General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

dang i guess thats why 99% of all games that come out are rated M. that hasnt been true in a long time man.
What someone thinks is appropriate for a child to play and what children find appealing to play do not always exist in harmony. And yeah kids shouldn't play a game like Grand Theft Auto but holy shit was everyone in elementary school obsessed with playing it or trying to find a way to get a copy of their own to sneak home somehow.
They are rated to satiate lobbyists who wanted to have the government step in and judge the content. It is not a seal of proof showing you who the game is marketed towards.
We are not in the 80s anymore. Get with the times, old man.
Some of the people ONLINE do not know things because they are dumbass kids. People ONLINE are usually younger fucks that do not know arguing online is pointless. So no you need to learn reading comprehension. Talking about games online 24/7 like you all do is for weirdos and little kids so no NORZAN grow the fuck up and become some semblance of an adult.

Oh my are such a big boy for totally absorbing yourself in video games/entertainment your whole life! How mature! Even worse when people fixate on one franchise acting like it is the best-est ever. Idk this shit is meaningless and you acting like it is "adult" makes it more funny.
The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. People whining about fans of any type of media because they talk about that piece of media have to be some of the biggest cunts to ever exist.
Lack of self awareness? You clearly do not know where I am at in my life, plus you don't know me you know this shitty avatar at NMA. I am having this account deleted, so I am no longer compelled to talk to obsessed weirdos like yourself, even though for the past two years I have decreased my post count by about 60 percent, this is not enough progress and the writing is on the wall with this place anyway. The people here are depressing (myself included) and you are one of the most depressing of the bunch. People like you are why this place has died - you are incapable of seeing any perspective but your own due to obsession. You thought I was talking about "kids" meaning "kid stuff" but I was talking about them hardly existing on the Earth for very long, being confined mostly to the internet, so just don't bicker with kids/religious zealots/radicals online (pointless waste of time) was my point.

Have a nice life guys.
That was inevitable but sometimes you have to do a self-eject in order to become free. Hope he finds something to do with that freedom.
the idea that talking to people online is pointless is generally true unless its a situation like this where we a lot of us here have known each other for years at this point. we're not talking about a passing argument in some youtube comments. a lot of us come back on here and we'll "See" each other tomorrow. thats not nothing. im sorry youre blackpilled on human interaction now that sucks but i hope you get better while you take what i hope is a break. but i wouldnt say that me being here was pointless. at least no more pointless than anything else anyone ever does. altho me being me i gotta say the whole "you dont know the REAL me you only know fake me" meltdowns on the internet is super teen girly ngl
My main problem is that spending time on discussion boards is an escape from reality and that I find myself being online instead of doing more important IRL things. Playing, thinking about and discussing old games is a comfort of sorts. But do I need it? Would anything change if I nuked my accounts like Toront?

I wish to be more productive but can I? He said he would spend more time on Discord instead so he will probably not change his habits that much.
The idea that having passtimes you enjoy is bad because you could be painting or sucking dick instead is crazy but sure ig

Just can't get behind the idea that talking to people you like is a waste of time. Seems like whiny blackpill shit to me
Currently replaying through most of the Fallouts. I've been roleplaying as myself with permadeath. On Fallout 3 now and it is the first one I was able to beat. In Fallout 2 I wasn't able to make it out of the temple of trials due to a critical hit during the unarmed fight at the end.
Currently on another New Vegas run, modded heavily of course, collecting all of the companions, still got a few left to go
borderlands was always bad. hated those games. hated em even more that theyre unironically considered RPGs. term means literally anyhting now