General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Talking about HOI2... I am playing Fallout Mod a lot... There's a lot of people which play online there, yesterday and today me and a brazilian friend played it. I played with Caesar's Legion and he played with Mexican Raiders. Today, two other players joined the fray. I defeated Former USA and then Zombie Apocalypse. Meanwhile, Conqueror (the one that played with the Mexican Raiders) annexed Mexico and used his vast fortune to coup other nations and ally with them. He did this with Enclave, Canada and Dark Cathedral. Then his mutant ally (another human player) declared war against me. All his alliance followed suit. Then so it was, me, playing with the Caesar's Legion, fighting against Dark Cathedral (my previous ally, couped by Conqueror) and Canada (both military controlled by Conqueror) with some muties appearing sometimes. I managed to resist, counter-atack and I allied with the Junkers. However, half of my army was too busy fighting Canada, so the Dark Cathedral managed to repel my troops from Baltimore. I was preparing myself to react when Conqueror couped Lousiana (which is south of me), allied with them and Tadziomencel (the mutant player) took control of their troops. I was eventually defeated by huge armies of enemies atacking from all sides. Holy shit. I died, but I died with honor. Great mod, BTW.

Amazing how many mods that somewhat old game has(not really old). I guess it is a testimony to the games amazing quality. Had similar situation while playing with Japanese..had by 1943 Soviets and Allies at me...insane situation..mainland china fell pretty fast.
Then they took taiwan..then 44 there was just Japanese home isles..nothing more. And at least 300+ enemy divisions waiting to land from two sides. ill try that mod out..seems interesting enough if i can just find it. :)
horse said:
exactly. finished fo3, found no replay value (damn, that ending is like a coitus interruptus, except you dont have a boner). going back to my fav in the fallout series: FALLOUT 2. yes, you übernerds: it is BETTER than fallout 1! *flees*

Fo2 is my favorite as well. With all of the work killap has done, there's just so much more there than fo1.
That mod is damn awesome. The best game I had was a multiplayer 2x2 game. The players and alliances were:

Slaughter - The Den
Sword - Shi Empire


Ghery - NCR
Conqueror - Vault City

I began building, in my corner, then I allied with Sword and his Shi. Ghery and Conqueror allied. I prepared a huge slaver army and annexed Klamath (I took Eugene province while I was at it). Conqueror took Redding. Following that, Conqueror, our resident Destroyer Brazilian Numbero Uno (I am number two, he's crazier than me), Conqueror, attacked Gecko. Just after that, me and the Shi atacked him and his ally. War time.

I took Redding from Vault City and then we remained in a insane atrition war. One event allowed me to buy some mercenaries and I used then to take Pocatello, one of his provinces, just to take his IC production down. Meanwhile, Sword and Ghery fought it out in the deserts of San Francisco and NCR. I even had some troops to help Sword out, too. We also allied with New Arroyo against Vault City. Sword advanced, allied with the Brotherhood of Steel (which also had The Hub as puppet) and took Frisco, eventually taking Los Angeles, too, leaving him with only one province. The war eventually stalemated until we decided to stop fighting. Then it was time to deal which territories would stay with who. I got Redding from Conqueror, Sword and Ghery had a White Peace. I wanted Blue Mountains, too, but Conqueror said no. Instead, I asked him only for a support atack against New Reno. Silly puppet... Little he did know...

Some time after, New Reno declared war against Vault City and I stepped in to take 'em down, with support from vaulties and Shi. Splendid, I just controlled the capital of crime. This gave me so much needed IC. I also took Las Vegas from New Reno, too. Meanwhile, Sword fought a brief war with the Enclave, defeating them, taking Navarro and then he used diplomacy to demand all their holdings in the West Coast, save their main base in a island near Alaska. They agreed. Sword was then the king of the West Coast. Sword then contacted me about New Arroyo and we agreed to "divide" and conquer New Arroyo. He would get all areas near the sea and I would get all inland areas. And so we did. Now Sword had total acess and supply lines in the west coast. His holdings were greater than ever.

Meanwhile, the Brotherhood dissolved our alliance and then, they got conquered by Ghery's NCR. Eventually, things scaled down to another war. It was the time of a reckoning.

But I was ready. Oh so ready... While it was peace time, I used all my manpower (and I had lots due to being a slaver nation which can purchase slavers) and my IC to build armies of slavers and mercenaries, slavers and mercenaries, with lots of Machineguns and Artillery on top. Ho-boy, Vault City and NCR started a atack, but they didn't expect my counter-atacks of massive horders of cannon fodder. I eventually beat back their atacks, and with Sword help, we kicked titanic ammounts of ass!

Also, I just had a game of Age of Wonders online. Pity the Azracs atacked me from the sea and kicked my ass. Smartasses.
King's Bounty

Not enough HOMM, not enough RPG but wonderful.

-The map and battle is basically HOMM but you control only one hero.

-The story is not divided by chapters or etc, it's quest driven.
you can keep items and troops while the game progresses.

-The character sheet is much more interesting than HOMM, you got your good old
Attack, Defence, Intelligence
Mana, Rage
Leadership (Decides the size of your troops)
Skill tree: Might, Mind, Magic
You can see your wife, if you get married
She adds to your stats, she can carry items, also you can have babies... :)
If you don't like her you can get divorced. :lol:

-Some magical items can be upgraded by going inside the item and fighting it's guardian. A wonderful idea with a harsh battle!

-Good writing.
hilarious quests, humor, interesting characters, also sometimes you can solve problems in different ways.
Some decisions seem to affect the game later on.

A good game in a long time. :clap:
Playing Storm of Zehir and loving it, also i reinstalled both Fallouts and will replay them after i get tired of Zehir.
storm of zehir not only does it play well and looks good it has lots of freedom for the player there isnt a major campaign or a story to follow also call it blasfemy but it could be a good fallout 4 :)
Lately I've been hooked on Mount&Blade.
Roflcore said:
Anybody has a recommendation for a shooter? Does not need to be new, graphic should be decent and AI/realism should exist..
Have you played F.E.A.R.? It's a favorite of mine. It gets repetitive (not many variations in enemies or settings), but the AI is great and graphics aren't terrible. I'm not sure how to measure realism for you, though.

It's got bullet time (called "reflex time"), a very balanced and useful arsenal, melee combat with kicks, punches, and slides, plenty of supernatural and futuristic elements, and is thankfully lacking that fucking regenerating health so many shooters have nowadays.
The AI is great? I had in mind they were heavily scripted. At least it felt like last time I played it. I didn't like it much and didn't play it very long. I like shooters were I need my brain. I have been playing Hidden and Dangerous 2 latetly. You have to plan your own mission and you have a wide open terrain and can decide when and how to attack. I like that, you need tactics and skill. But it doesn't need to be that free, just a bit more then the average call of duty clone
Roflcore said:
The AI is great? I had in mind they were heavily scripted.
In my experience, encounters usually had quite a bit of variation in their development depending on how you acted. I often witnessed enemies taking\making cover (such as pulling down shelves or knocking over hospital beds), was flanked by someone I missed while fending off suppressive fire, was forced to leave cover due to a grenade, and enemies would communicate with each other in relevant ways. If you didn't like it, well, different strokes. I don't play many shooters, and even fewer tactical shooters, so I'm afraid that's my only suggestion.
If you liked H&D2 you'll probably like Operation Flashpoint and ArmA. I spent many hours messing with the mission editor long after finishing the campaigns. Or STALKER if you don't mind spending half your day looking for bugfixes.

Is Neverwinter Nights 2/expansions a lot better than the first one? I got tired of it quickly, it just felt like such a downgrade compared to Baldur's Gate 2.
I replayed Deus Ex 1 which is still fun after all these years, but after that I started to play Invisible War and my interest rapidly declined after a couple of days.
I am not going to finish it again.
Enigma. In case you don't know what it is, it's a great free puzzle game with hundreds of different kinds of puzzles with a warying percent of enthusiasm.
Im playing 7.62mm, russian game based on small squad tactics and like, hum, loads of real weapons to play with.

I like it because has many options to customize weapons, from scopes to laser sights and etc. (you can even duct tape two magazines together to minimize reload times, lol)

On the bad side, you need to buy the russian version and use a fan-made translation patch, and has very few maps and horrible pathfinding.

Still hooking me to death, lol.
Fantasy General. Bit of wargaming light. There's an unfortunate emphasis on keeping your units alive at any cost, since they're useless if they start over with no experience, so you can't really play it without saving and loading a lot.
Per said:
Fantasy General.
Nice game. I was playing it many years ago. I've tried to play it recently, but I somehow couldn't :roll:

Anyway, I'm replaying Medieval: Total War, since I don't have enough powerful machine to run Medieval 2 :?

In the meantime I'm also playing Knights of Honor - really enjoyable game. Something like Medieval, but not so epic and powered by 2d engine (+ RT on strategic map).
Roflcore said:
Anybody has a recommendation for a shooter? Does not need to be new, graphic should be decent and AI/realism should exist..

Operation Flashpoint


Operation Flashpoint Resistance
I always thought the original half-life had pretty good ai, especially the soldiers. They use cover effectively and will attempt to flush you out with grenades if you are hiding behind a wall or something. I remember once pounding a guy with my shotgun, and after one shot to the head, he ran away. Stupidly, I followed and got blown away by the grenade he left on the ground before he fled.