General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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I mean he literally is the best guy in the series at brainwashing people. Plus it is all in the codecs pretty sure.
Sure, sure just let me buy and consume those thousands of additional material so that I can get the logic of the game and to understand it better. Maybe the next game should be delivered as a book?

Just joking. I get you. And it's not really a game breaking issue. But it's just ... silly. Because it's handwavium. Akin to Geordy explaining Picard with technobabble why that pecuilar solution to their predicament worked so well.

The enemy becomes your soldiers? Oh yeah. It's because Ocelot is a master-brainwasher! But well. As I said. MGS as a franchise is full of such stuff. And it somehow works. Most of the time.
Sure, sure just let me buy and consume those thousands of additional material so that I can get the logic of the game and to understand it better. Maybe the next game should be delivered as a book?

Just joking. I get you. And it's not really a game breaking issue. But it's just ... silly. Because it's handwavium. Akin to Geordy explaining Picard with technobabble why that pecuilar solution to their predicament worked so well.

The enemy becomes your soldiers? Oh yeah. It's because Ocelot is a master-brainwasher! But well. As I said. MGS as a franchise is full of such stuff. And it somehow works. Most of the time.

Nah you don't have to buy anything it is all in the game. Ocelot is a master of torture and interrogating in a series with doppelgangers and brainwashing. It just works.

For one Skullface is a fag and nobody likes him.
Do not talk about Jensen like that you motherfucking Orderite scum. Hey voof.

For one Skullface is a fag and nobody likes him.
I feel like they fumbled with him and missed the opportunity with his character. Still had one of the best (maybe the best?) cutscene in MGS:

On second viewing seems Kojima was watching a lot of JJ Abrams at the time. Wow, shaky cam and screen flare. So kool..
I feel like they fumbled with him and missed the opportunity with his character. Still had one of the best (maybe the best?) cutscene in MGS:

On second viewing seems Kojima was watching a lot of JJ Abrams at the time. Wow, shaky cam and screen flare. So kool..


It's 1965, you've been selected and prepared for you trip into space aboard a new space capsule. It's a tense, but exhilerating moment as the countdown starts when suddenly the title screen music from Morrowind starts playing.
I wanna see Pokemon Fan artists reimagining Gen 1 Pokemon into the style they think Gen 1 had.






Would be funny to see them remake Diglet, Snorlax, Jynx and Golduck in this version of Gen 1 that only exists liminally.