General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Yup, that's Max alright. I've actually never played the second one. Apparently they used the writer's face for that model. Crazy ass eyebrows.
Max Payne 1 was brilliant, Max Payne 2... I thought it was pretty good (gameplay-wise, it was a lot of fun), but they changed too much stuff with the story:
[spoiler:40eee37491]For example, at the end of Max Payne 1 he said he hoped Woden would get him out of the big mess (and that he had the tape to ensure he did), but at the start of Max Payne 2 he said something along the lines of wanting to be punished for the crimes he committed (and that he wished Woden didn't step in, or something), and then demoted himself.[/spoiler:40eee37491]
Max Payne 2 also had too many escort missions.

Max Payne 3 is probably going to replace painkillers with regenerating health or some shit.
I understand Rockstar might want to push Max Payne franchise in a diffrent direction isntead of doing the same old stuff over and over (even though it's been brilliant so far), but goddamn if they didn't go over the edge this time.

As for what I am playing - Singularity from time to time. A good shooter with completly fucked up story and setting. So many things just don't make sense...but still, it's quite enjoyable.
Einhänder said:
Yup, that's Max alright. I've actually never played the second one. Apparently they used the writer's face for that model. Crazy ass eyebrows.
And yeah, it's Sam Lake.
Rise of flight, a brilliant and unbelievably beautiful sim.


Reconite said:
Max Payne 3 is probably going to replace painkillers with regenerating health or some shit.
That has already been confirmed by Rockstar along with cover mechanics, QTE and multiplayer. Source: . I don't know where i read about regenerating health but i know it's been confirmed. But maybe (hopefully) they changed their minds. The unconfirmed remains to be wether Max Payne is now a space marine in a special super suit fighting arabic communists and wether the game will use more than 3 buttons.
zkylon said:
That has already been confirmed by Rockstar along with cover mechanics, QTE and multiplayer. Source: . I don't know where i read about regenerating health but i know it's been confirmed.
Well, shit.

And the thing about the skin-head look is way too overused in today's gaming industry. Every second game has a skin-headed/extremely short-haired protagonist.

OakTable said:
Borderlands again. Fucking Diablo with Guns, making me play it every few months in order to level a character to max.
Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to play it exclusively until level 50. It's just so repetitive after the first 20 or so hours of playing.
Reconite said:
And the thing about the skin-head look is way too overused in today's gaming industry. Every second game has a skin-headed/extremely short-haired protagonist.

Well it's hard to render hair properly in these awesome next-gen graphics.
And of course, this will make me replay Max Payne 1 and 2 again. Nothing like the dose of nostalgia to keep my optimism.
Multidirectional said:
Well it's hard to render hair properly in these awesome next-gen graphics.
I'd sooner refer to it as developer laziness.

Also, I'm going down to England for a week from next Monday, (and I own no laptop to play games on to bring with me) whilst I'm half-way through a System Shock 2 playthrough. Shit sucks. :(

Guess I'll have to finish it up when I get back.
Reconite said:
Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to play it exclusively until level 50. It's just so repetitive after the first 20 or so hours of playing.
You're talking with a guy who has played through Diablo II and Borderlands multiple times. I enjoy those things. I bought all 3 DLCs for Borderlands.

However, Borderlands could have used some improvement. I think that the random art change (while indeed for the better) took a lot of time out of development that could have been spent on other things. They really should have given you fast travel earlier, to kind of relieve boredom between walking from place to place.

There was also the unnecessarily long tutorial area. It should have been a quick run to learn the controls and then out you go into the better areas. Finally, it could have benefitted from adding more items (crazy I know?) like armor.
I spent almost all day yesterday playing Dungeon Keeper. I stopped because the game kept crashing every time I'm about to beat this certain level, which is odd since I've played through it before on that same computer, same install. Oh well.
Morrowind. My main hard drive recently suffered a physical device error (or whatever, can't boot from it is the main problem) so I'm playing this oldie on my parents laptop until I get a replacement hard drive.
Runs surprisingly well on a laptop that doesen't have a graphics card.
Alphadrop said:
Runs surprisingly well on a laptop that doesen't have a graphics card.

Only CPU matters in Morrowind. I remember upgrading my GPU from Geforce 4 Ti4200 to 7600GT and Morrowind ran exactly as shitty as before, at 30 FPS max. It's only when I bought whole new PC that I could get a steady 60 FPS in that game.
PainlessDocM said:
^Great game, hope you don't run into the endless election bug :)

No bugs as of yet, game is actually playing incredibly smooth even on 1440x900 on medium-high settings. That had me surprised, there's few games, I can play on such a higher resolution, on higher settings. Anyway, right now I'm playing Hitman and Sengoku Rance on and off, waiting for Splinter Cell Conviction to get here from Gamefly. I'm hoping it's at least somewhat enjoyable.
Ugh. I just tried Modern Warfare 2. I honestly don't see how people like that game, there's just too much stuff going on for me to focus. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a much better game in my opinion.
Einhänder said:
Ugh. I just tried Modern Warfare 2. I honestly don't see how people like that game, there's just too much stuff going on for me to focus. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a much better game in my opinion.

People prefer MW2 because it's so stupidly easy, even the most cack-handed retard, can feel like some amazing pro gamer or something. Hence why you also hear so many little pricks, going on about their K/D and EM ELL GEE and all that inane shit. Even still, if you've ever seen some of the stupid MLG MW2 tourneys or whatever, the "uber 1337 pr0z" use some of the lamest weapons and junk.

Also, on-topic: Splinter Cell Conviction, though it at first worried me, actually turned out to be pretty fun. The co-op story was great, the single-player has been good as far as I've gotten etc.
Einhänder said:
Ugh. I just tried Modern Warfare 2. I honestly don't see how people like that game, there's just too much stuff going on for me to focus. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a much better game in my opinion.
While MW2 was a bitter dissapointment to me after how much fun i got outta CoD4, i never managed to understand the fun in the Bad Company games. I haven't given them a serious chance but every time i try them i get bored very quickly.

Anyways, beaten FO2, so i'm gathering mods for FO3. I doubt there's enough mods in the world to make a decent game outta FO3 but so far i have 42 files.
zkylon said:
Einhänder said:
Ugh. I just tried Modern Warfare 2. I honestly don't see how people like that game, there's just too much stuff going on for me to focus. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a much better game in my opinion.
While MW2 was a bitter dissapointment to me after how much fun i got outta CoD4, i never managed to understand the fun in the Bad Company games. I haven't given them a serious chance but every time i try them i get bored very quickly.
Never tried the first one, but I love the amount of customization in Bad Company 2, and the ability to completely level buildings, and balanced multiplayer, and vehicles, and, and...