Been playing Tale of Wuxia... Super bad Chinese to English text translation (and some dialogues are not translated so they are still in chinese), I also hate the stupid mini-games (Cooking, Mining, Harvesting, Blacksmithing, etc) although the fishing mini-game is kinda of ok. I also don't like the stupid mini-game for unlocking the higher tier chests (although the ones where we have 50 moves to unlock them are fine, but when we only have 20 moves it just annoys me).
Despite all of this I still manage to enjoy the game for some reason, exploring the towns and talking to people is nice (although the text is very bad translated like I said), the different fighting styles are cool and I like the variety (I am focusing on Sword styles, but the game also has Fist styles, Finger styles, Broadsword styles, Staff styles, etc) the game does not hold our hand, I lost almost every fight until I had to restart because I had made a mistake somehow and my character's first and second names were stuck together and that was driving me crazy... I even once lost against a chicken and a rooster (in the first 15 minutes of playing) and got a game over

I also like how you have time while you are in a town, you usually have something you need to do in that town at a specific time and you can explore and wander around the town before that specific time (it's when we can do quests, find and loot chests, go to stores to buy and sell stuff and play mini-games to increase our skills and gather items) if you didn't do all you wanted before the time runs out, then too bad

All food, tea and wine can be consumed to permanently increase a tiny bit our HP and Energy which is interesting but can also make some quests impossible to complete if we buy all the stuff from a vendor and eat/drink it immediately to increase our stats and then we later find a quest where we need to give some particular wine or food or tea to someone and the vendor is all out of stock because you consumed it all before

If this game had a good translation and got rid of the stupid mini-games it would be a great game in my opinion.