General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Played Baldur's Gate 3 my usual way, no guides or walkthroughs. I messed up a quest or two but still reached level 12 (cap) 2/3rds of the way through. I gained xp to raise at least 1 possibly 2 levels.

The game looks gorgeous and the pathfinding is excellent. You can click on the ground when atop of a tower and the group always finds it's way.

When jumping gaps sometimes a team member/companion will not jump so you have to adjust.

There are quite a few gory scenes, the most violent is when Astarion confronts his old master. The bone crunching and squelching noises as the boss being stabbed by frenzied Astarion are quite satisfying.

I never touched the colour dyes. I expect they appeal to the kiddiwinkles that think Fallout 4 is * The Sims * with monsters which are jealous of your building prowess.

All in all BG3 is a very good game I think it may win some awards.
Update on my Brutii campaign, finished it and i did something completely unnecessary: i conquered the world. So i conquer Rome, the game starts singing my praises, and then say "fuck it, let's conquer the world". Of course the next like 50 turns was me battling the other Roman factions because they had so many armies.

Spain for some reason was spared by the red Romans (the red Romans usually destroy the Gauls and Spain) because they never attacked their capital, for some reason. So i send a diplomat, give them a ton of money, ask for alliance and trade rights. For a while they seemingly were doing nothing, not attacking the red Romans, nothing. I start to push through Italy, i destroy the blue Romans and conquer the north of Africa. i get to Spain, i start conquering cities from the red Romans, but in one turn suddenly there are two big Spanish armies outside of a city in the south of spain. The very next turn these motherfuckers attack me. Of course they get destroyed, but after the huge amount of money i gave them these pieces of shit decide to attack me and not the red Romans. I destroy them in the next few turns.

So i go through Spain, France and everywhere else but England and a few cities around the Netherlands. I send a diplomat to England to see how they would respond to my alliance proposal: they instantly ask to be my vassal. I accepted because they were one of the very few factions that never attacked me or did anything to provoke me. So i conquer the rest of the cities outside of England and destroyed the red Romans. So in the end there's me and Britannia.

Now started a Saxons campaign in the Barbarian Invasion expansion.

I nabbed this during the sale and it's a lot of fun.
It's chess but you control one piece which is the king and you have a shotgun.
You get to move one square in any direction and if you get checkmated you die you also have two safe moves where if you try to move somewhere where you'll be checkmated you will lose one safe move and not move there.
When you complete a level you get to choose a powerup in the forms of cards but every good card comes with a bad card and that bad card can enhance the white pieces or add additional white pieces onto the board. So for example when you complete level 3 the queen is introduced as a piece by default and you can get a bad card that adds two knights every 15 turns. There are cards that add things to the board like a moat in the middle or pentagrams you can use for devilish purposes.

It's essentially a roguelite because of this and is a ton of fun and really innovative.
can enhance the white pieces or add additional white pieces onto the board.

Hmm ganging up on black. Also recent posts have said how much the term ' roguelike ' is detested.

I bought Legend of Grimrock 2 in an end of sale panic. Locked in a cage I random button pressed and torched meself lool
Hmm ganging up on black. Also recent posts have said how much the term ' roguelike ' is detested.

I bought Legend of Grimrock 2 in an end of sale panic. Locked in a cage I random button pressed and torched meself lool
1. Think of it this way, you get to as a black piece slaughter a bunch of white pieces! :D

2. Fuck 'em, I'll use whatever term I want. ^^

3. Legend Of Grimrock 2 is pretty ballin'.
* Mostly done with a Fallout 2 run, which is what brought me to this forum. Gauss Rifle or Plasma Rifle or Vindicator...that is the question.

* Trying to finish Baldur's Gate 3 and a bit bogged down. The production values are amazing but I'm having trouble caring about the story by Act 3. My wife and I also did a run through Act 2 where she made all the choices. Somehow, Act 3 is just not grabbing us.

* Cookie Clicker (appeals to my mild autism).
Got Jagged Alliance 3, Terminator Resistance, Robocop Rogue City and Medieval Total War 2 in the last steam sale.

Played and finished Terminator Resistance, pretty solid actually, specially from the 2014 Rambo video game devs.

Started Robocop Rogue city, also from the same devs, and i can already see all the improvements to almost everything. And it's been a blast so far, really enjoying this one.
Got Rome: Total War 2 on sale, but I just don't enjoy the battles enough to really get into that game.

I keep trying different things in Baldur's Gate 3, finally finished one playthrough. It's interesting that Steam says only 22% as of yesterday even completed the game.

Towards the end, the fights get extremely annoying. Where I feel the game fails when compared to pen and paper are some of these boss fights. If you know how the fight will go down, it's WAY easier. But why would you know how the fight would go down? There's no save scumming in pen and paper. I'm not against save scumming, my point rather is the fight should not be so hard that you have to know what's coming to deal with the fight effectively.

I think BG3 is a great game, but for 2 flaws, these annoying gimmicky fights (which no doubt appeal to a certain type of player) and
You have to help the Emperor when you first encounter Orpheus. If you don't, it's game over. That's not player choice, that's railroading. For a game that mostly goes out of its way to not do that, that was an egregious example of it.
Finished Robocop Rogue City and it's a genuine great game. Very faithful to the franchise with a lot of callbacks to the previous movies, and i'd argue that's a better sequel than Robocop 2. Started New Game Plus on the highest difficulty and gonna try the other dialogue options.

Next gonna try Jagged Alliance 3.
addicted to wow again, tis time again it is season of discovery, which is classic but with bells and whistles :)
Also playing Dino Crisis.
We don't talk enough about gaming. Tell us what you are playing the most of right now, plus any thoughts you might have on the game.

This weekend I'm going to try and finish up the UFO: Afterlight Campaign for the second time. Its a really solid game, the most refined and polished of the series, but I still feel the combat would be much better turn based.
I dunno yet. I want to get the old fall of Cybertron game but i'm a little short on money lol
Dino Crisis deserves a remaster or a remake. I know most of those are sloppily done, but there are good examples.
Even if they did a shitty RE2 style remake it would be better than nothing.