Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Are you playing on Ranger difficulty with Russian voices turn on? Because if not you're playing Metro wrong.
Nothing worse than an english voiceover with a fake russian accent.
Are you playing on Ranger difficulty with Russian voices turn on? Because if not you're playing Metro wrong.
*FTFYNothing *better than an english voiceover with a fake russian accent.
Yeah I have Russians voices turned on I can't stand the English voices.Are you playing on Ranger difficulty with Russian voices turned on? Because if not you're playing Metro wrong.
Good manYeah I have Russians voices turned on I can't stand the English voices.
MOBA? Yeah, I'm playing League too. I only did so because I got burned out on Dota 2, after only getting 3rd place in a local Dota 2 championship held in uni, but it wasn't really getting the 3rd place but rather the complication surrounding the match (having to remake twice because of the complication really drained my personal energy that by the 3rd game I lost all the will to carry on, especially as my teammates yell at me not doing any good :/ )Which ones? I've been coaxed into playing League by my brother pretty fun.
And how are the DLC's? Most people rambling about the game have a positive opinion about them.Finally finished Dark Souls 2 SOTFS...
The DLC was..meh it's more of the same with some reskined bosses and varied environments but nothing special.And how are the DLC's? Most people rambling about the game have a positive opinion about them.
Also, art thou planning to go through Dark Souls 3, or your PC isn't beefy enough/don't wanna/waiting for GOTY ed. ?
Finally finished Dark Souls 2 SOTFS:
-Works out of the box with 60FPS and mouse controls
-Mouse can be used in the menus
-Seeing summon signs, player messages, and bloodstains is actually possible this time around
-Visuals look pretty decent
-No framerate drops
-Mouse camera is really good
-Fast loading times
-Arbitrary stat to make rolling even a viable tactic like Dark Souls
-Enemies track like a bitch
-Some enemies have infinite stamina(think Drakekeeper Mace)
-Bosses are pretty easy
-Every time you start up the game you have to disable double clicking for the mouse again
-Console controller buttons in the menus
-Levels are inconsistent
-Gameplay gets repetitive
-Miss the Dark Souls 1 leveling(bonfire)
-Prefer Dark Souls 1 way of repairing weapons and weapon condition
-NPCs are pretty dull
-Guard break and jumping attack barely worked for me
Overall I didn't really care for it and I would not recommend it to anyone. If you want to play a Dark Souls game then play Dark Souls 1. Now I have the urge to go back through that game again.
And yet i wish we had more:Anything more relating to Dark Souls 1 will only feel like fan service and milking the series, something DS3 from time to time comes dangerously close to.
Still hate things like Bed of Chaos, Capra Demon boss fight, any place with copious amounts of eye piercing lava but yeah it's pretty good other than that.Happy to hear your opinions on Dark Souls 1 at least seem to have changed a bit to the positive.
I thought 2 was godawful but I kept playing because it was a Dark Souls game with a really damn good mouse camera and other features right out of the box. Can't say anything about the PvP besides the one guy who invaded me with a ultra geatsword early on in the game while I was using a crappy dex weapon and after he brought me down to within an inch of my life he was blocking while I kept hammering away at him(think luke vs vader return of the jedi) until I won.While I agree with most of your cons for DS2, I did enjoy the hell out of that game and I think I've sunk more hours into it than the first one. Even though the first is by far my favorite. But what I enjoyed most about 2 was the change in tone and setting, and that the lore was connected but still its own thing (with the connections themselves a fun thing to discover). Now that I'm almost done with 3, which is amazing by the way, and everything is more or less directly connected to the first game, I appreciate those things in 2 even more.
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.We don't talk enough about gaming. Tell us what you are playing the most of right now, plus any thoughts you might have on the game.
This weekend I'm going to try and finish up the UFO: Afterlight Campaign for the second time. Its a really solid game, the most refined and polished of the series, but I still feel the combat would be much better turn based.