General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Digging the hell out of some Neverwinter Nights 2 right now - 30 hours in and can't wait to start the MotB expansion pack(never played the expansion). It's been long enough since my first playthrough of the official campaign that I've forgotten most of the story.
I used to play as a full-on Paladin in all the D&D games back then. Gaaaaaaaaaay. Chaotic-good Bard\Fighter\Red Dragon Disciple\Weaponmaster is the way to go(1st level Bard and Able Learner feat for the speech skills).
Crni Vuk said:
brandonhart61 said:
TorontRayne said:
Went back to playing Civilzation 5. I am trying to provoke World War 3 by closing off the major oil routes. :)

You.. you monster!
It does not happen that he is playing the Iran or something :P

Turns out that you can avoid nuclear war by traveling to space. Maybe we should try that in real life.
Well, I'm playing FO2, with the restoration project mod. This will be the second time I've played FO2. The first time was...last week?

Also, I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I'm playing the fuck out of Haypi Kingdom on the iphone. I can't help it, I'm stuck out in the sticks without all my 'lectronics.
Makagulfazel said:
Digging the hell out of some Neverwinter Nights 2 right now - 30 hours in and can't wait to start the MotB expansion pack(never played the expansion). It's been long enough since my first playthrough of the official campaign that I've forgotten most of the story.
I used to play as a full-on Paladin in all the D&D games back then. Gaaaaaaaaaay. Chaotic-good Bard\Fighter\Red Dragon Disciple\Weaponmaster is the way to go(1st level Bard and Able Learner feat for the speech skills).

Oh, you'll be pleasantly surprised. At least in terms of story, MotB is far superior to OC, even if traveling all the way to Rashemen feels really disconnected. Not to mention that the mix of Slavic-style setting with what seems like Shinto is really odd. Still fun though. My Warlock/Hellfire/Blackguard is still sitting at the last chapter of MotB, I should really finish it sometime. You'll probably have a much easier time though, since it looks like you're playing a typical goodie-2-shoes.
Ausdoerrt said:
Not to mention that the mix of Slavic-style setting with what seems like Shinto is really odd.

That was something I really liked, helped make the setting feel different but still familiar. Wouldn't say it's really odd because old Norse stuff has plenty of animal worship so compliments Shinto nicely. Loves me a good melting pot of cultures. :V

Now I want to play MOTB again.
Psychonauts and World of Goo. Great fun and a good break away from all the present day shiny pixels and whatnots
Disgaea 3..., I must be nuts.

One of the trophy asks you to get 10 billion pts of damage.

Mayhem turn based tactical, bigger, louder and crazier than ever.

Max level is 9999, I guess I still have work to do. :lol: :crazy:
Finally got Skyrim and I enjoy the hell out of it, blows Oblivion clear out of the water (not hard to do though since I didn't like it too much).

Also picked up New Vegas again, didn't realzie I was level 24 and nearing the end of the game, I need the expansions. I don't want to finish yet
Yes, get the expansions. In my latest playthrough I've spent 15 hours in the game doing major side quests then went to do the DLCs before going any further, I'm now up to 50 hours and still have honest hearts to do before going back to the main game.

Minor spoilers as to the length of each
OWB takes about 15 hours if you explore everything and do the side quests

Lonesome Road takes about 5 if you take your time to enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. Also, see other spoiler.

Dead Money isn't too big but is extremely difficult (in a very good way) and takes a long time, I didn't really time my run very well but I think it was around 10 hours.

Somewhat major spoiler
If you hunt down the nukes and explore everything boost it up to about 8, and tack on another hour or two if you decide to try to explore ground zero
Maybe not with this paycheck, but the one after I may buy one of the DLCs, probably DM, since it was the first to come out and I'll just play them in order.
Playing Fallout: New Vegas without expansions is like fucking with a rubber.
The order doesn't really matter I think. They've all got common plot elements intertwined so all of them together build each other up and can be played in any order. OWB floods you with epic proportions of EXP and eq and is the largest one though so I'd save that one for last. It was my first one and I went from level 16 to 34
Played through the first episode of Doom (xbox360) in co op with my brother today, it took me some time to get used to the controls but they work surprisingly well once I got used to them.

I'm also setting up lots of old (Dos) games in D-Fend Reloaded. Of course I test each game after having created a profile which is always good for a nice nostalgia trip. I just ran through the first two levels of Bio Menace and will install/ "test" Halloween Harry and the Commander Keen games next :)

PainlessDocM said:
Played through the first episode of Doom (xbox360) in co op with my brother today, it took me some time to get used to the controls but they work surprisingly well once I got used to them.

Doom is certainly a masterpiece. Way to go, bro!
Hehe, it's not the first time I play it ;) I just never played it with a controller before. It certainly is a masterpiece and unlike me it never gets old.
Replaying New Vegas. This time I may actually finish the game since I have a mod that lets me talk Mr. House into leaving the Brotherhood alone. At the moment, I'm finally playing the DLCs. Dead Money was cool, worth replaying. I'm near the end of Honest Hearts right now. It's kind of a bore so far. Looking forward to Old World Blues.
I've been playing a bit of Star Wars: Dark Forces and Wasteland following this fella's commentary at the same time:
I was completely burned out after my third playthrough of New Vegas but I just saw that Puce Moose created a new tweak pack of sorts and is doing Chapter III of his Tales from the Burning Sands so I might give it a go once that's finished although I know I'll have ta stuff it with mods to keep myself entertained and immersed, take it slow, explore more perhaps.