Slaughter Manslaught said:Talking about HOI2... I am playing Fallout Mod a lot... There's a lot of people which play online there, yesterday and today me and a brazilian friend played it. I played with Caesar's Legion and he played with Mexican Raiders. Today, two other players joined the fray. I defeated Former USA and then Zombie Apocalypse. Meanwhile, Conqueror (the one that played with the Mexican Raiders) annexed Mexico and used his vast fortune to coup other nations and ally with them. He did this with Enclave, Canada and Dark Cathedral. Then his mutant ally (another human player) declared war against me. All his alliance followed suit. Then so it was, me, playing with the Caesar's Legion, fighting against Dark Cathedral (my previous ally, couped by Conqueror) and Canada (both military controlled by Conqueror) with some muties appearing sometimes. I managed to resist, counter-atack and I allied with the Junkers. However, half of my army was too busy fighting Canada, so the Dark Cathedral managed to repel my troops from Baltimore. I was preparing myself to react when Conqueror couped Lousiana (which is south of me), allied with them and Tadziomencel (the mutant player) took control of their troops. I was eventually defeated by huge armies of enemies atacking from all sides. Holy shit. I died, but I died with honor. Great mod, BTW.
Amazing how many mods that somewhat old game has(not really old). I guess it is a testimony to the games amazing quality. Had similar situation while playing with Japanese..had by 1943 Soviets and Allies at me...insane situation..mainland china fell pretty fast.
Then they took taiwan..then 44 there was just Japanese home isles..nothing more. And at least 300+ enemy divisions waiting to land from two sides. ill try that mod out..seems interesting enough if i can just find it.