General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Managed to track down an old Dreamcast game I played when I was like 4. I didn't understand what was happening but I remember if you stepped on the people running around a pool of blood would form lol.

It's a great game; demonstrably better on PC than Dreamcast (even back then).

It's available on GoG:


I randomly remembered when I worked on a call center for comcast for a while I once received a call from a guy, quite respectful and receptive to what I had to say, that was having issues with his pc, once we went through troubleshooting and he told me the issues with his PC I deduced it was more a virus infection rather than an internet issue, the guy very politely agreed with me, then called his son over and started yelling at him and whopping his ass for infecting the pc he then thanked me and said he was gonna call an engineer friend of his to fix the pc.
Reconnect with dad because he had a depressive episode almost killed himself.
I make it a point to call him once a week, decide to call him on the 30th of december to aks him how he is going.
Unprompted he tells me I should throw my cats into the street and get rid of them because he think I should.
Immediately remembered why I disconnected from him and that he probably simply reaped what he sowed with my two sisters as well.
Reconnect with dad because he had a depressive episode almost killed himself.
I make it a point to call him once a week, decide to call him on the 30th of december to aks him how he is going.
Unprompted he tells me I should throw my cats into the street and get rid of them because he think I should.
Immediately remembered why I disconnected from him and that he probably simply reaped what he sowed with my two sisters as well.
Sounds like he has a mental illness and you should probably not take shit so personally. That is what he would do to the cats.
Well he also told me to dump my girlfriend, told my sister she ruined her life when she came from England to tell him that she was expecting a daughter (she has a career and a husband there so they are economically stable) and he rants a lot about how nobody wants to talk to him. I wonder why.
Tbh I think people value having children way too much. It might end up ruining her life in the long run who knows? He sounds bipolar.
Self help for men nowadays is like "Don't groom yourself, if you aren't fit don't bother, don't jerk off, hate women and yourself, and also other men, except for me, I am your new dad, send me 50 dollars a month".
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Self help gurus want to keep their money flowing in. Of course they aren't going to fully help their clients. This goes for any of these self proclaimed self help coaching people, for men and women.
I know a guy that did nothing but watch those videos and he is a fucking mess.
Realized only my girl cat is territorial and kinda crazy. Whenever another cat gets close to the house, like when she looks at it from the window she will usually growl at it and get really angry, sometimes even gets angry at Jasper out of frustration. And for a while I assumed Jasper would be the same way, but today I caught him playing with another cat on the other side of the window and he only hit the window with his paw when I got into the room, I think to signal the other cat to leave. Kinda cute.
I need a simple solution to these images with long file names that will not delete or move.