aha.. so, if you like beautiful people you're a self appointed alpha now? how very pink haired of you.
There is nothing wrong with liking beautiful people, just like there's nothing wrong with liking ugly people (although game characters are not really people). But there is something wrong with getting outraged when a game doesn't have beautiful people, the same as getting outraged when a game doesn't have ugly people.
People who get outraged at games for stupid and shallow shit like how characters look in games should grow up.
"Boohoohoo, this game only has sexualized, objectifying and unrealistically beautiful characters" or "Boohoohoo, this game only has ugly as fuck characters" is exactly the same for me. Just a bunch of snowflake man-babies and snowflake woman-babies complaining about something that no one really cares about except them.
It's a game, you buy it and play it only if you want to, it's not like someone is at home and suddenly is forced to buy and play a game that they don't like how the characters look in it. And then they feel like going around the internet shouting about how (patriarchy or queer or whatever) agenda-pushing it is, just like the town crazies that people just try to ignore until they get fed up with it.
I didn't buy that game and I didn't play it either. Because I didn't like what I saw of it back in the day. Yet I'm not going around shouting about how bad this game is. This insignificant game that was released years ago and pretty much no one cares about these days (unless it is to cry about it, it seems).
The internet is just a bunch of cry-babies these days, crying about how stupid things (that don't really matter) are not how they want (and yes, I know this is NMA), and it's really tiring for everyone else.
Not to mention that this discussion really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, and that is what annoys me, so maybe I should start crying and shouting about this, since that's what people like to do here.