Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

WaterGirl said:
Jesus was NOT born on December 25. It's when the three wise men arrived with their gifts, thus the tradition.

Wrong again. The actual day the arrival of the three wise guys is celebrated is in January. The 6th of January IIRC -- at least in Germany.

Therefore some people (Orthodox Christs? No idea) originally celebrated the gift-part on that date (commercialism has pretty much made that obsolete tho).

Neither Jesus nor anyone else of biblical importance was born on December 25th (nor 24th) nor did anyone of noteworthy arrive at that point. It was simply a date that didn't interfere with anything else of religious importance for Christians and happend to be close to the shortest day of the year (which was celebrated by the pagans whom the Christians were trying to convert at that point).
I don't know if any other calculations went into the decision, but it definitely has no biblical reason.

Besides. Jesus was a fucking Jew and most likely looked more like Osama Bin Laden than anything else. I doubt there were any christmas trees or Europeans around when he was born in Betlehem (if he existed at all) either. The entire western depiction of the story is bullshit.
Wooz said:

You suck :lol:
You guys are like all four days too late with your birthday wishes.
You know that there is a great chance he's already dead by now, right?
Happy Birthday!

Since it's after mid-night in most of Europe...

Happy Birthday! MWUHAHAHAHA Tease me for being 32 will ya? Well guess who's 30 now folks.
