So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Some of the later parts in Eir Glanfath are a little tedious, but the last part of the game is interesting enough to make up for it.However, I've heard from too many people that game gets worse as time goes by. Hope that's not true.
You can bring companions from White March back in to the main game, and there are a few changes to character building(letting you take abilities from other classes) but apart from that there is very little overlap. It takes place in a completely different game-world, and doesn't really have much of an impact on the main game.And I wanted to ask a question to those who have played - is White March DLC necessary? I don't have it and I can't afford it ATM, but I wonder is the content of the DLC integrated into main game (a la Tales of the Sword Coast) or is it a completely different experience not connected to the main game?
It really isn't necessary so if you can't afford it, go ahead and complete the main game without it.
Although I would recommend playing White March if you get the chance. Its honestly Pillars at its best, with IMO some of the most fun companions/dungeon/scripted encounters.