General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Got my PS4 back and now I am playing through Crash Bandicoot. This game is way more frustrating than an 8-year-old me remembers. I almost regret the purchase.
Well, Cartels do dabble in human trafficking. They aren't nice people.

So many interesting games coming out one after another right now, which is weird seeing how dry last year was for me, of course none of those games are AAA releases. But I can't buy anything this month because my old ass Ipod broke and had to spend 90 dollars on a Fiio x1.
There was a reboot?
I'm pretty sure it was just a trilogy that had a spinoff called The Dark Mod, that other game just happens to have the same name as Thief.
I have played some of the levels for the Dark Mod. There is no campaign, it's mainly used for people to create fan missions. Some missions are good, some are mediocre, depends on the FM you are playing. While it does have a few AI problems the biggest problem for me is the sound design.
I'm delving in my backlog; a visual novel, an old JRPG (FF7 to be precise), year 2 of Stardew Valley (where I run a successful winery) and a dash of Planescape: Torment (mage build).

I'm playing the thief series right now. Right now i'm on thief 2, after that it's deadly shadows.
That reminds, I should take another crack at the series. As for reboot, I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole.
The Thief reboot was the last totalbiscuit video I ever watched. It just screamed sellout. I forgive him though, and may he Rest In Peace. :(

Edit: I can’t believe people like him die so young and pieces of dogshit like me are still breathing.
Picked up Vampyr. It reminds me a lot of the Frogwares Sherlock Holmes games and LA Noire by way of legacy of Kain. I'm enjoying it. The combat sucks.
I've been playing Halo: Online. I tried it years ago when it was basically a bad Halo 4 port, but I recently re-installed it and it's basically Halo 3 ported directly to PC. It's great fun. I've not really enjoyed a multiplayer shooter since Halo: Reach and this brought me right back in, it's such genuine fun.
I've been playing X-Com: UFO Defense a lot the past few days. It's pretty brutal actually, but incredibly deep. I haven't been able to advance too far actually. Still getting a feel for things.
It gets annoyingly easy once you get a hang of it and it could get easier once you have the Blaster Bomb and Mind Control.

Are you using OpenXCOM?

Seriously frustrating at times. But enjoyable.

Currently on my forth campaign. Love this game.

I've been playing X-Com: UFO Defense a lot the past few days. It's pretty brutal actually, but incredibly deep. I haven't been able to advance too far actually. Still getting a feel for things.

A classic from when games were really brutal. Ethereals right off the bat can happen and can really screw you up first thing, like 1 ethereal and your whole skyranger is gone.