, though some might vote against an amendment on states'-rights grounds. The decisive factor, though, will be public opinion.

Or not. Remember GB got into office without the popular vote and with a bare electoral vote. Once in office you have the power to change the national agenda.

Remember this was the guy who said he'd be a compassionate conservative, no state building policies, international cooperation, respect state's rights......


It is often said that Americans disapprove of gay marriage but support civil unions. Not so. Gay marriage is more unpopular than unions (about 60% dislike the former), but, depending on how the question is asked, a small majority disapproves of civil unions too. That suggests that public pressure on legislators could be strong.

ANd here is the rub. More people are generally in favor of gay rights than before, but it's the institution of marriage where the battle ground is.

But that's natural too. Remember these are moral battles that usually are fought over the most valuable ground. Here the ground is the institution of marriage.

But opinion is fluid. It is sensitive to news. Support for an amendment rose when the Supreme Court struck down Texas's sodomy law last year. It shifts depending on how the debate is framed: the more you talk about equal rights under the law, the greater the support for civil unions. And there is a yawning generation gap: 55% of 18-29-year-olds support gay marriage, but only 21% of those over 65.

ANd that is another issue. The baby boomers are gettin golder, and while they are a huge, and often conservative group, the next generation has it's own opinions.

Happily they will die out over time, but in the meantime they have an agenda of maintaining the status quo that they are so proud to have established.

It is the younger generation- you- that will decide how far they go to doing that.

Thus there is also the issue of who's america you will live in. That of the last generation or that of the next.

But honestly, I find it frightening how often this generation is willing to roll back virtually every social progressive policy of the last 30 years. There are a lot of young republicans.

Mr Bush may therefore be taking a bigger political gamble than is apparent on the surface. Democrats complain that by supporting a constitutional ban he is seeking a “wedge issue” for the election (something that splits Democrats but unites Republicans). And it is true that Republican-voting evangelicals strongly support a ban, and may well turn out in even greater numbers as a result. But Republicans too are split on the ban. Libertarians dislike legislating on sexual behaviour. Federalists deplore the proposed overriding of a core competence of states. Around 1m gays voted Republican in 2000.

In the end this will favor the republicans. Personally I think the democrats should come out and say. "Fuck ya, I'm for gay marriage, why not?" To me that is a matter of integrity if a act of political suicide.

Even if Libertarians go against this, most Libertarians are fairly conservative and in the end they will vote as a matter of tax policy.

Evengelical Christians will support Republicans.

What about Democratic constituencies- on this issues- Catholics, Blacks, Latinos, will go conservative.

And what about the real issues? The economy, the war in Iraq? This president's spending policies?

Politics as guerrilla warfare and by distraction.

So there are costs as well as benefits for the president. And those costs may spread to the country as a whole. In Roe v Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court imposed a uniform law on a country divided and in flux on abortion. The issue still splits the nation. A constitutional amendment would stop state experimentation and impose a national norm on a country divided and in flux about gay marriage. Debate could fester for years.

Actually it would be an interesting question of what would happen if the federal constitution limited a freedom and a state allowed it.

Sorry folks that I have been spending a lot of time on this issue here. I have a few gay friends and this bothers me. It seems fundamental to me that we, as a democracy, have to get past the day when there exists second class citizens.