I reported a Russian hacker that tried to gain control of my account. I provided the Russian steam emails with the IP and previous email address, so they could ban whoever that guy was. Instead, they blocked my account
after telling me that since I had managed to get my account back by myself (I was lucky that I was online and saw the Steam email saying that my account password had been changed, and managed to immediately change the new password and also changed my email password right away too, just in case, that made the "hacker" not have control anymore).
Before they blocked my account they sent me an email saying that there was no proof any attempt of stealing my account had been made (this was after I contacted them providing copies of the Russian Steam email with all the info, with the precise date and time some Russian changed my account password and tried to change my Steam email and other stuff). In the end of that email they sent me, there said that they hoped I was pleased with their response... I wasn't pleased and replied saying just that, how I provided all the proof and that it was very irresponsible of them to ignore all of it and just wish me a good day.
I got a reply apologizing and blaming the previous Steam email as a mistake, apparently, I got sent the wrong response email

. This new reply said that it was obvious that there have been an attempt to hijack my account, but since I managed to stop it myself, they couldn't do anything else anymore, since my account was now safe and no other attempt to steal it have happened in the meanwhile.
While I was reading this new email, I received another saying my account has been blocked

. I tried to login into Steam and indeed, my account was blocked. I contacted them and asked why my account had been blocked after they told me that it was safe and they dodge that question and started asking me for proof I was the owner (I had already provided plenty of proof in my previous email)

. They wouldn't unblock me unless I remembered really stupid info, like the precise day I made my Steam account for example

as if I could remember that. Then they asked me for a hardcopy cdkey, I couldn't just type the key, I had to take a picture of the game box with the manual that showed the key on it.
Took them 3 or 4 days to unblock my account, always dodging the question of why I got blocked in the first place

For those 3 - 4 days I couldn't play my games. If I didn't have that stupid Front Mission Evolved hardcopy game still with the manual where the key is, I would have lost all of my Steam games. That is why I don't own my games, I can lose access to them anytime someone on Steam presses the wrong button and blocks my account.
From now on, I am avoiding Steam customer support as much as possible, no way will I be reporting hacking attempts, since they are useless and will block me, after telling me that my account was safe and I didn't have to worry about hackers anymore
