Girls and Fallout

A friend's girlfriend just finished Fo2 for the second time. Also, i know of another friend's ex that also finished Fo and Fo2 a couple of times.
Ok first off, it still surprises me when I hear how shocked a lot of guys are uppon meeting a girl wo is a SERIOUS gamer.

That being said, I wont deny that statistically, you're probobly right about Fallout being a male dominated game. However, I AM FEMALE - and I really dont think I could be more obsessed with this series - aside from walking arround asking street junkies if they know where to score some 'Med-X'.

I have to ask tho...
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
(girls as in Angelina Jolie, not girls as in "wow, I just got out of the vault cave on easy, boy, those rats sure are tough)
You mean 'Hot girls vs. Sucky players'?
Or is Angelina Joli really into Fallout.
Ok first off, it still surprises me when I hear how shocked a lot of guys are uppon meeting a girl wo is a SERIOUS gamer.

Man, i'd love it if my girlfriend were a gamer. She wouldn't have to watch me play all those hours and she could just join in... 8-)
Blakut said:
Ok first off, it still surprises me when I hear how shocked a lot of guys are uppon meeting a girl wo is a SERIOUS gamer.

Man, i'd love it if my girlfriend were a gamer. She wouldn't have to watch me play all those hours and she could just join in... 8-)

Trust me, its not as fun when your playing a 1P game. Its like a battle royal over the controler :evil:
Trust me, its not as fun when your playing a 1P game. Its like a battle royal over the controler
Not if she has her own computer it's not!

BTw, what's with girls and SIMs? The SIMs? A lot of girls i know play the SIMs and only that...Do they like to control people's lives so much!?! Do they? Huh? Huh? :D
Heh... actually, I got my girlfriend rabidly addicted to the Fallout series (she's played all three!) and she got me interested in The Sims. Go figure, eh?

We're starting to see a generation of gamers raised by gamers come to fruition. The notion of gamer culture, of games as culture, didn't really exist back when the old archetypes (stereotypes?) were taking shape in the public consciousness. They aren't nearly as cohesive as they may once have been.

WilderWein said:
I have to ask tho...
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
(girls as in Angelina Jolie, not girls as in "wow, I just got out of the vault cave on easy, boy, those rats sure are tough)
You mean 'Hot girls vs. Sucky players'?
Or is Angelina Joli really into Fallout.

He was referring more to Angelina Jolie's persona, I think... you know, the whole tough chick, out there, kicking ass thing.
Both my sisters play WOW in unhealthy amounts. Before that there was sims and every goddamn expansion ever made to them (like 52?)

Also know a lot of women in eve-online who seem to play more than me.

Why is this still such a big deal?
Women = People
Viliny said:
Women = People

That's what they want you to think, man!
He was referring more to Angelina Jolie's persona, I think... you know, the whole tough chick, out there, kicking ass thing.
What? I girl doens't need to be tough or boyish to be good at games. Gamers aren't tough.
WilderWein said:
Buxbaum666 said:
WilderWein said:
However, I AM FEMALE
Pics or it didn't happen. Preferably of tits. Preferably of those belonging to you. But others are fine, too.

Hey you look up your own porn!

I apologise for my over-enthusiastic friend over here, he means you no harm.

He is used to posting in the (Dis)Order forum where this kind of debauchery is commonplace.

Maybe its attitudes like these that prevent women from experiencing the wonder that is Fallout.

- ''Hey guys, im a girl and I play/want to play fallout.''
- ''If you're a girl then show me your tits bitch''
- ''Ok then, maybe not''

But, but i'm just sitting with my huge glasses and sickly white skin, only leaving my dark cavern to order pizza and pepsi! I don't know how women look like, and all women i've met in my life were npcs in wow. It's completely thrilling to find out, that not only my kind are playing computer games, and to be able to read what a REAL LIFE WOMAN POSTED! :shock:
Ovg said:
But, but i'm just sitting with my huge glasses and sickly white skin, only leaving my dark cavern to order pizza and pepsi! I don't know how women look like, and all women i've met in my life were npcs in wow. It's completely thrilling to find out, that not only my kind are playing computer games, and to be able to read what a REAL LIFE WOMAN POSTED! :shock:

but... it's on the INTARDWEBS.... how can we be sure??
I am a woman and I play fallout. But I have to admit I found it at a bargain bin and bought it for a present for my boyfriend at the time. Then I ended up trying it and liking it after he showed me how to play. So I went back to the same store and found both FO and FO2 for 10 dollars each and got both.
... Where is this bargain bin? You must take me there. Now.
I have quite a few girlfriends that play FO, COD, TF2 and the like, some of them are really better than alot of guys I've seen.