This ghoul has seen it all

Dishonored is kicking my balls, trying a no kill run and then I randomly get a kill that I don't even know when it happened. Maybe it was the stupid flies.
Dishonored is kicking my balls, trying a no kill run and then I randomly get a kill that I don't even know when it happened. Maybe it was the stupid flies.
I think they are unoptimized with how lax they are getting with ports and publishers rushing devs.It being a Bethesda game of course it's also very poorly optimized, out of the gate it set me to Very Low on everything, shit looked like a ps2, which is weird because I run Witcher 3 with everything on high with no Hair Physics. Had to tinker with it a bit so it didn't crash but also so it didn't look like ass. I am convinced a lot of these PC Ports have their required specs truncated artificially.
I've been in a bit of a retro mood recently so I booted up Robocop Vs. Terminator. Don't ask me why. I recall renting it as a child for the SNES. It appears that is the shit version to play though so I plan on trying the Genesis version soon. Speaking of which I want the new SNES Classic. I won't try hard to get it though. If I come across one I might buy one otherwise I will just finish my emulator box.
I did try Terminator CD.
Very good game and excellent soundtrack. Oh and I disregard the Gameboy version of Robocop Vs. Terminator. I did play the Gameboy a bit back in the day I just don't ever count those really. It's like counting Donkey Kong Land. Although there are exceptions like with Super Mario Land.
And I am glad FNV does not have a similar modscene to Skyrim.I wish NV was developed on creation engine, this way I am sure it would have similar modscene to skyrim.
And I am glad FNV does not have a similar modscene to Skyrim.
Skyrim brought the start of the really toxic/downhill Bethesda modding community.
Full of primadonnas, giant egos, god complexes, blind fanboys (yes, there are blind fanboys of modders in the Skyrim modding scene), attention seekers, mod thieves/plagiarism, etc. It is a mess I wouldn't want to dwell in, that's for sure.
Well, like I said:Really? I didn't know that, then in that case I take it all back. Still, wish Gamebryo was replaced with something better. Btw, what happened to Skyrim mod scene that made it so toxic?
Like AWOP...Well, like I said:
"Full of primadonnas, giant egos, god complexes, blind fanboys (yes, there are blind fanboys of modders in the Skyrim modding scene), attention seekers, mod thieves/plagiarism, etc.".
I can add more:
Modders who don't share knowledge about modding, people who take over other people mods and get the credit for those mods even though they are only maintaining the mods (and not created them), people who dismiss anything other (way more knowledgeable) modders tell them, modders who think they are superior modders (and handwave other people's work, words and knowledge) because they managed to get a (small or big) fanbase but their mods are only cluttering interiors, etc.