Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Joyous festivities on your day of birthing.

May the fermentations of fruits and maize permeate your cortex and the blossoms of a thousand virginities crush before your rod.
Vault 13 said:
Maphusio said:
Vault 13 said:
Thanks ya All !!!
Birthday was Great ! Lots of Drinkingz :drunk: and Lots of Sexingz (With the Hand :mrgreen: ) !

...Left or right?
Can't seem to remember right now, but i will focus on that next time :mrgreen:

Good, because its those kinds of things that make life extra ... *shudders* slippery...
Looks like I'm a year older today :) Hm! Feels pretty much like yesterday, though (almost) :) And now I'm gonna go and elect the future President of Russia.