General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

i mean theres literally two great video game remakes so why bother risking it
According to Captain Autism maybe. I won't even go down the list and prove you wrong I will just point and laugh at how goofy you are.

Hey guys is anybody making money off DINO CRISIS right now? Did anybody EVER MAKE MONEY OFF DINO CRISIS?
Nah, ok we will try a remake since the original still exists and the rest were shit action games, and we have no creativity anymore, only mining off popular ip's, making this remake a sure thing, assuming someone attempts to give it some time in the oven instead of 6 months.
old man soul
According to Captain Autism maybe. I won't even go down the list and prove you wrong I will just point and laugh at how goofy you are.
at worst most remakes actively destroy the orignal game and replace it with a completely different experience and at best most of them just update some graphics, maybe fuck a gameplay aspect up or two and call it a day. very rarely do we ever get remakes as faithful and as goated as REmake 2002 or dead space 2023 and even those have things you can point to and be like "why the fuck did they change that"
at worst most remakes actively destroy the orignal game and replace it with a completely different experience and at best most of them just update some graphics, maybe fuck a gameplay aspect up or two and call it a day. very rarely do we ever get remakes as faithful and as goated as REmake 2002 or dead space 2023 and even those have things you can point to and be like "why the fuck did they change that"

One exception to bad remakes/remasters is the one for Mafia 1, it was apparently really well made.
Command & Conquer Remastered was good. I also like the enhanced editions of Quake and Quake 2 but I know people who are more into those games find faults.
Remasters and remakes wouldn't be such a issue if they weren't replacing the originals in digital stores.
Remasters and remakes wouldn't be such a issue if they weren't replacing the originals in digital stores.
theyd still be replacing the original's in the publics mind. now if you say demons souls or resident evil 2 people think of a completely different game that reperesents the original game basically not at all
You don't need a remake for the cultural zeitgeist to change regarding an intellectual property.
that aint what i said tho theres a difference between public opinion changing on something vs something being completely replaced and leaving public consciousness entirely
That's what happens to the old things though. How many people who talk about Fallout ever bring up or even think about Fallout 1/2/T's existence at all? Some back in the day thought that Fallout 3 was an original game and had no predecessors.
That's what happens to the old things though. How many people who talk about Fallout ever bring up or even think about Fallout 1/2/T's existence at all? Some back in the day thought that Fallout 3 was an original game and had no predecessors.
i disagree. old shit is remembered all the time its gamers specifically they have the memory span of goldfish

People bickering online about entertainment are not the people we should be looking at for memory related stats or anything really. I know when I think about people I try not to think about these zombies on Twitter and IGN and every other place like this one because obsessed weirdos online are not the majority of the population of the human race they are the minority. People like Graves that think only two good remakes have been made because he is obsessed with video games to where he COLLECTS THEM should never be listened to. Their autism/malfunction makes them UN-relatable.

People do not forget the old shit. Some people just do not care. I mean if you like The Miracle on 51st Street does it matter if you like the original or the 92 version? Does it matter if you enjoy Super Mario All Stars more than the original Super Mario Bros 3? Not really. It's all autism. It's not that different than people sniffing farts thinking Opera and Theater are superior to Cinema when it's just another thing and does not need to be compared like that. Just to stamp that one out Opera and Theater are elitist money grubbing venues which is why rich people like them since no poor people can be there.

To wrap this up I think it is important to not be so fucking nihilistic about games and movies coming out because this is the time to be alive, you have access to everything that ever existed at a cheap/free price. Sure some long running franchises are now crap but that just happens to long running ips. Go watch Popeye from 1931 to now and you will see his older stuff was the best, that being said even the shit new cartoons are appealing since the character is timeless.

TLDR If it is good it will be remembered. People still watch silent movies even though they are outdated.
dang i guess thats why 99% of all games that come out are rated M. that hasnt been true in a long time man.
obsessed with video games to where he COLLECTS THEM
eh i dont really do that anymore. i really need to sell some of my games off tbh
Go watch Popeye from 1931 to now
popeye started in 1933 and fell of around 1942 when famous studios took over production but didnt become outright bad until they started producing popeye cartoons for television in 1961. like i know that but what was i supposed to learn from that?
It's becoming that way with movies and books as well I fear.

eh there will always be weirdos who love old shit that people will be able to look to for reccomendations. thats not ever gonna go away tbh
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What is a gamer anyway? Do they all drink Mt. Dew or do only a certain percentage drink Mt. Dew? I like Mt. Dew but I am not a gaymer. Good night.