General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Stellaris. It's so hot right now. Stellaris.

I recommend it if you like Paradox and space strategy games. It's definitely unique among other space strategy games.
I wish I could try Stellaris, but I am too poor so I have to wait for a very good sale :hide:.

I am playing at the moment Civ V again (with all DLCs and probably around 400 mods :aiee:)
After some tweaking with the dsfix ini I finally got Dark Souls to have a decent performance. I already killed the Gargoyles and the Moon Moth. Currently trying to get my cestus reinforced to +4 so I punch my way through.
Almost done with Dark Souls 2, it's worse than Dark Souls 1. Enemies tracking you like this shit:
then you have enemies that have infinite stamina since they can do this: hardly takes a breath.

Anyways besides that I've been starting Gothic II but the movement is wonky as hell, feel like the lower half of my body wants to go sideways while my top half is trying to move forward. Enjoying it other than that so far.
Finished Borderlands 2 on the first difficulty level. The game is just great all around, will probably get back to the higher difficulty levels sometime in the future. Now continuing my "Xcom: enemy unknown" playthrough.
Done with Firewatch now after a second playtrough just to find stuff i missed. Loved the game but as said before it is kinda short and it gives you a false feeling of choices when the outcome will pretty much be the same +- some dilogue.

Also i found one of the best game songs in a long long time so that is a + i guess!

Next will be going back to Stalker to finnish the 2 first games and then i guess i should finish of The witcher 2 before i get my new CPU so i don't have to save the files etc.
Finished Borderlands 2 on the first difficulty level. The game is just great all around, will probably get back to the higher difficulty levels sometime in the future. Now continuing my "Xcom: enemy unknown" playthrough.
... have fun. I hated Play-through 2, bullet sponges galore removed most of the fun :(

And I'm about to start another play of Grandia 2 Anniversary Edition for shits and giggles.
Chaser, old school Slovak sci-fi FPS from 2003, developed by our company Cauldron.
Decent shooter running on Cauldron's proprietary Cloak NT engine, quite good looking for such prehistorical game! Huge levels full of details and nice effects. Haven't played it before, so I started now out of curiosity and patriotic duty.
Why did you have to wipe your hard drive?
Virus. My virus protection couldn't remove it, and I couldn't be bothered to sort it out manually. All my stuff is backed up on flash drives, so all I really lost was time. I've had the hard-drive die on this thing (after owning it for about 5 months), so I don't store anything important permanently on it.
Virus. My virus protection couldn't remove it, and I couldn't be bothered to sort it out manually. All my stuff is backed up on flash drives, so all I really lost was time. I've had the hard-drive die on this thing (after owning it for about 5 months), so I don't store anything important permanently on it.
How did you manage to do that? Hows Morrowind?
How did you manage to do that? Hows Morrowind?
There's an option in windows that allows you to reset to factory setting.

Morrowind is good. Someone from the dark brotherhood tried to kill me. He wasn't very good. Now I have lots of money (that armour was worth a lot). I decided to sell it because I'm going medium armour, and wearing armour that's from a faction that kills people wouldn't be good for role-play purposes . I also rescued some slaves. Hopefully that won't bite me in the butt later.
I've already mentioned this twice in other threads, but I may as well mention it again because it's really good. Stellaris! It's a cross between the 4X space strategy genre, and the signature Paradox Grand Strategy games (Hearts of Iron, Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, etc.).

The diplomacy and economy is a lot more straightforward and Civilisation-like than most PGS games though, and I've heard that turned off some of the core fans, but honestly it's only because of the slight dumbing-down that I was able to get into it. Other PGS games have always been a pain for me, fun at times but mostly just frustrating micromanagement and a lot of memorising. Stellaris is my current favourite, though more options when it comes to managing your empire wouldn't hurt, but hey there's mod support for that.

That tends to be my pattern with strategy series really - try one, didn't like it, wait some time, it gets dumbed down, play that one. Nice to see the "dumb-down" thing actually work in my favour for once, and it's a new IP and not an existing one so core fans shouldn't mind. Still looking forward to Hearts of Iron 4 though, maybe this time I might actually get into it now that I've had a hand at one of their other games.
There's an option in windows that allows you to reset to factory setting.

Morrowind is good. Someone from the dark brotherhood tried to kill me. He wasn't very good. Now I have lots of money (that armour was worth a lot). I decided to sell it because I'm going medium armour, and wearing armour that's from a faction that kills people wouldn't be good for role-play purposes . I also rescued some slaves. Hopefully that won't bite me in the butt later.
I meant getting the virus.
Heheh that sounds like quite a story, the slave part will probably come back to haunt you later.
Been playing Mafia 2 again lately since I'm a bit of a completionist. Hard difficulty isn't nearly as challenging as I thought which kills some of the fun of it. The story definitely feels like it's missing some story here and there since a good portion was cut during development.