Supreme Shah Ismail
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

RE7 demo and once finals are over gonna start Titanfall 2.
What's wrong with the quests and characters?I started the Heart of Stoned DLC a couple of months back and it was the only thing that managed to make me stop playing Witcher 3 entirely. I hated the quests and characters so much. Is Blood and Wine better?
And he is so much better than wild hunt or
as villainUnseen Elder
I just finished Deus Ex Mankind Divided newgame+ and I enjoyed it and the fanservice cutscenes and agree with most about the abrupt ending. I would like to go back after the dlc cycle is through. I did not like breach mode for obvious reasons, and hate tacking on a multiplayer mode. Would have liked the time and money on that to be spent making more quest and hubs in the base game. Also a personal gripe, why the hell do you do a game in Prague and not have Charles Bridge.
Do you know if the DLC is any good? I would like to play DX:MD and Dishonored 2 again.
I disagree there, quests are not that linear at all, and I really love the deep characters like the Everecs <3 but to each his own i guess ^^The quests are extremely linear and the characters are obnoxious.
Done with Quake 2 and i'm so pissed that 2 parts of the game is still bugged after all these years.. I want 100% secrets and kills god damn it!Tried the first expansion but it was so boring from the start that i gave up. CBA.
Installed Darkest dungeon to get the last cards on steam but i was not really going to play it yet.. But it was just too much fun so i've spend and hour or 2 on it.
Tried a puzzle/exploring game called Maize. Probably the best humor game i've played in ages! Sadly it was really short with 3 hours or so.
Isn't the main antagonist of Blood & Wine either Syanna or Dettlaff? The Unseen Elder does not do much except unlock an additional outcome.
Nein.Tropico, the first one.
Adress me as El Presidente, or else..
Final Fantasy XV has been a pleasant surprise even with the minor problems I have with the game. With the definitive version of XII coming out soon I should be set for the Final Fantasy 30th anniversary.
The movies are somewhat important to the story unfortunately so some people will be dissuaded from the game right from the start. This is actually one of the first games I have ever had a desire to buy a Season Pass for so take that for what you will.
A lot of the story gripes are a mix of people not reading between the lines, watching the related media, and sloppy editing/budget constraints. The lore for the FFXIII series was all cut from the game leaving the lore a bit lacking in comparison. The development of the past 10 years is pretty interesting actually if you look back and see how the game changed from Versus/XIII to XV. Despite all the problems this is one of my favorite Final Fantasy games to date.