GG's views on NMA

I'll make an executive decision on this thread:

I rule that Zoe's post was entertaining.

I rule that GG post (the first one)was not waranted.

I rule that no flame wars will evolve from this thread, or i'll put anything beyond Zoe's post in the vats.

And LAST NO NMA VS DAC post continuation in this thread or another.

now kiss and make up

*takes out camera*
Well, I think Ghetto Goose is making a good point, and it's a fine criticism. We have gone through periods of very intellectual debates, and periods of flame fest, and sometimes it's been very spammy. The board changes, but it changes as the posters decide.

Here's the deal. This is pretty much an open forum. You post what you want to post. If people pay attention, great. If people don't, ok. Threads die too.

But it's the users who make the site. If you want more intellectual or serious debate, go ahead and make it. So ghetto, as a participant on the board, it's also your site. If you want to contribute, please do so. If you want to criticize fine. But if you don't like how things are going, post stuff you are interested in.
Ugly John said:
And LAST NO NMA VS DAC post continuation in this thread or another.


With the exception of the few of us who take the trouble to get to know most places well enough, almost everyone on NMA and DaC seems to hold the position that the other side sucks balls.

It's stupid and pointless. Everyone will continue to miss the fact that NMA and DaC grew into sites their users like because of the simple fact the users post there. Geee, ya think?

I'm sick and tired of the slinging mud back and forth between NMA and DaC. It's really stupid. Neither one is better, or ever will be better.

PS: Asshats pwns DaC in flaming, though
Ok, no more flaming, but I really never attacked him personally, and that "double post" I did to show that the two posts occurred one after another, at different times, but I guess I'll just edit the first post the next time the situation arises.

Actually, before I wrote that post, I never even saw the DaC forums, so I got nothing against DaC, but If someone says that DaC is better(Or at lease they think so, which is fine) *and* says they "handed my ass to me* just because they made a list, wouldn't you try to hand their ass back by making an ever bigger list?

EDIT: and no more DaC vs NMA, it was stupid, now that I think of it.
calculon00 said:
*bullshit about the top thread at the time*

First of all, the furthest one up would depend on when you looked.

Second, you guys have The Order. 'Nuff said there.

What double post would that be? And don't tell me I deleted it, because that is impossible once you have posted your post.

Two Posts in a row by the same person = double post. You could've edited your new stuff into your previous post, or at least waited until someone else posted.

Gee, I wonder why.

Because he simply and without reason had disliked me. I didn't have these kinda conversations over there, because I didn't have to.

If you don't like the forum, don't come here.

If I could get to DaC I wouldn't. So complain to killz, and I'll be out of your hair.

Guy with the irritating ass name said:
after all freedom of speech is an essential characteristic of democracy.

Then your pals shouldn't tell me not to post.

If you want to criticize, go ahead, I just wish you wouldn't be so rude to the few girls who post on this forum, after all they are a refreshing presence and I hope more will join here, instead of comments like that scaring them away.

"OMG r u a gurl? aslaslasl!!!1"

It's not about boys/girls. It's about shitty threads. I could give a fuck less whether or not Zoe is a girl. This just happened to be a shitty post.

I'll make an executive decision on this thread:(etc. etc. etc.)

What happened to the whole free speech thing? I thought we could post anything that interested us? What? Contradicting? Very much so.

But it's the users who make the site. If you want more intellectual or serious debate, go ahead and make it.

I am right now, buddy.

It's stupid and pointless.

And poorly photoshopped images of G.W.B.'s head on womens bodies will revolutionize things around here? FINALLY we will put an end to the eternal "Which Bush girl is the Hottest!" controversy!

To Calculon, sorry. The personal attacks by me were unnecessary.

An end to the NMA vs. DaC debate? I don't think that'd ever happen, but for now, ok. But really, the spam just sucks around here though, I think we can agree.

But I do see some better ones popped up now, so kudos to them.
GG: You are of course allowed to have your opinion, but don't go and derail a topic just to please yourself..

If you don't like a topic, just ignore it or post your opinion about it. But you ended up derailing the thread and bitching about dac vs nma, which we are all so VERY SICK of..
You're right about the derailing, though I didn't do it just to please myself. It was a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing. I should've started a new thread. I thought I had apologized for that earlier but in case I haven't; Sorry Zoe, I shouldn't have messed up your thread. It wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you either.

And I guess no one likes competition around here, so I'll stop with the NMA/DaC business.

So, thread done? Cool beans.
Ghetto Goose said:
Two Posts in a row by the same person = double post. You could've edited your new stuff into your previous post, or at least waited until someone else posted.

Editting is so five minutes ago.

Ghetto Goose said:
If I could get to DaC I wouldn't. So complain to killz, and I'll be out of your hair.

Hold us hostage will you? What good do you think a good word from the admins to Killzig will do you? If the admins feel like taking the time to do so?

Ghetto Goose said:
Then your pals shouldn't tell me not to post.

Dude, if you talk smack, be prepared to be smacked. Or something like that. I mean c'mon, if I came out criticizing someone for no damn good reason (funny, yet you preach we should have good reasons to say/post something) then I would expect to be bitch slapped.

Ghetto Goose said:
And poorly photoshopped images of G.W.B.'s head on womens bodies will revolutionize things around here?

No, that is just free speech and apparently, some people thought it was funny, while others didn't. No revolution intended.

Ghetto Goose said:
And I guess no one likes competition around here, so I'll stop with the NMA/DaC business.

What the hell are you talking about? This site thrives on debates and competition. Calculon was just tring to make a point. It's just like if you say anti-American/Christian crap for no reasons around me, I'm bound to get a little upset and try and set you straight. Dude, you came here by choice, there are many other forums out there. Or, if you like, take a break every-once-in-awhile. Almost everyone here does sometimes. I have a few times. Now, ok, I won't continue anymore DaC vs. NMA. But take this into consideration, what do you think would happen to me if I went over there and complained they flamed too much? Or spammed? I wouldn't expect people to all-of-the-sudden like me or say I was right would I?
I agree with goose? You have most of the users yet you don't seem to do anything, just sort of...fuck about? If DAC is like high school on drugs at least we sort of have a conversation. NMA just takes pcp and babbles insanely while rubbing shit into each other's eyes. lewl

I don't mind nma, it's an okay place to post. Most of the people are too liberal and polite though. I don't like most of you and most of you don't like me. I can dig it though B)

Also it's not like nobody wants gg back at dac, there've been a few threads asking him to be unbanned. Free Kevin :(
I just had a look at the DAC forums and nothing was on topic. [sarcasm]Yeah, really interesting forums DAC have[/sarcasm]
I'd rather go off-topic and have SHENANIGANS than stay on-topic with pictures of george bushes head pasted on some wimmen eh hombre?

I also like the people there more. They're probably more nastier and negative, but they have a bit more character. If this kind of thread was on DAC they wouldn't make shitty comments like the above or bother with [sarcasm] either.
Ghetto Goose said:
And I guess no one likes competition around here, so I'll stop with the NMA/DaC business.

It has nothing to do with competition. I hate that mentality. NMA and DaC are not competing in any way. Why the fuck would we be?

And it has nothing to do with fear of criticism either, at least I don't hope so. Well-formulated critique on NMA's way of running things like you and Meggy have is always welcome, and we mull it over as we get it...

The problem is there's a lot of people on NMA who know dickshit about DaC, and a lot of people on DaC who know dickshit about NMA. For some reason these people on both sides believe they know enough to sling mud at the other side and declare their side holy. It happens on DaC, it happens on NMA, and I've long been sick to death of it

It serves no purpose and leads nowhere, it just pisses people off. Even if one side was trying to convince the other of something, rather than it just being a stupid online pissing contest, there's no way one side would definitely influence the other. And a good thing too, 'cause if that were so, NMA and DaC would constantly jump around trying to please one another until the two couldn't be kept apart. That'd suck, we're different for a reason.

Meggy said:
I also like the people there more. They're probably more nastier and negative, but they have a bit more character. If this kind of thread was on DAC they wouldn't make shitty comments like the above or bother with [sarcasm] either.

And I like the people on the Asshelmets more than the people on DaC. They're probably more nastier and negative, but they have a bit more character.

See what I'm getting at?

Every place differs from the other. I'm not going to wildly overthrow NMA's way of doing things just to please a bunch of people who're never going to be interested in posting here anyway, nor would I ask DaC to do the same for us.

Yes, I do agree NMA could use a bit less spam and a bit more point, but I'm hardly going to force people to conform to this opinion of mine, and I'm certainly not going to bend NMA to resemble DaC. Fuck that.
I've noticed some competition, but never have I thought that NMA and DaC were dueling forces. They both serve a purpose, NMA for it's excellent news and features and DaC for its large community. They used to compliment each other, but lately things have been weird.
Paladin Solo said:
What good do you think a good word from the admins to Killzig will do you? If the admins feel like taking the time to do so?

A whole lot of nothing.

I mean c'mon, if I came out criticizing someone for no damn good reason (funny, yet you preach we should have good reasons to say/post something) then I would expect to be bitch slapped.

I never told anyone not to post. I said what they posted sucked. They told me not to post. It's a different subject. Being as I can "express my opinion" I chose to.

No, that is just free speech and apparently, some people thought it was funny, while others didn't. No revolution intended.

An exaggeration.

What the hell are you talking about? This site thrives on debates and competition.

Well what the hell are we doing right now?

But take this into consideration, what do you think would happen to me if I went over there and complained they flamed too much? Or spammed?

You'd be treated much like I am being treated, I would assume. I never said otherwise.

I wouldn't expect people to all-of-the-sudden like me or say I was right would I?

I wasn't looking for people to like me when I posted this. I wasn't looking for people to say I was right.

I'm not going to wildly overthrow NMA's way of doing things just to please a bunch of people who're never going to be interested in posting here anyway

I'd be interested in posting here more if spam were restricted a bit more.

And all that business about not competing? Who was it again that named this thread "GG vs. NMA?" Oh, an admin. Okay. Great way to bring about a quick resolution.

I certainly don't expect you as an admin to change things based on what a couple people say. I would assume you'd do what you think is right for the community, that's all I can expect of you.

But since we can voice our opinions and whatnot, I did. I don't expect anyone to act on them, but it'd be nice.
GG: the thread title was the consequence of your derailing of Zoe's topic. Don't imply that an NMA admin made the topic, you did. I bet you'd be complaining if the topic were called anything else too.

FWIW I respect your right to say that NMA has a alot of spam and it'd be better if spam was restricted. The problem I see is that just as many spam threads evolve into something meaningful as meaningful threads devolve into spam.

Conversation and discussion is an organic thing, and restricting it in any way restricts the free flow of ideas. If the consequence of free speech is wading through spam to find the nuggets of usefullness than that's a price I'm willing to pay.
Mad Max RW said:
All the angst ridden boys hang out at DAC and all the PMSing women hang out at NMA. Good analysis?

No. There are as many angst-riden girls at NMA and PMSing boys at DAC, IMO. But who gives a fuck anyway, making analogies like this only perpetuates this threads topic and detract from conversations that are actually useful, like why women are cranky :wink:
Ghetto Goose said:
I'd be interested in posting here more if spam were restricted a bit more.

Agreed, the spam is getting a little out of hand.

I never told anyone not to post. I said what they posted sucked. They told me not to post. It's a different subject. Being as I can "express my opinion" I chose to.

Expressing your opinion is fine, flaming is not. Flaming a spam post IMO is spam, so you were contributing to it.

Mad Max RW said:
All the angst ridden boys hang out at DAC and all the PMSing women hang out at NMA. Good analysis?

Yep, about sums it up :roll: